
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

一. 根据首字母完成单词。(5分,每空1分)
1. Here is the r ______ of the football atch. 2. I have a good eating h _____.
3. There are any foreign t ______ on the Great wall on Oct.1st. 4. Vegetables and fruit are good for our h __
5. Ben Labert is a f _______ French singer. 答题处 1______ 2______ 3______ 4_______ 5_______
1.患感冒 2.此刻 3..保持健康
4..出示给某人某物 ____________________ 5.、视…而定,决定于
1.他嗓子疼,所以他应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。 He___ ____ throat, so he should drink soe hot tea ____ ____
2.北京是一个观光旅游的好地方。 Beijing is a great place ________ ________ .
3.我可以问你几个关于学习的问题吗?ay I ask you _______ _______ _______ ________your study?
4.对于我们说平衡饮食很重要。 It’s iportant a balanced diet.
5.她总是有压力,所以她睡得不好。 She’s always________ , so she can’t ________
( ) 1.. --- do you surf the Internet, Kate? —— Not often, twice a onth.
A. How long B. How old C. How often D. How any ties
( ) 2. If you have a toothache, you should see a .A. dentist B .cook C. teacher D. nurse
( ) 3.. I’ very . Please give e soething to drink. A. tired B. hungryC. stressed out D. thirsty
( ) 4.. I like drinking hot tea _______ ilk in it. A. of B. withC. to D. in
( ) 5.What’s ____with hi? He has a cold. A. the wrong B. the atter C. atter D. proble
( )6. I think walking is good our health. A. at B. with C. for D. to
( ) 7. he studied hard every day, he didn’t pass the exa. A. Because, so B. Although, but C. Although, / ( ) 8 .Li Ping always gets up early and he is late for school. A. usually B. often C. soeties D. hardly ever
( )9.This tie I want to do __. A. soething different B. different soething C. soe different D. anything different
( ) 10. I’ thinking about ____to the ountains for vacation. A. go B. went C. going D. to go
( ) 11. They watch TV _a week. A. every B. once or twice C. two or three tie D. once or two ties
( ) 12.___ water do you need? A cup is enough(足够的). A. How any B. How uch C.How long D. How far
( ) 13. “I’ going to Hong Kong for vacation.” “_____.” A. Thank you for telling e
B. I’ sorry to hear that C. I’ going hiking for vacation D. I hope you’ll have a good tie
( )14. I ____y pen at hoe. Can I use your pen, please? A. forgot B. sent C. issed D. lost
( ) 15. Why do you decide __ Beijing for vacation? Because I want to visit the Great Wall. A. in B. to C. at D. on
( )16. When you coe back to school, please show ___your photos. A. I B. e C. y D. ine
( )17. Would you like __with e this Sunday? A. go fishing B. to go fish C. going fishing D. to go fishing
( ) 18. When did you finish ___ the book last night? A. reading B. reads C. read D. to read
( ) 19. Do you know the __between these two words? A. different B. sae C. difference D. difficult
( )20. Your watch is so beautiful. It ust be expensive. Not at all . I only __$20 on it. A take B. pay C. cost D. Spend
五、完形(20分,每空1.分) (A ) Li ing 1 often late for school. The teacher is very angry with hi.
2 are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up 3 ,” answers Li ing. “ 4 cloc k can wake (唤醒)you up,” says the teacher.“Yes, you are 5 .But it 6 work ,” says Li ing.“Why don't you 7 it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh, I don't want it to work 8 ,” answers Li ing.“If all of us are late for school, 9 do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh, that's great! There will be 10 schools in the world,” says Li ing with a sile.wwx kb 1
( )1. A. do B. be C. does D. is
( )2. A. Why B. WhenC. WhatD. Where
( )3. A. quickly B. early C. late D. slowly
( )4. A. You B. YourC. YoursD. Yourself
( )5. A. right B. wrong C. fine D. OK
( )6. A. don't B. doesn't C. isn't D. not
( )7. A .takeB. bringC. akeD. end(修理)
( )8 A. good B. niceC. wellD. fine
( )9. A. what B. whyC. howD. where
( )10. A. no B. notC. littleD. without
( B )Suer vacation is coing soon. Soe of the students are talking __1__ spending the vacation. Jack and ike are going suer __2_ in the ountain. They are leaving next Sunday. They are staying there __3__ about three weeks. ary is going to Beijing __4__ her parents. She wants to go to the Great Wall and visit the Palace useu. She is __5_ Beijing __6__ July 2nd. They are staying there for a week. Nancy is going back to her hoetown to see her grandparents. She is staying with __7__ for half a onth. To is going __8_ in the ountain. He is going there with his brother. John wants to do __9__. He is going bike __10_ with soe of his friends around the country. I hope all of the will have a good tie.
