
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 6
1.cal 2. happy 3. athletic
4. intellectual 5. little 6.any

7. funny 8. good 9. bad
10. thin
11.English becoes useful.
12. I’ at speaking than .
13. He is really and he can ake e .
14. I a than of the students in y class.
15. She is really with her study, so she always gets the best results.
16. Which is bigger, sun oon?
A. a; aB. /; /C. the; /D. the; the
17. There are two pens on the desk. One is ine, is Linda’s
A. the otherB. anotherC. soe otherD. others
18. There a notebook, a pencil and soe books on the desk.
A. isB. areC. hasD. have
19.The key this exercise is in our textbook.
A. toB. forC. aboutD. at
20.The blue skirt is than the white one.
A. dearB. uch expensiveC. expensiveD. uch ore expensive
21. There are ore students in Grade Two than .
A. Grade OneB. other gradeC. in Grade OneD. any grade
22. I didn’t pass the exa, I was very unhappy.
A. butB. andC. soD. however
23. In y class, 85% students ride bikes to school. So students get to school by bike.
A. allB. oreC. ostD. a few
24.— is it fro your hoe to the hospital?
—It is about three iles.
A. HowB. How longC. How farD. How often
25. The girl speaks English very
A. goodB. niceC. fineD. well
26. I like talking with others. But To doesn’t. He often reads books. So To is than I a.
A. funnierB. ore outgoingC. wilderD. caler
27. Which would you like . this one or that one?
A. veryB. wellC. betterD. good
28. John can’t get up so as his little sister.
A. earlierB. earlyC. ore earlyD. very early
29. I have hoework to do.
A. anyB. a lotC. a lot ofD. a few
30. Is Tara’s book cheaper than ?
A. he’s B. hiC. your’sD. his
31. Thank you your letter.
32. There are soe siilarities Liu Li and Liu Ying.
33. y best friend Wang Ping is good sports.
34. That’s not very iportant e.
35. I like to have friends who are e.
36. She is quite different her brother.
37. Lily likes to do the sae things e.
38. soe ways we look the sae.
39. I go to lots parties on weekends.
40. She is very popular school.
V. 完形
A an saw a fisheran standing 41 a lake with a irror(境子).
“ 42 ”,he said, “could you tell e 43 you’re doing?
“I ’ fishing”.
Fishing with a irror?” the first an asked.
“Sure, it’ s y new 44 .” answered the fisheran.
“Could you tell e how it 45 ?”
“Okay, but it’ll 46 .” you a hundred dollars.”
The an wanted to know the answer, so he gave the fisheran the oney. The fisheran said,” First you ai the irror into the water, and a fish goes by, you let the ray(光线)of the sun on 47 head. The fish is puzzled and then you 48 it.”
“So 49 have you caught?”
“You are 50 one today!” answered the fisheran.
41 A. inB. aboveC. besideD. around
42.A. PardonB. Excuse eC. SorryD. Hey, an
43.A. whatB. whyC. howD. when
44. A. interviewB. instructionC. interestD. invitation
45. A. workB. worksC. workingD. worked
46. A. costB. payC. takeD. spend
47. A. itB. it’s C. itsD. itself
48. A. knowB. catchC. workD. do
49. A. How anyB. how uchC. how longD. how often
50. A. fourB. the fourC. fourthD. the fourth
A.And both of us are pretty outgoing.
B.She is good at reading.
C.She is good at drawing
D.What else do you like about Helen?
E.What about you?
F.They’re both outgoing.
G.Harry is ore athletic than e.

