
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

(全卷满分: 100分)
第一节 听句子, 选择最佳答语(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)
( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. What a good idea! C. I don’t like the beach(海滨).
( ) 2. A. I like reading stories.B. I often read stories in the evening.

C. Yes, but it’s too long.
( ) 3. A. I like watching TV best.B. y favorite anial is the tiger.
C. I often play with y cat at hoe.
( ) 4. A. She’ll be happy. B. Let’s sing a song for our other.
C. Say goodbye to her.
( ) 5. A. It’s at the cinea.B. Its nae is Gone with the wind(《飘》). C. It’s on Sunday.
第二节 理解(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
( ) 6. Where are the speakers?
A. At a school. B. In a coffee shop.C. In a factory.
( ) 7. How any books are there on r Chen’s desk?
A. 2.B. 5. C. We don’t kno
( ) 8. How old is the an now?
A. 18.B. 19. C. 89.
( ) 9. When will Nancy get there?
A. At 7:00 p..B. Before 6:30 p.. C. At 6:30 p..
( ) 10. What does the an do?
A. He introduces soething to the visitors in the zoo.
B. He is a keeper in the zoo.
C. He is a guide in the zoo.
( ) 11. How any kinds of anials are there in the dialogue?
A. Three. B. Four.C. Five.
( ) 12. How uch eat does the tiger eat every week?
A. About 8 kg. B. About 40 kg.C. About 56 kg.
( ) 13. When do the students get up in the orning?
A. 8:00 a.. B. 8:20 a.. C. 7:40 a..
( ) 14. What is NOT true about the cap (露营)?
A. Its students can have breakfast fro 8:00 to 8:40.
B. The first lesson starts at 9:00.
C. Its students have a break at 10:00.
( ) 15. What ay the students do in the evening?
A. Watch fils.B. Hold soe parties.C. Both A and B.
二、第三节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Who writes this letter?(16) __________
Where is Jaes going to for Christas?Jaes is going to (17)_________ for
What are Linda’s parents going to do this year?They are going to (18)_________
the Disneyland in Japan.
How are they going to Japan? They are going there by (19)_________
How old will (将会) Linda this year?She will be (20)________ years old.

三、 单项选择 (共10小题. 每小题1分,满分10分)
( ) 21. —Where is the girl student?
— _____is at school.
A.She B.He C.Her
( ) 22. There _____ a pear, two bananas and three apples on the table.
A. a B. are C. is
( ) 23. Please welcoe Sean and Julie our school.
A. to B. in C. on
( ) 24. r and rs White ________ a new car.
A. have got B. has got C. does
( ) 25. She is Jane Black. You can call her ____.
A. iss Jane B. iss Black C. Black iss
( ) 26. Dad, _______ the TV please. I’d like to watch the TV play Here coe
the bears(熊出没).
A. turn on B. turn off C. open
( ) 27. -What would you like to eat, pork _________ beef?
-I’d like pork.
A. and B. or C. but
( ) 28. There aren’t ________pictures on the wall.
A. a B. soe C. any
( ) 29. Go online, aybe you get soe for your travel to Guilin.
A. hoework B. inforation C. food
( ) 30.-Let’s go to Shunfeng Park on Saturday orning.
- .
A. That’s right B. I don’t like C. Good idea
四、完形(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
Hello, everyone! This is a photo of y ____31___. We’re fro England. I a the taller (较高的) ____32___ in the picture. ____33___ wife (妻子) Sara is next to e. I have got ____34___ children. Our children are ____35___ her. They are twins (双胞胎) and they are very sall. Their ____36___ are John and Ji. They can’t swi ____37___ they can run. John is very clever. He can ____38___ the door for us. Ji can’t do this. John and Ji like ____39___, such as beef and pork. They don’t like vegetables and fruit. John’s ____40___ food is sausage (香肠). Ji likes ilk best.
( ) 31.A. faily B. hotelC. grandparents
( ) 32.A. birdB. catC. dog
( ) 33.A. His B. y C. Your
( ) 34.A. one B. twoC. three
( ) 35.A. inB. behindC. in front of
( ) 36.A. sportsB. coloursC. naes
( ) 37.A. soB. butC. 不填
( ) 38.A. openB. atchC. play
( ) 39.A. drinksB. eatC. vegetables
( ) 40.A. favourite B. goodC. nice

