

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
dropsy 基本解释



dropsy 网络解释

1. 水肿:在斗鱼身上,水肿(Dropsy)泛指腹部肿胀的情形,腹水(Ascites)则为腹腔中积蓄过多的体液. 在鱼腹腔中,本就存在一些体液,作为组织间的润滑之用,但可能因为皮肤、鳃、心脏、肝脏或肾脏的病变,导致渗透压调节功能失常,腹腔因而充满过多体液,

2. 积水:droplet infection 飞沫传染 | dropsy 积水 | drowning 淹溺

3. 水肿(病浮肿(病):dropping reaction 点滴反应 | dropsy 水肿(病浮肿(病) | drosophila 果蝇

4. 浮肿 水肿 积水 积液:dropstone 钟乳状方解石滴石 | dropsy 浮肿 水肿 积水 积液 | dropsyofserouscavity 浆膜腔积液

dropsy 双语例句

1. The same procedure was carried out 14 days later. Results The temperature of inferior segment of esophagus was significantly increased at 60min. The temperature of physic liquor was significant higher than that of perfusion. The temperature of perfusion was becoming significantly increased at 5min (P.05). The WBC, PLT, ALT, AST, Cr and CO2CP of preoperative and postoperative had no significant changes. Only lightly peritoneum dropsy and infiltrate slight phlegmasia were observed postoperatively and 14 days later. There were no significant differences among groups.
结果 在60min时食道下段温度显著升高,灌注温度明显高于抽取温度,抽取温度5min时开始升高(P.05);各组术前和术后WBC、PLT、ALT、AST、Cr和CO2CP无明显变化,组间比较也无明显差异;术后和术后2wk腹膜均见轻度水肿、少量的炎细胞浸润;吻合口见黏膜层有小溃疡形成,表面有渗出,组间无明显差异。


2. Behold, a certain man who had dropsy was in front of him.
14:1 在他面前有一个患水臌的人。

3. In front of him there was a man suffering from dropsy.

4. And, behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy.
14:2 在他面前有一个患水臌的人。

5. And behold, there was a certain man before him that had the dropsy.

6. There were 4 cases of cerebral vasospasm, 6 cases of psychiatric disturbance and 8 cases of subcutaneous dropsy.
结果 13例巨大蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤在显微镜下做到了全切,术后出现脑血管痉挛4例,精神症状6例及皮下积液8例等。


7. Objective To review the error factors in diagnosis of dropsy of serous cavity using cytological classification vs. pathomorphological classification.
目的 探讨恶性浆膜腔积液细胞学分型诊断与病理学分型诊断偏差的原因。

8. Objective To probe the value of ADA and CEA in the diagnosis of benign and malignant chest and abdominal dropsy.
目的 探讨胸腹水腺苷脱氨酶和癌胚抗原联合检测在鉴别诊断良恶性胸腹水中的价值。

9. The measurement of CEA and ADA in chest and abdominal dropsy is valuable to the diagnosis of benign and malignant chest and abdominal dropsy

10. MethodsPeritoneal irrigating solution or abdominal dropsy was collected from 67 patients with advanced gastric cancer and 8 patients with benign lesion on the stomach.

11. Those with chronic cardiac and failure, dementia, malignant tumor, dropsy and abdominal dropsy were excluded.

12. Meanwhile thevalence of purified abdominal dropsy was 1:1.28×106、1:6.4×105、1:3.2×105, respectively, and they were belong to IgG1 subgroup.

13. As a method of purifying antibody from abdominal dropsy, Protein G Affinity Chromatography is characteristic of high efficiency, fast and high purified yield. The combination of SZ-21 and platelet, high thrombus uptake and definitive in vitro images show that 99Tcm-SZ-21 has considerable potential as a clinical imaging agent for the detection of thromboemblism.

14. Results:The main symptoms of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma were abdominal distension and abdominal dropsy in this patients.1 patient examined by abdominoscopy, 3 patients examined by exploratory laparotomy, and all of them received final pathematology diagnosis...

15. Moreover, recently the weather variety not certain, the difference in temperature that is sooner or later attains more than 10 degrees, a lot of ladies have no time at work in the daytime, protect hairdressing time of skin to arrange in the evening, but because of indoor outside difference in temperature obvious, protect skin be over to be subjected to cold breeze incitement after go out, the skin will appear erythema, papula, dropsy and take off scraps, among them allergic sex skin of the lady express more obviously.

16. Result: we can see reporters contribute a lot to their work but the fee back is very little; the pressure is huge; the feeling of tiring is deep and it would get worse seriously; most of them think their health status gets worse than the last year and half of them aren`t satisfied of their job, they are considering to change another job; they don`t think this career deserves the right position in the society; they get new sickness such as melancholia, manic depressive psychosis and tiring, the dropsy, the headache, the shoulder neck backache, the gastoenteritis and so on, is disease which the majority of people altogether has.

17. Result: After the operation, the necrosis of skin flap 2 examples(4.3%), the cutaneous dropsy 6 examples(13.0%), the lymph edemas of upper limb 4 examples(8.7%), the contracture of the pectoral muscle and the same upper arm`s movement disturbance 2 examples(4.3%), 3 years survival rate 83.9%, 5 years survival rate 64.5%, Ⅰ issue 81.1%, Ⅱ issue 52.3%, Ⅲissue 32.2%.
结果:术后发生皮缘坏死2例(4.3%),皮下积液6例(13.0%),上肢淋巴性水肿4例(8.7%),胸肌挛缩伴同侧上臂运动障碍2例(4.3%)。3年生存率83。9%; 5年生存率64。5%,其中Ⅰ期为81。

18. The brain tissue changes in mouse model with brain hemorrhage, included dropsy in different degree, inflammatory cell infiltrate, nerve cell necrosis and vascular proliferation as well as gliacyte.

19. Objective: To study effects of pressure treatment on dropsy of the affected hand in stroke patients.


20. And the seeds of Argemone mexicana L. SANG has been implicated in outbreaks of human poisoning known as epidemic dropsy characterized by leg edema, breathlessness, congestive heart failure, tachycardia, gallop rhythm, hepatomegaly, and glaucoma.

dropsy 英英释义



1. swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities

Synonym: edema oedema hydrops

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1292692.html
