
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  【—初二英语句子翻译提升训练及答案二】同学们, 妈妈叫我不要在雨天出门大家知道该怎么翻译吗,下面老师整理一些单项选择提升训练及答案,同学们加强练习吧。详情请看


  6. 妈妈叫我不要在雨天出门。


  7. 爸爸建议我今天不要骑车上学了,因为天气不好。


  8. 警察警告司机们在雪天要慢行。


  9. 人门急忙搬开砖头和石块。


  10. 这家工厂因为遭到雷击而失火了。



  6. Mum asks me not to go out on rainy days.

  7. Dad advises us not to go to school by bike, because the weather today is bad/ because of the bad weather.

  8. The police warn the drivers to slow down in snowy days.

  9. People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. / People moved away the bricks and stones in a great hurry.

  10. The factory caught fire because lightening 初中学习方法 hit it.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuzhong/62672.html
