

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆








crust 基本解释

名词地壳; 外壳; 面包皮; 硬外皮

及物动词用外皮覆盖; 在…上结硬皮; 生痂儿

不及物动词结成外壳; 结硬皮

crust 同义词


crust 反义词


crust 相关例句


1. Ice crusted the stream.

2. Ice crusted the pond.


1. The snow crusted over.


1. He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car!

2. The earth's crust is between 5 and 25 miles thick.

crust 情景对话


A:What are you cooking?

B:I’m making pizza.

A:Yummy! Do you have all the ingredients you need?

B:I’ve got everything, unless you want salami on your pizza.

A:That would be good. I can run to the store and buy some. What other ingredients are you going to put on the pizza?
那太好了, 我可以去商店买一些, 你还需要其它调料么?

B:Pizza sauce and cheese, of course. And then mushrooms, green peppers, onions, olives, and bacon.

A:Did you make the pizza crust or buy it from a store?

B:I made it from scratch.

A:Was it difficult?

B:No, I just had to mix some flour, water, and a little yeast. It’s almost ready to come out of the oven.

A:Do I have time to get the salami?

B:Yes, but be quick. I’ve just got to wash the vegetables and cut them into little pieces. And then we can add the tomato sauce and the toppings.

crust 网络解释

1. 地壳:有一个说法是,地壳(crust)是附在denser的地幔 mantle(容易被shape,也很厚3,000km)上的一个薄层. (原文就是这样以括号的形式出现的,考题问题是,选不对的,答案是,地壳the most容易被shape). 给地壳压力,它就下沉,没有压力,它就上浮,

2. 痂:留疤痕抓痕多由风盛、血燥、血热及贫血生风而至⒎ 痂(crust) 也称结痂,系指皮损外貌的浆液、脓液、血液及脱落社团等干枯而⒌ 水疱儿(vesick)和大疱(bulla) 为超出跨越皮面的里面含有液体的局限性腔隙性侵害直径小于0.5者称为小疱,

3. 外壳:1998年Amenta等人又提出了基于计算几何中Voronoi图和Delaunay三角化的全新的曲面重建算法,称为外壳(Crust)算法. 这种算法的优点在于输出的离散曲面在细节区域具有密集点而在无特征的区域只有稀疏点. 曲面重建的研究在最近几年形成了热潮,

4. 壳:2008年托福(toefl)考试7月12日阅读机经总汇有一个说法是,地壳(crust)是附在denser的地幔 mantle(容易被shape,也很厚3,000km)上的一个薄层. (原文就是这样以括号的形式出现的,考题问题是,选不对的,答案是,地壳the most容易被shape).

crust 双语例句

1. The results of this paper show:(1) The Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation deposited in limited carbonate platform sedimentary environment of shallow marine; the temperature of paleo-sea water is mainly from 26.7℃~32.1℃, which indicates Lanping Basin located in the hot tropics during formation of the Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation.(2) The provenance tectonic setting of sedimentary rocks from the Lanping Basin are represented by passive continental margin and continental island arc and the original source rocks were all derived from the upper continental crust, with felsic rocks dominant. So the Lanping Basin is a typical continental-type basin.(3) The evolution of Lanping Basin have undergone three different prototype basins'evolution, i. e. rift basin, depression basin and strike basin.(4) Ore-forming materials of deposits in large ore-assembly district were derived from crust (mainly from basement and stratum of basin ore-forming fluids were hot brine of basin dominant and the organic matter from source rocks of basin stratum has involved in mineralization; and mineralization epoch of deposits was about 56Ma or 30Ma, which are compatible with the times of collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate and late strong compression stage respectively.


2. Controls of sedimentary lithofacies, karstification, tectonic disruption factors in Upper Ordovician reef-bank complex of Tazhong NO.1 slope break and Lower Ordovician Yingshan formation weathering crust.

3. Overall, the crust of studied area is thick in north and thin in south.

4. Mechanical and rheological properties of the lithosphere indicate a style of regional deformation. Regions of high rigidity feature rigid block-like movements, while those of low rigidity are characterized dominated by continuous deformation. Rheological flows in the lower crust and upper mantle play an important role in controlling deformation of the upper crust. The present-day tectonic deformation of China'continent can be described in terms of a coupling model of rigid block movement and continuous deformation.


5. Solvent-based polyurethane used in the 5810 Tuomo processing, water-based polyurethane Tuomo 5801, 5806 A for use Textile yarn in the lubrication, leather surface treatment, since the crust off.


