

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
approximately 基本解释

副词近似地,大约; 许

approximately 相关例句



1. The time is approximately ten o'clock.

2. There were approximately fifty people there.

approximately 网络解释


1. 大约:4、要在一个接待室(reception room)里铺瓷砖,接待室的长18 meters,宽12 meters,同时要修一条从大厅(hall)到楼梯(stair way)的通道(不铺瓷砖)占地50 squaremeters,允许铺设时有35%的浪费(wastage),1 平方米瓷砖的价格是10 美元,问大约(approximately)要花多少钱?

2. 大约;大概:2、alert 警觉的;留心的;机警的;敏捷的 | 3、approximately 大约;大概 | 4、distinctive 与众不同的;有特色的;显著的

3. approximately:approx; 里程

4. approximately:aprxly; 近似语言(机器语言名)

approximately 双语例句

1. One parsec is defined as the distance at which a star would show a parallax displacement of 1 second of arc, a distance which proves to be approximately 3.258 light years.

2. An to clear and approximately six weeks later my right leg began to move ever so slightly.

3. The safety database includes 941 patients from clinical trials and approximately 23, 000 patients in the Expanded Access Program.

4. Breathing faster than normal speed of about 1 times per minute, approximately breathe about 35 times.

5. He resource is located within approximately 3.5 kilometres of the sandstone ridge to the north of the five kilometres long area now being explored.


6. Apartment is a duplex structure, lower levels, approximately 200 metres.

7. A fabric layer should be placed over the slope after hydro-seeding activities are completed to reduce raindrop impact and erosion while the grass is established over a period of approximately six weeks.
织物层应放在超过斜坡后,水电直播活动完成,以减少雨滴的影响和侵蚀,而基层是成立一个时期大约6 周。

8. Hearing impairment is a common feature of FOP and occurs in approximately one-half of patients.

9. In ThoughWorks London office, there are approximately 150 employees with at least 30 nationalities.
在 ThoughtWorks 伦敦办公室里,大概有着一百五,六十人雇员。他们来自于超过30个以上的国家。

10. Was studied for better bioethanol production. Composition analytical results show the potential that the raw dry material contains approximately 64% carbohydrate and fiber can be used as bioethanol substrate.
本研究以目前台湾产量最高的台农57号甘薯之茎蔓枝叶采收废弃物为原料,成份分析显示废弃物中约含有 64%的碳水化合物和粗纤维具有被利用来生成生质酒精之潜力。

11. Approximately 80% of the city's smog originates from other parts of the Pearl River Delta.
大约80 %的城市的烟雾来自其他地区的珠江三角洲。

12. Results: It was necessary for puerperant to correctly make perineotomy parturition. The rational rate of perineotomy was about 37%.For the primipara, the perineotomy rate should be controlled approximately 49%.


13. We expect to incur a non-cash compensation expense in the aggregate of approximately $89, 000 in each of the final three calendar quarters of 2009 as a result of these option grants.

14. Most of hob design for non-involute gears are nowadays taken by approximation method. For example, the normal sectional profile of hob worm therad is usually regarded approximately as its basic rack profile. Recently, some new methods have been developed in this respect but, perhaps, they appear overelaborate since the principle of spacing engagement is based on. For this reason, the paper offers a new design procedure for hob worm based on the planar engagement principle with the intention of simplific...

15. Platelet counts were dropped dramatically in animals that received antibody injection within 4 h, maintained at the mini-mum level for a period of 44 h, started to rebound after 48 h, and reached to the maximum at 144 h (6 days). Final homeostasis reached at approximately 408 h (17 days), following a minor cycle of platelet number fluctuation.

16. Using a human pancreatic cancer cell line, she and her team found that adding thymoquinone killed approximately 80 percent of the cancer cells.

17. Barack Obama and Joe Biden`s `Change We Need` Education Plan fully cosigns the present Marxist University Archipelago and is about to give it a big boost aiming to pump approximately an additional $18 billion more dollars a year into it.
巴拉克。奥巴马和乔。比登的`改变我们的需要`教育计划充分 cosigns当前马克思主义的大学群岛,打算将给它大约一个大的助力,为之另外一年大约注入超过$18十亿美元。


18. The dosage of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs was reduced in approximately 70% of the patients.

19. Only about 50% of water goes through the membrane while approximately 95% of all impurities are removed.

20. A ground is a region of approximately zero voltage.

approximately 单语例句

1. approximately的翻译

1. They found the chances of dying within 18 months were approximately 25 percent lower with the coronary bypass operation.

2. Approximately two hours after entering the canyon, a flash flood swept many of the hikers into a waterway.

3. approximately的近义词

3. For this reason, capital expenditure is expected to be approximately NZ $ 44 million in the 2012 financial year.

4. It took approximately 38 hours for the animators of Industrial Light & Magic to render one frame of the CGI animation.

5. The entire life cycle from chick to maturity is only approximately eight weeks.

6. More than half played the piano while approximately a quarter had studied woodwind instruments such as the flute or clarinet.

7. SMEs also comprise 99 per cent of all companies, employing approximately 75 per cent of the work force in towns and counties.

8. There were approximately 400 Chinese students at Meridian International, according to China's consulate general in Sydney in a statement over the weekend.

9. Total retail sales of consumer goods in the province rose to approximately 862 billion yuan in the same year.

10. Under current regulations, approximately five per cent of production companies have the right to do this.

approximately 英英释义


1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct

e.g. lasted approximately an hour
in just about a minute
he's about 30 years old
I've had about all I can stand
we meet about once a month
some forty people came
weighs around a hundred pounds
roughly $3,000
holds 3 gallons, more or less
20 or so people were at the party

Synonym: about close to just about some roughly more or less around or so

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1225155.html
