
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网
A:Oh, come on, Ultraman!噢,天哪,《奥特曼》!B:What's up, Bro? What's in the bulletin?怎么啦?弟弟。布告栏上面说的是什么?A:It says that there will be a blackout from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in our neighborhood today.布告栏上说社区今天晚上5点到7点要停电。B:Blackout? Even the TV has the limit.停电?就连电视也不能看了。A:Don't you know you will look like a monster in the blackout?难道你不知道你现在看起来就像黑暗中的魔鬼吗?B:Oops, no, Daddy can't watch American Idol, either!啊,爸爸也看不了他的《美国偶像》了!A:That's not the point. Come on, can you imagine that there will be no electricity on such a hot day?那根本就不是重点。拜托,你能够想象在那么热的天没有电的情况吗?B:Oh, my god! No air-conditioner!噢,天哪,空调也用不了了!A:OK, since you are the smart one, can you come up with a better plan? So that we won't be baked like cookies here.既然你很聪明,你能想出一个更好的计划吗?这样的话我们就不会像被烘烤的饼干一样了。B:How about playing Barbie out there in the neighborhood?那么带小狗芭比一块儿去社区玩怎么样?A:Barbie? You know, I might be seven, but I'm not a girl.芭比?虽然我只有七岁,但是我又不是女孩子。B:Do you have a better plan?那么你有更好的计划吗?A:All right, all right.算了,随便。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuzhong/1174597.html
