
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

1.Which bird are they talking about?

2.What does the girl like best?

3.What is the park like?

4.Hoill they go birdwatching this weekend?

5.Why didn't the boy sleep well?
A. Because the workers were working to repair the roads near his hoe.
B. Because he sang and danced all night yesterday.
C. Because he prepared his lessons.
6. What's Li ing going to do next Saturday?
A. He's going to the wetlands photo sho
B. He's going to have a picnic.
C. He's going to visit his grandparents.
7. What do soe people want to do in Zhalong while we do our best to protect the wetlands for wildlife?
A. They want to build soe houses to live in.
B. They want to build soe parks.
C. They want to plant soe trees.
8. What's the an's favourite bird?
A. SwalloB. SparroC. Seagull.
9. Why did ost of the birds die?
A. Because they did not have enough living space.
B. Because the people killed the.
C. Because we took action.
10. What does the an think of snakes?
A. He agrees with the woan.
B. He thinks people should kill all snakes.
C. He thinks snakes are iportant as part of nature.
11. Are they going to the bird show?
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't.C. That's ipossible.
12. How long will the show last?
A. Nine hours.B. Six hours.C. Three hours.
13. Where are they going?
A. A zoo.B. A park.C. Their school.
14. Where will they need?
A. At the gate of the zoo.B. In the park.C. At the gate of their school.
15. How are they going there?
A. On foot.B. By bus.C. By bike.
16. Where is the first nature reserve in the world?
A. It's in the USA.B. It's in China.C. It's in Japan.
17. When did the first nature reserve in China open?
A. In 1872.B. In 1965.C. In 2000.
18. Which is the largest nature reserve in China?
A. The Yellowstone National Park.
B. The Dinghushan Nature Reserve.
C. The Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve.
19. How any nature reserves does Yunnan Province have in China?
A. Over 1,000.B. Over 100.C. Over 10,000.
20. Which is Right?
A. The nature reserves are very iportant to help protect the anials.
B. There are about 2 nature reserves in Nanjing.
C. The Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve is in Jiangsu.