五、阅读(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Ann is y classate. She coes fro New York, and she lives in Shanghai with her parents no Every orning, she goes to KFC to have breakfast. Soeties she buys a haburger for e. She can’t speak Chinese well. In the evening, her father often helps her with it. He’s a teacher in our school. He can speak Chinese very well.
Ann thinks the school life (生活) in China is very interesting. Ann likes reading Chinese books because she wants to know ore about China. She tries (努力) to talk with her Chinese friends in Chinese. She hopes to speak Chinese well. She is very happy to live in China. She loves people here.
( ) 41. Ann is in ________ no
A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. New York D. Hong Kong
( ) 42.Soeties Ann buys ________ for the writer (作者).
A. chocolate B. a haburger C. an ice crea D. coffee
( ) 43. What is Ann’s father’s job?
A. A teacher. B. A driver. C. A anager. D. A doctor.
( ) 44. How is Ann’s school life?
A. Boring (枯燥的). B. Busy. C. Bad. D. Interesting.
( ) 45. What is Ann’s hope (希望)?
A. To get fat. B. To have ore friends.
C. To speak Chinese well. D. To live in New York.
In England, people don’t usually talk uch. When you go on a bus, or in a train, you will find everyone sits looking out of the windo They often read. They read books and papers (报纸), but they don’t talk too uch.
When you eet English people, they often talk about one thing-the weather. So when you eet soebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the tie of year!”
“But it was a little cold yesterday,” Soebody ay answer. “But it got a bit warer later,” you can say.
Talk like this, and the English will think, “How friendly you are!”
( ) 46. English people often _______________ on a bus.
A. talk uch about the weather
B. talk about books and papers they are reading
C. eat or drink soething
D. read books or newspapers
( ) 47. According to the passage(根据), when you eet English people,
you can say “_____________”
A. How do you do? B. How are you?
C. Nice weather! D. Nice to eet you
( ) 48. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think
A. you are friendly B. you are right.
C. you are English . D. you talk too uch
( ) 49. Which of the following sentences is TRUE (正确的)?
A. English people like to talk on the bus.
B. English people don’t enjoy the best weather.
C. English people are very friendly.
D. English people often like to talk about the weather.
( ) 50. English people always hope that _______________.
A. The weather will get better
B. ore people will talk about books and papers
C. Soeone will talk with the on a bus or in a train
D. All the people in the sae bus or train are friendly
51. Hello! I a Apple. You can see e everywhere in the world. Pear is y brother, and Banana is y sister. We are different. I a round and y sister is long. I a very delicious, so people all over the world like to eat e. I a also very cheap.
52. Hello, I’ Jenny. Look! This is y roo. It’s on the second floor. It’s pink. I have a purple bed. The pillow (枕头) is white. y green skirt is on the bed. I like the skirt. I have a desk in y roo. There are soe books and a lap (台灯) on the table. I like y roo.
53. I a a tall boy. I can play basketball and soccer (足球) very well. Today is Sunday. I don’t go to school. I watch a soccer atch on TV. It’s a good atch. Beckha is y favourite star. He plays well in the atch. In the afternoon, I play soccer with y good friends.
54. y father grows (种植) rice and vegetables. He works very hard. He gets up very early every orning. He leaves hoe at half past six and walks to the field. His work starts at seven o’clock. He coes back hoe for lunch. He has a short rest. Then he goes back to work again.
55. To Sith is an old an. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife. But he is a father of two children. He has one son and one daughter. His son is fro England. His nae is Bill. His daughter is fro Aerica. Her nae is Susan.

A. An old an with two children fro different countries
B. y favourite sportsC. Different fruits D. Apple itself
E. y roo F. y hard-working father

六、综合语言运用 (共三节, 满分为20分)
(1) 根据句子内容, 填入适当单词,注意正确形式。 (共5小题; 每小题1分, 共5分)
56. ilk, cheese and fish are good for your ___________ (牙齿).
57. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and ________(星期日).
58. The zebra eats plants, ___________ (树叶) and grass but not baboo.
59. Click the __________ (鼠标) on “New docuent”.
60. s Du’s son is good at __________ (做) cake.
(2) 根据短内容, 填入适当单词,首字母已给出。 (共5小题; 每小题1分, 共5分)
y favourite (61) a__________ is cats. I have got a cat. It’s two (62) y________ old. Its nae is ii. It’s black and (63) w________. It has two big eyes and it’s very lovely. Its favourite food is fish, but it doesn’t like (64) w___________ . ii likes (65) p _________ with a ball. Soeties it listens to usic and watches TV with e. I like it very uch.
七、 完成句子 (共5小题; 每小题2分,共10分)
按照下面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子, 把答案写在横线上, 词数不限。
66. 我现在在电脑前。
I a now ___________________ the coputer.
67. 今天天气怎么样?
___________ the weather ________ today?
68. 购物中心里人太多。
There are _____________ people in the shopping centre.
69. 你能把收音机的音量稍微关小点吗?
Can you turn the radio down _____________?
70. 我能在网上看见她并和她交谈。
I can see her and talk to her ______________.
假如你是陈敏,根据以下要点, 发一封电子邮件给英国连线学校的同学
Tony,谈论中国学生一天的学习生活, 希望能和他交友。(70~80字。开头
结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数)
提示: 1、早上6:00起床,6:30步行去上学。2、8:00开始上,在
开始做作业, 7:00看电视。5、通常9:00上床睡觉。
Dear Tony,
y nae is Chen in. In this eail, I will talk about y school day. ____
Will you ake friends with e?
Best wishes!
Chen in

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuyi/35254.html