( )1. A. with B. to C. about D. for
( )2. A. caping B. to cap C. cap D. caps
( )3. A. at B. in C. on D. for
( )4. A. and B. with C. without D. but
( )5. A. leaving B. leaving to C. leaving away D. leaving for
( )6. A. in B. on C. at D. for
( )7. A. they B. the C. she D. her
( )8. A. hike B. hikes C. hiking D. to hike
( )9. A. soething different B. anything different C. different soething D. different anything
( )10. A. ride B. rides C. riding D. rode
六、补全对话 有两个选项多余(5分,每空1分)
A: Hi, ike. The suer vacation is coing. 1_____ B: Yes, I’ going to Hong Kong for vacation.
A: 2______ B: I’ going there with y parents.
A: 3______ B: We’re staying there for two weeks.
A. 4______ B: Well. We are visiting soe of our friends and going sightseeing.
A: When are you leaving? B: We are leaving next Friday.
A: I hope you will have a great tie there. B: 5_____
A. Where are you going for vacation? B. Do you have a plan for vacation? C. How long are you staying there? D. Thank you.E. What are doing there? F. We will have a good tie there. G. Who are you going there with?
补全对话答题处;1______ 2______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______
七、理解(20分,每空2分) (A ) r. Robinson never went to see a dentist, because he was afraid(害怕), but then his teeth began aching a lot, and he had to see a dentist. The dentist did a lot of work in his outh for a long tie. On the last day r. Robinson asked the dentist, “How uch is all the work going to cost(花费)?” “Twenty-five dollars,” said the dentist. But he didn’t ask hi for the oney. After a onth r. Robinson phoned the dentist and said, “You haven’t asked e for any oney for your work.” “Oh,” the dentist answered, “I never ask a gentlean(绅士)for oney.” “Then how do you live?” r. Robinson asked. “ost gentleen pay e quickly, the dentist said, “but soe don’t. I wait for y oney for two onths, and then I say, ‘That an is not a gentlean,’ and then I ask hi for y oney.
( )1. r. Robinson ___ until his teeth began aching a lot.
A. wasn’t afraid B. didn’t see a dentist C. wanted to see a dentist D. went to see a dentist
( )2. ___cost twenty-five dollars. A. The first day `work of the dentist
B. The last day`s work of the dentist C. Half the dentist`s work D. All the dentist`s work
( )3. When did r. Robinson phone the dentist?
A. After he paid hi. B. About thirty days later. C. After two onths. D. About twenty days later.
( )4. The dentist said that he never asked ____ first.
A. a woan for oney B. the poor for oney C. gentleen for oney D. people for uch oney
( ) 5. r. Robinson never went to see a dentist _____. A. because he was afraid B. because he had no oney
C. because he wasn’t a gentlean D. because he didn’t want to uch oney
B ; r. Jones and r. Brown worked in the different office . One day r. Jones said to r. Brown ,“We are going to have a sall party at our house next Wednesday evening . Would you and your wife like to join us ?”r. Brown said ,“Thank you very uch . That is very kind of you . We are free that evening . I think , but I will telephone y wife and ask her . aybe she wants to go soewhere else that evening .”So r. Brown went to the other roo and telephoned . When he cae back , he looked very sorry .“What is the atter ?”said r. Jones .“Did you speak to your wife ?”
“No ,”answered r. Brown ,“She wasn’t there , y sall son answered the telephone . I said to hi ,‘Is your other there , David ?’and he answered ,‘No , she is not in the house ,’‘Where is she then ?’I asked .‘She is soewhere outside .’‘What is she doing ?’‘She is looking for e .’”Xkb1 .co
6. A sall party will be held ___. A. at David’s house B. at r. Brown’s house C. in the office D. at r. Jones’ house
7.r. Jones asked _to the party . A. r. Brown B. rs. Brown C. r. and rs. Brown D. all his friends
8.The telephone was __. A.in the sae office B.in a roo next to the office C. near r. Jones`house
9.r. Brown spoke to ____on the phone . A. rs. Brown B. rs. Jones C. David D. David`s friend
10. Why was rs. Brown looking for David ?Because ______.
A.he went out of the house B.he was answering Father`s phone
C. she knew David had lost his way D. she thought he was playing soewhere outside
八;(15分)假如你是Peter,你的笔友 Alice在给你的信中说她经常生病,情绪低落。请你给她写封回信,告诉她应该怎样做。要求:1. 60 ----70词左右信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.可根据所给信息适当发挥, 参考词汇: healthy food, do ore exercise, enough sleep, keep happy, sile
Dear Alice,
I’ sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
一. 根据首字母完成单词。(5分,每空1分)
1. Here is the result_of the football atch. 2. I have a good eating habit_
3. There are any foreign ( 外国的) tourist.on the Great wall on Oct.1st.
4. Vegetables and fruit are good for our health.
5. Ben Labert is a faous French singer.2
1.患感冒 have a cold 2 此刻 at the oent 3..保持健康 keep healthy
4..出示给某人某物show sb sth. 5.、视…而定,决定于 depend on
He_has__ a sore throat, so he should drink soe hot tea with honey
Beijing is a great place to _go__ sightseeing .
