

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
Burma 基本解释



Burma 网络解释

1. 缅甸:(吴关琦) 缅 甸(Burma) 亚洲东南部国家. 位于中南半岛西北部,孟加拉湾东岸. 南北长2000公里,东西最宽处930多公里. 面积676581平方公里,居东南亚第二位,仅次于印度尼西亚. 人口4230万. 有42个民族,缅族人数最多,

2. 缅甸(东南亚国家):9.Zaire 扎伊尔(非洲中部国家) | 10.Burma 缅甸(东南亚国家) | 11.Venezuela 委内瑞拉(南美洲北部国家)

3. 天秤座:奥地利、缅甸、加拿大、埃及、日本、西藏:Virgo: Greece, Turkey, Switzerland处女座:希腊... | Libra: Austria, Burma, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Tibet天秤座:奥地利、缅甸、加拿大、埃及、日本、西藏 | Scorpio: Algeria, Morocco, Norway, Syria天蝎座:阿尔及利亚、...

4. 缅/缅甸:Burlington /伯灵顿/ | Burma /缅/缅甸/ | Burmese /缅甸人/缅甸语/缅甸的/缅甸人的/缅甸语的/

Burma 双语例句

1. In India and Burma a member of an armed gang of robbers.


2. This pyramid was spotted by U. S. pilots in China in WWll flying over the hump in Burma.

3. During the second world war, it was the terminus of the Burma Road.

4. These Chinese are used to the sight of trucks because the original Burma Road passed this way.

5. Drug use and prostitution fuel the spread of HIV because of the China-Burma highway which runs through the city.

6. The successful construction of Yunnan-Burma Road totally changed the pattern of scattered towns and cities in west Yunnan.


7. The historical data have proved that Yunnan-Burma Road exerted much positive influence on the construction of new towns and the development of new industries and business.

8. Just over a month ago, Burma's deadliest storm in 40 years struck the country, killing tens of thousands of people and rendering millions homeless.

9. Thailand has confirmed the reports that thousands of ethnic Karen villagers have fled into the country to escape fighting in neighboring Burma.

10. Beijing has said it is prepared to build a pipeline to transport the gas from the former Burma to its territory, putting Yangon in a strong position.


11. When I was in Burma, a long time ago, my friends and I were working for the local Government.

12. Streams of visitors from Burma and Thailand come here to worship the Buddha every year.

13. But a draft of the document suggests that any enforcement mechanism will be weak, and the group will still have limited power to deal with troublesome members, like Burma.

14. After a short-term adaptive training in Burma, they entered Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, all equipped with

15. He says she and the diplomats discussed in detail the sanctions against Burma's military government.


16. Keywords seismic interpretation technique; depleted oilfield; Burma; Prome Bay basin; study of anomalous attributes
地震解释技术;枯竭期油田;缅甸; Prome海湾盆地;异常属性研究

17. The paper introduced the geologic feature and exploration/development history of Pyay oilfield of secondary basin in Prome Bay, Burma, which has had nearly 40 years'development history.

18. He bought Burma Qihe, in addition to their own use, most of all to give The.

19. This two-scratching Heihong the radio Burma Qihe, Kunming and more, and very cheap.

20. Burma`s military leaders have accused the 64-year-old pro-democracy leader of violating the terms of her house arrest.

Burma 单语例句

1. Burma在线翻译

1. The Flying Tigers were a volunteer group from the American army who trained in Burma before the Americans joined WWII.

2. Burma

2. This year was the first time Burma and Laos attended the expo.

3. Very tough wood from Burma and Papua New Guinea was used in the construction, while 75 tons of brass and gold went into the top of the building.

4. Burma的近义词

4. The Japanese deputy prime minster visiting Burma recently made a very public visit to a Japanese cemetery to honor the war dead there.

5. Burma的近义词

5. The fatal incident came a day after a crewman from Burma was stabbed to death aboard a Singaporean cargo ship docked at Shanghai's Waigaoqiao Port.

6. Burma的反义词

6. A group of human rights missionaries search him out and ask him to guide them into Burma to deliver medical supplies.

7. It is the shortest highway and the cheapest to take that extends to Burma and other countries in the southeast and south of China.

8. His visit to Myanmar would be the first by a British prime minister since 1955, seven years after the end of British colonial rule of the former Burma.

9. It is the shortest and cheapest highway that extends to Burma and other countries in the southeast and south of China.

10. Another 14 youths were sent to an immigration center to await their return to the former Burma.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1178169.html
