

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



folly 基本解释

名词愚行; 蠢笨; 讽刺剧

folly 同义词

名词foolishness stupidity craziness silliness

folly 反义词

名词wisdom sagacity

folly 相关例句



1. The old man felt regret for the follies of his youth.

2. It is folly to buy such a junk at $100.

3. It would be folly to quit your job before finding a new one.

4. To reduce public spending on wellbeing would be an act of the greatest folly.

5. My folly has cost me dearly.

folly 网络解释

1. 愚蠢:Bloodhound侦探犬 | Folly愚蠢 | Downfall毁灭

2. 荒唐事:Follow-on Work|后续工作 | Folly|荒唐事 | Force Account|强制帐目,参见 Day Work Account

folly 双语例句

1. 3 A person`s folly subverts his way

2. Certified, ISO-BARTFM system eliminates the excessive application of glue, or at least reduced by 30%, but the paste dasage will be able to achieve sufficient bond strength of pulp in corrugated, 'Tis folly to glue period reduces or avoid cord to tip subsidece.

3. He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is lost.

4. And though it may seem strange to you that one in the terrible position in which I am situated should find a difference between one disgrace and another, still I frankly admit that the folly of throwing away all this money on you, and letting you squander my fortune to your own hurt as well as to mine, gives to me and in my eyes a note of common profligacy to my Bankruptcy that makes me doubly ashamed of it[9g].

5. Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

6. What enchants thee into such folly as to remain in a pit when thou mayst sit on a throne?

7. Time lodged in their own hands is folly's vails

8. And the man, the master of the house, went out unto them, and said unto them, Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this folly.
19:23 那房主出来对他们说,弟兄们哪,不要这样作恶。这人既然进了我的家,你们就不要行这丑事。

9. Theft, murder, adultery, jealousy, greed, maliciousness, deceit, indecency, slander, pride and folly.

10. Fool's folly guesses that folly of not to strange, clever people lets people be in convulsions of laughter just now; Because of he uses complete ability, certificate himself is clumsy

11. We are not in these areas are not made out of good intentions and unintended folly.

12. Palestinian suffering is, of course, real and heart-wrenching, but what the Arab narrative deliberately distorts is the cause of its own tragedy: the folly of its own fanatical leadership - from Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (Nazi collaborator, who spent World War II in Berlin), to Egypt`s Gamal Abdel Nasser to Yasser Arafat to Hamas of today - that repeatedly chose war rather than compromise and conciliation.

13. They have so little common humanity, these artists of the pins and chalk, that it must be difficult to wring out of nine of them folly and friendliness enough to make an ordinary citizen.


14. There is the most folly in my life.

15. It`s the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget his own.


16. From an objective point of view, to be sheer folly.

17. I don't try and hide what I'm doing - that would be folly.

18. It is an act of folly.

19. I'm sorry to make such a folly mistake.

20. It was my folly, and thy weakness.

folly 词典解释

1. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

1. 愚蠢;荒唐
If you say that a particular action or way of behaving is folly or a folly, you mean that it is foolish.

e.g. It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.
e.g. ...a reminder of the follies of war.

2. (尤指旧时英国花园等中的)装饰性建筑
A folly is a small tower or other unusual building that is built as a decoration in a large garden or park, especially in Britain in former times.

folly 单语例句

1. The second major " historic folly " in Zheng's words was the filling of many waterways crisscrossing the city center.

2. To treat such professional institutions on the basis of administrative authority is the height of folly.

3. When a policy has been in place for decades and is producing no results, it is sheer folly to advocate persisting with it.

4. At the denouement, they had nothing but their folly to show for it.

5. Two recent cases reflect the folly of blindly pursuing economic growth at the cost of the environment.

6. folly的翻译

6. It was an egregious folly that their accusing fingers were pointed at the victims, instead of the rampant thugs.

7. Billions must be paid to make up for the folly of not planning for the disaster that followed from doing nothing.

8. Liu then tallied the figures, and rolled her eyes at the financial folly of investing in a small hotel.

9. Some speculate that there must have been experts who had noticed the folly in the widespread myth.

10. If Japan continues its folly, the crisis will be exacerbated until the situation spirals out of control.

folly 英英释义


1. foolish or senseless behavior

Synonym: foolery tomfoolery craziness lunacy indulgence


2. a stupid mistake

Synonym: stupidity betise foolishness imbecility

3. folly的解释

3. the trait of acting stupidly or rashly

Synonym: foolishness unwiseness

4. folly的解释

4. the quality of being rash and foolish

e.g. trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly
adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness

Synonym: foolishness craziness madness

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1265137.html