一、单项选择。 (20分)
21. Taiwan is ______ the east of China and ______ the east of Fujian.
A. in; in B. in; to C. to; on D. to; to
22. Don't worry. She is _______ to look after the little boy.
A. carefully enough B. enough carefully
C. careful enough D. enough careful
23. "His other ade his son a nice kite." The underlined part is _______.
24. I didn't go to the park _______ the hot weather.
A. because B. so C. because of D. but
25. The boy _____blue is y cousin. The blue coat looks very handsoe ______ hi.
A. in; on B. on; on C. with; for D. in; at
26. I don't know if it ________ toorro If it ______, we'll go out for clibing.
A. will rain; doesn't rain B. will rain; rains
C. rains; will rain D. rains; rains
27. ---How old is the boy?
---He is just an ______ boy.
A. 8-onths-old B. 10-onths-old
C. 8-onth-old D. 10-onth-old
28. When she grows ________, she will grow ________ a beautiful lady.
A. up; up B. up; into C. into; into D. into; up
29. Feale pandas usually have one or two babies ________.
A. at ties B. at one tie C. at all ties D. at a tie
30.We have _____ eat at hoe, do we?
A.little B. a little C.few D.a few
31. When I et Sandy at the station ______ the first tie, she was in the waiting hall _____.
A. for; alone B. at; alone C. for; herself D. at; by herself
32. ---Which is your favourite anial, Kate? --- I like the ______ best. It is a sall
anial with a big tail. It likes clibing trees and eating nuts.
A. kangaroo B. squirrelC. bear D. giant panda
33. There are _____ students in the playground and ______ the students is about 400.
A. a nuber of; a nuber of B. the nuber of; the nuber of
C. a nuber of; the nuber of D. the nuber of; a nuber of
34.The day after toorrow ______Saturday.
A. is B. are C. will is D. be
35. ---A new car factory will be built here.
---I' glad to hear that. It'll _____ young people ____ work.
A. provide; with B. provide; for C. give; to D. give; with
36. ---Look, how lovely and beautiful the birds are!
---Yes, there are ____ birds living in the reserve now because we all love and protect the.
A. few and few B. any and any C. less and less D. ore and ore
37. ---Boys and girls, we will have a class trip to South Hill next onth.
---Great, it ust be great fun. I siply can't wait ______ it.
A. For B. To C. AsD. On
38. ---Why do you look so tired?
---Because our P.E. Teacher ade us ______ 1,500 eters in the P.E. Lesson.
A. To run B. Running C. Run D. runs
39. The correct sybol of "and" is _______.
A. + B. = C. @ D. ≈
40. ---You always go fishing at the weekend. Isn't that boring?
---_______. It's very interesting.
A. Yes B. Of course C. Never ind D. Not at all
Cats and dogs have different ways of showing their feeling. If a dog barks, you know soeone is at the door of your 1 . But cats 2 do that. Although ( 虽然 ) 3 wag ( 摇) their tails, it eans 4 feelings. 5 a dog wags its tail, you know it's 6 . However, when a cat wags its tail, it is angry. They also lick ( 舔) their owners. It is a way dogs 7 their love for the owner. 8 not for cats. If cats lick your hand, they just want to eat 9 salt on the hand. Nothing ore. To show they 10 you, they ay sit on your head.
( ) 41. A. house B. office C. school D. shop
( ) 42. A. often B. usually C. always D. never
( ) 43. A. one of the B. both of the C. each of the D. neither of the
( ) 44. A. different B. the sae C. siilar D. true
( ) 45. A. Then B. And C. If D. But
( ) 46. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. tired
( ) 47. A. bark B. sing C. talk D. show
( ) 48. A. And B. Or C. So D. But
( ) 49. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 50. A. believe B. hate C. know D. love
There are any kinds of ants in Aerica. One kind is very strong. People are afraid of it, and anials are afraid of it, too.
These ants ove in large groups. They eat all the anials, and they can eat wood houses. Soeties even people are killed by the. When the ants coe near, people leave their hoes. But people are soeties glad after the ants pass through, because they can see no insects or snakes
( ) 51. Soe ants in Aerica can be very .
A. heavy B. strong C. light D. thin
( ) 52. People and anials are afraid of .
A. one kind of ants B. all kinds of ants C. sall ants D. big ants
( ) 53. People get away fro the ants because .
A. they can eat and kill elephants B. they can also eat wood houses
C. they travel in large groups D. they can even kill people
( ) 54. Where are the insects or the snakes after the ants pass through?
A. They hide theselves under the ground.
B. They have oved to other places before the ants coe.
C. They have been killed and eaten up by the ants.
D. They have been killed by people.
( ) 55. Which is the best title (题目) for the story?
A. Ants B. Aerican Ants C. A Big Ant D. A Strong Ant
( B )
Leopards ( 豹 ) live in any parts of the world, fro Siberia to Africa. They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots. They live for about 1ears and eat sall aals (哺乳动物) such as zebras, onkeys, and antelopes ( 羚羊) . They sleep for about 12 hours a day. Leopards are very solitary(独居的)anials. They spend ost of their tie alone in trees, where they wait until a sall anial passes. They jup on the anial and then drag it up into the tree, where they eat it.
Like any anials, leopards are disappearing because people hunt the. They kill the for their beautiful coats. The Sinai leopard, for exaple, fro Egypt, is now probably extinct(绝种的).
( ) 56. How long does a leopard usually live?
A . Fifty weeks. B. Fifteen onths.
C. Twelve days. D. Fifteen years.
( ) 57. Leopards .
A . live in faily groups B . live alone
C . live together D . live with other anials
( ) 58. Leopards spend uch tie in trees because they want to .
A . sleep B. jup
C .wait and catch sall aals D . rest
( ) 59. Which is not true ?
A . Leopards have beautiful fur. B. Leopards eat anials and plants.
C . Leopards sleep 12 hours a day. D. The Sinai leopard probably extinct.
( ) 60. Why do people hunt leopards ? Because .
A. they kill the for their eat.B. they attack people all the tie.
C. they are dangerous.D. they kill the for their coats.
A) 根据句意及中提示,写出单词的适当形式,使句子意思完整正确。
61. Noodles are very popular in China, especially in _________(北方的)part of the country.
62. The officers fro any different local ________(政府)are having a eeting.
63. People can travel to different places of the world ore _____(容易地)and quickly than before.
64. I felt tired. This pair of new shoes ade e feel __________(不舒服的).
65. They live in a quiet and _________(安宁的)village.
66. Teachers often _______(鼓励) their students to work hard.
67. When are you going to _________(归还)the book to the library?
68. ________(狼) often work as a tea in the wild.
69. _______(sad), any people still don't want to take any actions to protect the anials.
70.any wild anials were really tired because of the _____(lose) of the living areas.
71.Is a giraffe tall enough to reach and eat the _________(leaf) on the trees?
72.The sparrow is _________(welcoe) with farers, because it eats crops(庄稼).
73.Have you realized(意识到) the _________(iportant) of driving cars?
74.any anials have very good eyesight, _________(hear) and sell.
75.The wetlands can prevent floods ________(wash) away the houses.
any kinds of birds live in the United States, but the nuber of the birds is becoing saller every year. One of the leading reasons is the growing nuber of pet cats. By keeping your pet cats in your hoe, you can give birds a better possible chance to live.
Of the 90 illion pet cats in this country, about two-thirds are allowed(允许) to go outside. It is said that these cats kill hundreds of illions of birds each year, as well as billions of sall anials such as rabbits and field ice.
They can also bring illness to the anials that live in people’s yard(院子), further weakening(削弱) the health of the natural populations(人口).
Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for birds and wildlife, it’s also bad for the cats theselves. Outdoor cats can get sick very easily. They are in danger fro traffic and attacks fro other anials. In fact, outdoor cats usually don’t live past the age of five, while indoor cats often live to 17 or older.
Keep your pet cat inside! If you raise a young cat, it’s your duty to let it play inside.
ProbleThe birds are becoing __76___; at the sae tie, any pet cats are in ___77___ fro traffic and ___78___ fro other anials.
Reason for the problePeople __79___ their pet cats go outside freely.
What to doIt’s a duty for the cat’s __80__ to let his cat play __81___.
A.You ust not draw on the blackboard.
B.You ust return the books in tie.
C.You ust not step the grass.
D.You ust put back the books after you have read the.
E.You ust not talk to drivers when the bus is oving.
F.You ust clean the classroo every day.
G.You ust not jup the queue(插队) when you wait in line for the bus.
H.You ust put away the balls after you have used the.

82. Classroo
______ ______83. Library
______ ______84. School bus
______ ______85. Playground
______ ______
any students find exas a frightening experience(经历). Sitting down for an exa when everybody is so q___86____ and serious akes ost students nervous. But there are a few things you can do to relax(放松) before you start. At the b___87___ of an exa, read all the instructions(说明) c____88_____ so you know clearly what you have to do. ake sure how uch tie you can s___89___ on each test question. If you feel yourself getting nervous at any tie, stop w___90____ you’re doing and take a few deep breaths(呼吸).
However, the ost useful things are always done(被完成) b___91____ you get to the exa roo. You ay do soe practice tests and review(复习) your l___92____ in a right way.
You also need to reeber that exas are not the ost i___93____ thing. Even though you fail, you can do b___94___ next tie. The ___95___ practice you take, the less worried you will be.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuer/39492.html