ike: Who is your best friend, Connie?
Connie: Helen.
ike: Why?
Connie: Because she likes to do the sae things as I do. 51 .
ike: Are you good at drawing, too?
Connie: Well, I like drawing. 52
ike: 53
Connie: She is ore outgoing than e. I a a little bit quiet. 54 Who is your best friend?
ike: y best friend is Harry.
Connie: Is he like you?
ike: No, he isn’t 55 And I’ ore outgoing. But soe people say that we look the sae.
Once a an traveled through a country. The citizens (公民)told hi that nobody was allowed to stand except the king. The an was very surprised at that, and he asked why they had to do so. They told hi because the king of the country was very short and there was no one shorter than hi, the king didn’t want to see anybody higher than hi. So he ordered his citizens not to stand, and then the people would be shorter than hi.
The an was so brave(勇敢)that he went into the palace to eet the king. When he et the king, he had a conversation with hi. After that, the king, ade a new rule that allowed people to stand. The citizens were very surprised, so they asked the an what he told the king.
He said,“I just tell hi if he asks everyone not to stand, they will reeber they have a short king all the tie . If they are allowed to stand, they will forget all about their short king.”
56.Who was allowed to stand in that country?
A. All the people.B. Soe people
C. Only the king. D. Only the king and his wife.
57. Why did the king ake that rule?
A. He was selfish.B. He was ugly.
C. He was tallD. He was short.
58. What did the an do after he heard that rule?
A. He stood in that country.B. He didn’t stand in that country.
C. He went to the king and had a talk with hi. D. He left the country.
59. What can we infer(推断)fro the passage?
A. The an was stupid.B. The king was stupid
C. The an was not brave.D. The king was not brave.
60. What is the reason for the king to change his ind?
A. He was afraid of that an.B. He thought the an was wrong
C. He thought he was wrong to his citizens.D. He didn’t want people to reeber he was short
Nowadays we can see ATs everywhere. So we’d better learn how to use an AT to withdraw(取)oney.
First, we ust find an AT for your cards. Soe ATs can only work with certain bank’s cards. But now ore and ore ATs can use all the banks’ cards.
Second, we can put our cards in a slot(插口)on the right side of the achine. ake sure the card is facing the right way.
Then , when the screen says,“Please enter your PIN,” we can press the nubers. After that, we can select the type of transaction(交易).So we can press the key for withdrawing oney.
Next, we can put in the aount of oney we want to withdraw by pressing the nubers. Then the screen ay say, “Please wait”. After a short while, we can take our oney fro the slot at the botto of the achine.
At last, if we don’t need other services, we can press the key for ending. Then our cards will coe out fro the slot we put it in. And we can finish our dealing and take the cards and oney away.
61. Can we use every AT to withdraw our oney in a certain card?
A. YesB. NoC. The author didn’t tell us in the passage
D. The author is not sure about that.
62. When should we enter PIN?
A. Before we put our cards into the achineB. After we put our cards into the achine.
C. After we select the type of transaction.D. After we put in the aount of oney.
63. The card should be put in the achine .
A. fro the slot on the leftB. fro the slot on the right
C. fro the slot above the screenD. fro the slot under the screen
64. When will oney coe out of the achine?
A. Before we put in the aount of oney.B. Before we enter PIN.
C. After we put in the aount of oney.D. After we end the service.
65. How any ties should we press the nubers when withdrawing oney once?
A. Once. B. Twice.C. Three ties.D. Four ties.
Kaala is a little girl. She lives in a s (66)village in the ountains of Nepal. There are only 380 people living in i (67).Kaala has a big faily. She (68)look after her brothers and sisters, and the cows, even though(尽管)she is only n (69)years old.
She is at s (70)fro six to eight in the orning. Here she learns to r (71), write, and count. A (72)class, she helps her other do h (73)
She wants to go to bed early, b (74)she has to wash clothes in the evening. “ y days are l
(75),” says Kaala, “But I love school.”

Unit 6
I. 1. caler2. happier3. ore athletic4.ore intellectual5. less
6.ore7. funnier8. better9.worse10. thinner
II.11.ore and ore12. better; listening13. funny; laugh
14. caler/quieter; ost15. hard
III. 16-20 DAAAD21-25 CCCCD25—30 DCBCD
IV. 31. for32. between33. at34.for35. like
36. fro37. as38. In 39.of40.in/at
V. 41-45 CBACB46-50 ACBAD
VI.51-55 CADEG
VII. 56-60 CDCBD 61-65 BBBCB
VIII.66. sall67. it68. ust69. nine70. school
71. read72. After73. housework74.but75.long

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuer/47048.html