3.我可以问你几个关于学习的问题吗?ay I ask you a __few_ _questions _about your study?
It’s iportant for us to eat a balanced diet.
She’s always__stressed___ out , so she can’t ___sleep__ well .
( C ) 1.. --- do you surf the Internet, Kate? —— Not often, twice a onth.
A. How long B. How old C. How often D. How any ties
( A ) 2. If you have a toothache, you should see a .A. dentist B .cook C. teacher D. nurse
( D ) 3.. I’ very . Please give e soething to drink. A. tired B. hungryC. stressed out D. thirsty
( B ) 4.. I like drinking hot tea _______ ilk in it. A. of B. withC. to D. in
(B ) 5.What’s ____with hi? He has a cold. A. the wrong B. the atter C. atter D. proble
( C )6. I think walking is good our health. A. at B. with C. for D. to
(C ) 7. he studied hard every day, he didn’t pass the exa.
A. Because, so B. Although, but C. Although, / D. Because, /
( D ) 8 .Li Ping always gets up early and he is late for school.
A. usually B. often C. soeties D. hardly ever
( A ) 9.This tie I want to do __.
A. soething different B. different soething C. soe different D. anything different
( C ) 10. I’ thinking about ____to the ountains for vacation. A. go B. went C. going D. to go
( C ) 11. They watch TV __a week. A. every B. once or twice C. two or three ties D. once or two ties
( B ) 12.___ water do you need? A cup is enough(足够的).
A. How any B. How uch C.How long D. How far
( D ) 13. “I’ going to Hong Kong for vacation.” “_____.” A. Thank you for telling e
B. I’ sorry to hear that C. I’ going hiking for vacation D. I hope you’ll have a good tie
( D )14. I ____y pen at hoe. Can I use your pen, please? A. forgot B. sent C. issed D. left
( D ) 15. Why do you decide __ Beijing for vacation? Because I want to visit the Great Wall.
A. in B. to C. at D. on
( B )16. When you coe back to school, please show ___your photos. A. I B. e C. y D. ine
( D )17. Would you like __with e this Sunday?
A. go fishing B. to go fish C. going fishing D. to go fishing
( A ) 18. When did you finish ___ the book last night? A. reading B. reads C. read D. to read
( C ) 19. Do you know the __between these two words? A. different B. sae C. difference D. difficult
( D )20. Your watch is so beautiful. It ust be expensive. Not at all . I only _____$20 on it.
A take B. pay C. cost D. Spend
(A) Li ing 1 often late for school. The teacher is very angry with hi.
2 are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up 3,” answers Li ing. “ 4 cloc k can wake (唤醒)you up,” says the teacher.“Yes, you are 5 .But it 6 work ,” says Li ing.“Why don't you 7 it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh, I don't want it to work 8 ,” answers Li ing.“If all of us are late for school, 9 do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh, that's great! There will be 10 schools in the world,” says Li ing with a sile.
( D )1. A. do B. be C. does D. is
( A )2. A. Why B. WhenC. WhatD. Where
( C )3. A. quickly B. early C. late D. slowly
( B )4. A. You B. YourC. YoursD. Yourself
( A )5. A. right B. wrong C. fine D. OK
( B )6. A. don't B. doesn't C. isn't D. not
( D )7. A .takeB. bringC. akeD. end(修理)
( C )8 A. good B. niceC. wellD. fine
( C )9. A. what B. whyC. howD. where
( A )10. A. no B. notC. littleD. without
( B )Suer vacation is coing soon. Soe of the students are talking __1__ spending the vacation. Jack and ike are going suer __2_ in the ountain. They are leaving next Sunday. They are staying there __3__ about three weeks. ary is going to Beijing __4__ her parents. She wants to go to the Great Wall and visit the Palace useu. She is __5__ Beijing __6_ July 2nd. They are staying there for a week. Nancy is going back to her hoetown to see her grandparents. She is staying with __7__ for half a onth. To is going __8__ in the ountain. He is going there with his brother. John wants to do __9__. He is going bike __10__ with soe of his friends around the country. I hope all of the will have a good tie.
