
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

初 二 英 语
第I卷 (共64分)


5. Where are they?
A. At school. B. At hoe.C. In a shop.
6. What does To want to eat?
A. Bread. B. Eggs. C. Noodles.
7. What did they do in Lao She Teahouse yesterday?
A. Enjoyed the food.
B. Sold soe tea.
C. Watched Beijing Opera(京剧).
8. How long did they stay there?
A. For an hour. B. For two hours. C. For three hours.
9. What’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?
A. Doctor and patient. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student.
10. What’s wrong with the woan?
A. She has a headache.B. She has a cold.C. She has a fever.
11. What do the club ebers do on Thursday evening?
A. They have soe kinds of sports.
B. They have language classes.
C. They have dinner together.
12. What language does the woan want to practice?
A. Chinese.B. Japanese.C. Indian.
13. Why does the woan ake the telephone call?
A. She wants to know ore about the club.
B. She hopes to find a job in Washington.
C. She plans to go to evening classes.
14. What can you learn fro the passage?
A. Peter is bad at all his lessons.
B. There are six people in Peter’s faily.
C. Peter likes playing football very uch.
15. What does Peter want to be now?
A. A TV aker.B. A football player.C. A top student.
16. What’s the passage ainly about?
A. Peter’s growth experience.
B. Peter’s ideas of difficulties.
C. Peter’s troubles with his father.
Food Order
Food: __17__, rice and vegetables
Address: Roo 302, in __18__ Building
Tie: About 11:30 in the __19__
Tel: __20__
Nae: __21__ Sith

( ) 22. Sally plays in the school orchestra and ________ loves usic very uch.
A. she B. her C. he D. hi
( ) 23. Alice was sitting by the river _________ a book.
A. of B. with C. for D. over
( ) 24. ________ has Lingling known Sally? For two years.
A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon
( ) 25. He ________ play not only the piano but also the violin though he is only 6.
A. ust B. need C. can D. ay
( ) 26. Why don’t you _________ your istakes in tie?
A.correct B. to correct C. correcting D. to correcting
( ) 27. —What are the scientists doing now?
—They ________ to discover life on other planets.
A. try B. are trying C. will try D. will draw
( ) 28. The students ________ a field trip next Friday.
A. will have B. have C. had D. has had
( ) 29. Jerry _______ gaes at 8 p yesterday evening.
A. is playing B. was playing C. plays D. played
( ) 30. Project Hope _________ schools all over China since 1989.
A. build B. builds C. built D. has built
( ) 31. I like Austria very uch _________ it’s a quiet and beautiful country.
A. because B. but C. and D. or
( ) 32. You are going on holiday soon, _________ you?
A.are B. aren’t C. do D. don’t
( ) 33. I have _______ visited the USA, but I’ sure soeday I will.
A. ever B. never C. just D. yet
( ) 34.--- Where’s John? ---He _________ to the library.
A. have been B. have gone C. has been D. has gone
( ) 35. The Blue Danube is a very faous piece of _________ usic.
A.classical B. techno C. rock D. jazz
( ) 36. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of _________ children’s story books in the world.
A.popular B. ore popular C. ost popular D. the ost popular
Years ago, I had a role to play as Ronald cDonald. We visited the counity hospitals, bringing a little happiness into a place where no one ever looks forward to going. I loved the project, and I was very proud to be able to ake a 37 to those who were experiencing soe “down tie”.
But I was given the rule that I could not 38 anyone within the hospital. I understood why they had this rule, but I didn’t like it. I believe that touching is the ost honest for of counication we will ever kno Breaking the rule, I was told, eant I could lose y job.
One day, as I was heading down a hallway, I heard a little voice. “Ronald, Ronald.” I stopped. It was Billy, five years old, lying in his dad’s ars. I did a few agic tricks (戏法) for hi. As I stepped back to say good-bye, Billy asked, “Ronald, would you 39 e?”
Such a siple request (要求). But what ran through y ind was that if I did that, I could lose y job. So I told Billy I could not do that right now, but I suggested that he and I color a picture. Upon copleting a wonderful piece of art, Billy again asked e to hold hi. By this tie y 40 was screaing (尖叫) “yes!” But y ind was screaing louder: “No! You are going to lose your job!”
“Hold e.”
I searched for anything 41 that would allow e to leave. I could not 42 a single one. It took e a oent to realize that losing y job ay not be that bad after all. Just that if I lost y job, it probably would not be long 43 I would lose y car, then y hoe... But I realized that at the end of y life, the car and the house would have no 44 . Once I thought that the real reason I was there was to bring happiness to an unhappy environent, I realized that I really faced no risk (冒险) at all... So I decided to pick up Billy. We laughed and talked about the things that worried hi. After I left the roo, Billy said to his o, “I don’t 45 anyore if I see Father Christas this year because I was held by Ronald cDonald.”
Less than 48 hours later, Billy passed away. Soeties we ust do what is 46 for the oent, no atter what risks we ight take.
37. A. choice B. living C. decision D. difference
38. A. push B. touch C. play with D. speak to
39. A. kiss B. call C. hold D. help
40. A. outh B. brain C. body D. heart
41. A. serious B. iportant C. reasonable D. creative
42. A. catch up with B. look up C. coe up with D. run into
43. A. when B. after C. since D. before
44. A. advantage B. value C. proble D. price
45. A. coplain B. wish C. care D. expect
46. A. enjoyable B. right C. possible D. useful六、阅读理解(共18分,每小题2分)阅读下列短,根据短内容,从短后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(2,4,6,8,9,11,12班做A,B,C1题)(1,3,5,10做A,B,C2题)