6. A golden yolk from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival.

7. The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knif e into the rusty crust.

8. As a consequence, lower gabbros of the oceanic crust could have a larger crystal grain size on average than that of the upper gabbros as seen from the filed observations at the Oman ophiolite.

9. As a consequence, lower gabbros of the oceanic crust could have a larger crystal grain size on average than that of the upper gabbros as seen from the filed observations at the Oman ophiolite. Key words Computational Geodynamics Laboratory; Department of Geophysics; Peking University; Beijing 100871; China

10. It is a metallic element that is found in the crust of Earth.

11. The sPn is of great significance for our study to determine focal depth of the within-crust earthquakes.


12. The crust of capacitor made of aluminum, strong and rustless, the capability of heat dissipation is superior to other materials.

13. Ancient times as a result of the activities of the earth's crust, causing the earth's crust was broken and the river was the interception of foreign Tanghe, so at an altitude of 2400 meters high in the mountains Wei days, they come together to form the shape of a lake of clear water hyacinth, Tianchi County there are nine Great Bay and Little Bay, 108, a radius of 20 kilometers, 97 meters water depth, water area of 80 hectares, surrounded by all the mountain peaks of the mountains, beautiful scenery incomparable.

14. After a many, many years, the earth's crust changes, which bring water receded, became the land, two rock reef which is now Shuang Tashan.

15. In some extent, granulite is the synonym of the lower continental crust.

16. Dated from Proterozoic to Mesozoic, they have poly-circle characteristics, found from one tectonic circle to another, which is very rare in the worldwide orogens. This reveals that the orogen and stable area of the world, the mantle and crust states of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic are different in tectonic evolvement and dynamic process and that the rapakivi granite of the Qinling-Kunlun is a kind of orogenic granite different from the stable area of the Proterozoic.

17. Geologists have found that the crust is about 4 to 10 miles thick under most of the oceans.


18. In the fields of electronic technology, the heat transfer problem of electronic product includes heat transfer between integrated circuit and its submarine in chip as well as the design of heat removal on chip's crust.

19. The solution is mainly by adding a small amount of petroleum jelly in ink so as to reduce the drying rate of trabeculectomies; join a small amount of anti-crust agent or antioxidant; plant should not be too good, and so on.

20. Based on previous result of our project group, this study concentrated on the optimization of the crust and the roll system.

crust 词典解释crust的反义词

1. 面包皮
The crust on a loaf of bread is the outside part.

2. (馅饼的)酥皮
A pie's crust is its cooked pastry.

3. crust的解释

3. (尤指较软或较湿的物质上的)硬层,硬皮
A crust is a hard layer of something, especially on top of a softer or wetter substance.

e.g. As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil.

4. 地壳
The earth's crust is its outer layer.

e.g. Earthquakes leave scars in the earth's crust.

5. (尤指通过做不愿意做的工作)谋生
If you earn a crust, you earn enough money to live on, especially by doing work you would prefer not to do.

e.g. In his early days, he would do almost anything to earn a crust from the sport.

6. see also: upper crust

crust 单语例句

1. crust

1. I grew up in Canada thinking pizza should have a soggy, doughy crust and be loaded down with toppings that often make a gooey mess.

2. Chile and the Pacific Northwest are part of several seismic hotspots around the globe where plates of the Earth's crust grind and dive.

3. A clutch of ancient diamonds plucked from the hills of Western Australia have been identified as the oldest remnants of the Earth's crust ever recovered.


4. New Zealand sits above an area of the Earth's crust where two tectonic plates collide.

5. crust是什么意思

5. Peridotite is the most common rock found in the Earth's mantle, or the layer directly below the crust.

6. It is a sweet, crispy treat with a crunchy crust and a soft milky pudding in the center.

7. The pastry crust here is thick, but very tender and will crumble as you serve it.

8. Each bite brings an interesting contrast of crunchy breaded crust and soft, velvety center.

9. Countries including the United States and Russia are seeking to determine the crust's thickness.

10. The tectonic and erosive forces that lifted and pared the earth's crust to sculpt Zhangjiajie's sandstone hoodoo created landscapes that eerily resemble traditional Chinese paintings.

crust 英英释义


1. the trait of being rude and impertinent
inclined to take liberties

Synonym: gall impertinence impudence insolence cheekiness freshness

2. the outer layer of the Earth

Synonym: Earth's crust

3. a hard outer layer that covers something

Synonym: incrustation encrustation


1. form a crust or form into a crust

e.g. The bread crusted in the oven

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1242851.html