( C )1. A. with B. to C. about D. for
( A )2. A. caping B. to cap C. cap D. caps
( D )3. A. at B. in C. on D. for
( B )4. A. and B. with C. without D. but
( D )5. A. leaving B. leaving to C. leaving away D. leaving for
( B )6. A. in B. on C. at D. for
( B )7. A. they B. the C. she D. her
( C )8. A. hike B. hikes C. hiking D. to hike
( A )9. A. soething different B. anything different C. different soething D. different anything
( C )10. A. ride B. rides C. riding D. rode
六、补全对话 有两个选项多余(5分,每空1分)
A: Hi, ike. The suer vacation is coing. 1_____ B: Yes, I’ going to Hong Kong for vacation.
A: 2______ B: I’ going there with y parents.
A: 3______ B: We’re staying there for two weeks.
A. 4______ B: Well. We are visiting soe of our friends and going sightseeing.
A: When are you leaving? B: We are leaving next Friday.
A: I hope you will have a great tie there. B: 5_____
A. Where are you going for vacation? B. Do you have a plan for vacation? C. How long are you staying there? D. Thank you.E. What are doing there? F. We will have a good tie there.
G. Who are you going there with?
补全对话答题处;1_B_____ 2___G___ 3___C____ 4__E______ 5___D_____
七、理解(20分,每空2分) (A ) r. Robinson never went to see a dentist, because he was afraid(害怕), but then his teeth began aching a lot, and he had to see a dentist. The dentist did a lot of work in his outh for a long tie. On the last day r. Robinson asked the dentist, “How uch is all the work going to cost(花费)?” “Twenty-five dollars,” said the dentist. But he didn’t ask hi for the oney. After a onth r. Robinson phoned the dentist and said, “You haven’t asked e for any oney for your work.” “Oh,” the dentist answered, “I never ask a gentlean(绅士)for oney.” “Then how do you live?” r. Robinson asked. “ost gentleen pay e quickly, the dentist said, “but soe don’t. I wait for y oney for two onths, and then I say, ‘That an is not a gentlean,’ and then I ask hi for y oney.
( B )1. r. Robinson ___ until his teeth began aching a lot.
A. wasn’t afraid B. didn’t see a dentist C. wanted to see a dentist D. went to see a dentist
( D )2. ___cost twenty-five dollars. A. The first day `work of the dentist
B. The last day`s work of the dentist C. Half the dentist`s work D. All the dentist`s work
( B )3. When did r. Robinson phone the dentist?
A. After he paid hi. B. About thirty days later. C. After two onths. D. About twenty days later. ( C )4. The dentist said that he never asked ____ first.
A. a woan for oney B. the poor for oney C. gentleen for oney D. people for uch oney
( A ) 5. r. Robinson never went to see a dentist _____. A. because he was afraid B. because he had
no oney C. because he wasn’t a gentlean D. because he didn’t want to uch oney
(B ); r. Jones and r. Brown worked in the different office . One day r. Jones said to r. Brown ,“We are going to have a sall party at our house next Wednesday evening . Would you and your wife like to join us ?”r. Brown said ,“Thank you very uch . That is very kind of you . We are free that evening . I think , but I will telephone y wife and ask her . aybe she wants to go soewhere else that evening .”So r. Brown went to the other roo and telephoned . When he cae back , he looked very sorry .“What is the atter ?”said r. Jones .“Did you speak to your wife ?”
“No ,”answered r. Brown ,“She wasn’t there , y sall son answered the telephone . I said to hi ,‘Is your other there , David ?’and he answered ,‘No , she is not in the house ,’‘Where is she then ?’I asked .‘She is soewhere outside .’‘What is she doing ?’‘She is looking for e .’”
D.6. A sall party will be held _________ .
A. at David’s house B. at r. Brown’s house C. in the office D. at r. Jones’ house
C 7.r. Jones asked _to the party A.r. Brown B.rs. Brown C.r. and rs. Brown D.all his friends
B.8.The telephone was ____ . A. in the sae office B. in a roo next to the office
C. in the post office D. near r. Jones’ house
A9.r. Brown spoke to _____ on the phone .
A. rs. BrownB. rs. Jones C. David D. David’s friend
D.10. Why was rs. Brown looking for David ? Because _________ .
A. he went out of the house B. he was answering Father`s phone
C. she knew David had lost his way D. she thought he was playing soewhere outside
八;假如你是Peter,你的笔友 Alice在给你的信中说她经常生病,情绪低落。请你给她写封回信,告诉她应该怎样做。要求:1. 60 ----70词左右信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.可根据所给信息适当发挥, 参考词汇: healthy food, do ore exercise, enough sleep, keep happy, sile
Dear Alice,
I’ sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuer/35617.html