Passage A
Cooking and Learning
In this E-book package, we have four E-books.

Fun with Food
This fun E-book is filled with
exercises --- photo tests,
word exas, riddle gaes,
coloring pages and exercises
on learning ore about food.

47. Kids can ________ by reading Fun with Food.
A. do science experients B. get cooking experience
C. cook well in the kitchen D. play soe riddle gaes
48. ________ has over sixty pages.
A. Fun with Food B. Kids Cooking Lessons E-Book
C. Food Facts E-Book D.Kids Food Science Experients
49. Kids Cooking Lessons E-Book is popular because ________.
A. there is a unit for each age group B. there are a lot of photo tests in it
C. kids can learn ore about science D. each part is very easy to print off

Passage B
At a superarket in County Durha, England, the workers are getting ready for soe lessons in sign language (手语). They are excited to eet their teacher — two-year-old Diana Graha. The little girl will teach the how to counicate with deaf custoers.
Diana is a wonder child. She began to use sign language to “speak” to her deaf other before she said her first word. So whenever the phone rings or there’s a knock at the door, her other can be quickly told by her.
Diana understands the sign language well. Her other even reads story books to her in sign language. Her proud grandother said, “Diana started signing at about five onths and can chat away in sign language. She is so clever for her age.”
The good news spread and the superarket officials couldn’t think of a better sign language teacher for their workers. So they asked Diana to give soe lessons to the workers. They hoped that her lessons would help the workers counicate better with deaf custoers during their shopping.
50. Diana understands the sign language well because __________.
A. she is old enough B. she knows it
C. her grandother teaches her D. her other counicates with her in it
51. The officials asked Diana to give soe lessons because they thought __________.
A. she had a big vocabulary
B. she started signing at about five onths
C. she could read the story in sign language
D. she could teach the workers to counicate better with deaf custoers
52. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Diana’s other is deaf.
D. The workers in the superarket want to learn sign language.
C. Diana wants to be a teacher at the superarket to ake oney.
B. Diana knows uch about sign language when she is two years old.

