
at war是什么意思_at war在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
at war  
at war 基本解释


at war 相关例句

at war是什么意思


1. Those two countries have been at war for a long time.

at war 网络解释

1. 在交战:高声地(喊) at the top of ones voice | 在交战 at war | 穿旧;使筋疲力尽 wear out

2. 处于交战状态:reception 接待,招待会.接收 | at war 处于交战状态 | remove移动;搬开

3. 处于战争中:attend to 专注与......;照顾 | at war 处于战争中 | at work 在工作,活动着

4. 处于战争/交战状态:at various academic levels 不同的学术层次 | at war 处于战争/交战状态 | at work 忙于工作

at war 双语例句

at war

1. In Ankara, I made clear that America is not and never will be at war with Islam.

2. His generals, meanwhile, Statius Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and Martius Verus44 for four years conducted the war until they advanced to Babylon and Media, and recovered Armenia.45 He, however, gained the names Armeniacus, Parthicus, and Medicus; and these were proffered to Marcus also, who was then living at Rome.

3. This season he will return to Changchun by Dongguan team group leader and trainer's status, the Manchurian tiger and the Dongguan team's competition also will be at the appointed time turns a weapon around the war.

4. The Chinese have read the Apollo playbook, says Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on the Chinese space program at the Naval War College in Newport, R. I.

5. No one, not even the Greater Daemons of the other Dark Gods, can hope to defeat a Bloodthirster at close quarters. Nowhere, in an entire galaxy of worlds at war can a deadlier opponent be found by glory seeking fools.

6. Cozying up to Russia, whose leaders have been increasingly at odds with the United States, evoked cold war rivalries in the hemisphere.

7. To withdraw immediately from Japanese and Chinese waters German men o war and armed vessels of all kinds, and to disarm at once those which cannot be withdrawn.

at war的意思

8. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.

9. In fact, for the rankings at the end of World War II, the industry also have different voices.

10. At the outbreak of the war he lived in London.

11. Then after this there was war again with the Philistines at Gob; and Sibbecai the Hushathite slew Saph, who was one of the children of the giant.
21:18 后来,以色列人又在歌伯与非利士人打仗;户沙人西比该杀了巨人的一个后代撒弗。

12. In the third group Naryshkin was repeating the tale of the meeting of the Austrian council of war, at which, in reply to the stupidity of the Austrian general, Suvorov crowed like a cock.

13. As we all know, at the founding of New China a century ago, the Chinese war of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, torn.

14. This version of the non-deep ice dance Shadow Master thieves were grams of very dead, the fire would like to win a large extent, law depends on the stun, sprint, magic batter can be a passive trigger, Austrian law would like to win, I summed up the two circumstances: first, to Hong war dance video hands are refrigerator, the refrigerator should be turned out not to be cutting as much as possible, and then opened strong with Austrian shells screen - fire red - shells hit the order screen, the disappearance of the ice ring thief, ice went as far as possible from the post code of the local thieves Reading 5-8 sheep, the disappearance of the hair, such a situation are more variable and, at this point first.

15. Still another example is Winston Churchill. At age 25, as a correspondent in the Boer War he became a prisoner of war and his dramatic escape made him a national hero. Elected to Parliament at 26, he performed brilliantly, held high cabinet posts with distinction and at 37 became First Lord of the Admiralty.

at war的解释

16. Mount Fuji during the war to find an Artifact, but he did not know its specific uses, it can only hills in the possession of the mother - Mount Fuji - at the foot of the.

17. At that time, be a result of close battle like monarch, a very unpopular war going on before the start of Micronesia over the country to be the sudden appearance of a rainbow, Micronesiaming zhu think people should be approaching.

at war是什么意思

18. He's always been good at fishing in troubled waters; he made a lot

at war在线翻译

19. He's always been good at fishing in troubled waters; he made a lot of money by buyinghouses that were bombed in the war.

20. He is ruling the country which the ancestor fights down, certainly, their ambition, has not always abated, attacks and wrests away the territory has been their evil mission, FUKA premeditates and is planning all from the very beginning, until now has the real power, he already knew that this day approaches eventually, the prosperous times war, is ready to be set off at a touch!

at war 单语例句

1. The Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam Proclamation of 1945 defined the terms for the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II.

2. He was at the station seeing off his father, who had been called up by the army as war clouds gathered.

3. Officials said President Bush met with some of his top national security advisers at Camp David last weekend and discussed war options.

4. The three will take part in ceremonies in London at the Cenotaph, a war memorial near the Houses of Parliament.

5. " There is no place for chicanery at a time of war, " said Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.


6. " The public turned against this war before I said it, " Murtha told reporters after a speech at a civic center.

7. at war

7. Many of my generation remember growing up at the height of the Cold War, hiding under desks during civil defense drills in case the communists attacked us.

8. He came to power in the 1980 coup, but was forced out 19 years later at the onset of the country's civil war.

9. The investigation by prosecutors at the world's first global war crimes court claimed to establish a clear link between the Sudanese authorities and the janjaweed.

10. The row comes at a difficult time for Bush's close ally Tony Blair, also under pressure over his decision to go to war.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1314913.html
