

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


A:Have you made a decision about your job yet?

B:Not yet. I’m still considering my options.

A:What are they?

B:I can stay at my current job and hope that they give me a promotion soon.


B:Or I can take the new job for less money and more responsibilities and hope that they give me a raise soon.

A:So what is more important to you, money or a challenge?

B:I’d rather find my work challenging than make a lot of money. But there is the possibility that I could be challenged at work and make more money.

A:I think I know what you’re going to decide.


A:Well, I don’t think you’re a risk-taker. That’s all I’m going to say.

B:Do you think I should be?

A:I’m not going to tell you what to decide. You have to make the decision for yourself.

B:Do you think I should take more risks?

A:I’m not saying anything else. If give you advice and it doesn’t turn out well, then you’ll blame it all on me!
我不会说其他的了。如果我给了你建议,但如果并不好, 你会全怪我的!

B:No, I won’t.

A:Yes, you will.

B:No, I promise that I won’t blame you.

A:I’d like to see that in writing!

decision 网络解释

1. 判定:实际上不需要 IFTHENELSE 函数,因为你可以只使用原始布尔类型的项作为判定(decision)函数. 但是如果需要一个的话:

decision 双语例句

1. Effective information management from superior to junior is implemented in this system, it brings leaders the convenience for decision making, and it is refrence and assistant for impactful management.

2. Lincoln: We need to make a decision on who gets cut.

3. The decision was inspired by a spontaneous opera performance by the BBC at London`s Paddington Station in 2004, the paper said.

4. As U. S. President Barack Obama nears an anticipated decision on America's future engagemen...

5. Selection of outsourcing projects for information systems is very important in outsourcing activities. After analyzing the existing selection approaches to outsourcing projects, a decision method of outsourcing projects combined with both the advantages of analytic hierarchy process and Preference Ranking Organization Methods for Enrichment Evaluations was proposed.
信息系统外包(15/IT outsourCing)是指在企业内部信息资源(信息技术人员、信息技术基础设施等)有限的情况下,为取得更大的竞争优势,用户公司通过契约关系将全部或者部分信息系统业务外包给信息技术供应商来完成的一种企业战略措施艺2一3〕。

6. Data preprocessing method of Web log mining is studied. Frame pages filtering and overtime threshold value seting are analyzed. The improved method based on induction of decision tree(ID3) algorithm and threshold value dynamic amendment algorithm is proposed.

7. After analyzing, this paper proposes a new method to determine the ordering vector of fuzzy complementary matrix, and the new method can be used by a formula when decision makers give positive reciprocal matrices.

8. By combining the weight vector of all the attributes and the large group preference matrix, an integration evaluation value vector of all the schemes is obtained. From the integration evaluation values in this vector, the ordering result of each scheme is got. The methood solves the problem of multi-attributes and multi-schemes large group decision making better.

9. And I want him to feellike he's part of the decision makingprocess.

10. If have, this kind of combat readiness is decision-making it is necessary.


11. Arrangement of the capital structure is a core problem within the enterprise finance decision.

12. Because education bureaucrat control examination sovereignty, they decision test what with how test.

13. Its evaluation findings provides an important basis for decision making of the project.

14. They came round and informed us of their decision.


15. A company's decision to sell stock is usually based on their need for a large sum of quick cash.

16. Therefore, the author improve the construction of SEA by reference various countries` good and bad points; Moreover, Taiwan SEA uses the matrix form in the regulations, hence we suggest 「Budget Act」and 「Regulations for Preparing Central Government Medium-Term Planning Budget」not only analyze the cost benefit of project but also analyze the environment cost analysis; SEA integrate with cost-benefit analysis again, using matrix form of SEA and cost-benefit analysis of budget mean to help policymaker making decision, improve present SEA system, and achieved sustainable development and Precautionary principle.


17. I will not provide you any advice and I think you should make your own decision.

18. Trinket let out a long breath:'As I've already said, I leave the decision entirely to you.

19. Are you in favor of his decision?

20. His decision is of no consequence to me.

decision 词典解释

1. 决定;抉择
When you make a decision, you choose what should be done or which is the best of various possible actions.

e.g. A decision was taken to discipline Marshall...
e.g. The president said he'd made no firm decision on whether he would run for a second term in office...

2. 作决定;作抉择
Decision is the act of deciding something or the need to decide something.

e.g. The moment of decision cannot be delayed...
e.g. This was a matter for decision by the individual.

3. 果断;决断(力)
Decision is the ability to decide quickly and definitely what to do.

e.g. He is very much a man of decision and action.

decision 单语例句

1. The price tag may have shocked some applicants, but the decision was in line with the general trend in the nation's business schools.

2. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

2. His decision to go rallying ended any thought he might end up at Mercedes as world champion Jenson Button's replacement.

3. Demonstrators in Hong Kong display national flags during a protest on Sunday against Japan's decision to " buy " the Diaoyu Islands.

4. decision的翻译

4. The National Trust said on Thursday that public input is being sought before making any decision to buy the studios.

5. decision

5. Sales growth at Coles lags behind larger rival Woolworths Ltd, prompting last month's decision to seek a buyer because it can't meet profit forecasts.

6. Authorities said the reason for the move was " safety concerns over crowds buying newspapers ", but both readers and commentators questioned the decision.

7. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

7. What mostly affects the Chinese shoppers'decision when buying clothes - price, style or fiber?

8. He explained that his decision to return to the pool had been sudden as he had initially not missed the buzz of top competition.

9. That's according to a decision by the Bazhong City CPC committee on Monday.


10. So give a potential Mr Right a fighting chance by going out with him for at least three dates before you make any decision.

decision 英英释义


1. the act of making up your mind about something

e.g. the burden of decision was his
he drew his conclusions quickly

Synonym: determination conclusion

2. the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose

e.g. a man of unusual decisiveness

Synonym: decisiveness

3. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration

e.g. a decision unfavorable to the opposition
his conclusion took the evidence into account
satisfied with the panel's determination

Synonym: determination conclusion

4. the outcome of a game or contest

e.g. the team dropped three decisions in a row

5. (boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred

e.g. had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1276492.html