Passage C1
If you go to Hong Kong by air, you will arrive at Kai Tak Airport. Because there was no enough land, it was built out into the sea. It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon. Kowloon is one of the two big cities in Hong Kong.
The other city is Hong Kong itself. It is on an island. You can get there by ship or through a tunnel under the sea. uch of Hong Kong is farland and ountains.
The population of Hong Kong is over 6 illion. ost of the are Chinese. Chinese and English are spoken by any people there.
Clothes, coputers, radios and TVs are ade in Hong Kong. You can watch dog-racing or otor-racing. Soe places are quiet and beautiful. When you are hot and tired, there are sall and cool gardens to rest in. There are also a lot of tall buildings to live in. Hong Kong is also a good place for Chinese cooking. You can enjoy any kinds of Chinese cooking, for exaple, fish, eat and vegetables. Beijing Roast Duck is faous as well. There is certainly a lot to see and to do in Hong Kong.
In 1997, Hong Kong was returned to China. It’s a part of China.
53. The airport was built out into the sea because __________.
A. people can get there easilyB. there was no enough land
C. it’s near the city D. planes arrive safely
54. ost people in Hong Kong speak __________.
A. Chinese as their second language B. neither Chinese nor English
C. Chinese and English D. English only
55. The ain idea of the fifth paragraph is __________.
A. dog-racing is interesting B. Beijing Roast Duck is faous
C. Chinese food is delicious D. Hong Kong is a good place for travelling

Passage C2
Soeties people coe into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve soe sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to becoe. You never knoho these people ay be: your classate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every oent they will affect (影响) your life in soe serious way.
Soeties things happen to you. At the tie they ay see terrible, painful (痛苦的) and unfair. But later you realize that without getting over those difficulties you will never realize your further ability and strength. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.
The people you eet affect your life, and the success and failure you experience, create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned fro. In fact, they are probably the ost iportant ones.
Enjoy every day even every oent and take fro it everything that you possibly can, for you ay never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself. You can ake your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.
53. Fro the passage, we know that bad things can ake us __________.
A. terribly eet bad luck B. realize our further ability
C. find no serious success D. possibly enjoy every oent  
54. The writer’s advice is that we should __________.
A. never talk to strange people B. Things Happen to You
C. get over difficulties painfully D. not believe in ourselves but others.

55. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. learn as uch as we can each day B. Hold Your Head Up
C. People You eet in Life D. Create Your Own Life

第II卷(非 共36分)

Zhou Enlai was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu, on arch 5, 1898. In 1917, he finished school in Nankai iddle School.____56_____. In 1922, he joined the Chinese Counist Party. After that, he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai. He led the faous uprising----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st, 1927. Then he took part in the Long arch. Fro 1937 to 1945, he worked in South China._____57____ , he was elected Preier (总理)of China. He put all his heart into the work and always worked until idnight.________58________.
Preier Zhou died on January 8th, 1976. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people. Our beloved Preier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people's hearts. _______59________.

A. He had no tie to think about hiself, but only the Chinese people. B. He was a great arxist and counist.
C. After the People's Republic of China was founded.
D. And then he went to France to learn arxist(马克思主义) theory.
E. Then Zhou Enlai founded the new China.

Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to becoe a better reader in English. It is also the ost iportant way.
Soe students say they don’t want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their tie to learn the rules of the language and neords. They say that pleasure reading is too easy.
any experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very iportant for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a faous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn any iportant things about English. Students learn ore graar and ore words when they read for pleasure. They also learn ore about good writing.
Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn soething different. Pleasure reading akes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.
Reading for pleasure is not the sae as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you don’t have to reeber everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:
● learn how English speakers use English
● read faster in English
● find exaples of good writing in English
● learn neords
● learn about the cultures(化)of English speakers
60.Is pleasure reading iportant for learning English?
61.Which is the easier way to becoe a better reader, pleasure reading or studying?
62.What do soe students think of pleasure reading?
63.How can we becoe better readers?
64.What’s the greatest advantage(优点)of pleasure reading?

65. 你为什么不把那些错误写在笔记本里呢?
_____________ write down the istakes in your notebook?

66. 我从没去过美国, 你呢?
I ———————————— the USA. What about you?

67. 在她6岁时, 她不仅拉小提琴而且弹奏钢琴。
When she was 6 years old, she could play _______ the violin _______ the piano.

68. 王鹏总是和同学们相处得很融洽。
Wangpeng always _______________________ his classates.

69. 施特劳斯的华尔兹使他闻名于全世界。
Strauss’ waltzes _____________________________ all over the world.

词汇提示:want to do, show, look after/ take care of, ,with the help of, try to do, work hard,not only…but also it’s very +adj for sb to do sth.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuer/37052.html
