
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网


高二下学期第一次月考英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 听下面5段对话。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话仅读一遍What does the woman think of the iPad case?A. It’s too heavyB. It’s light C. It wouldn’t protect her iPad enough2.What will the man do on Friday?A. Have dinner with the woman.B. Go to a concert.C. Meet a student.3. What are the speakers doing?A. Looking at something expensive.B. Waiting in a bank.C. Talking about dreams.4. What was difficult for the man?A. Finding a parking place. B. Driving in the rain C. Pleasing the woman5. Where will the speakers probably go?A. A zoo B. A cinema C. A school 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每个小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。’s blanket.B. Get his daughter to sleep earlyC. Stop his daughter from crying听第7段材料,回答第8至题’s no restaurant there. C. Everything is expensive9. Why did the woman probably go there on weekend?A. The swimming pool was open then.B. She didn’t need to make a reservation then.C. She could get a discount then.听第8段材料,回答第1至1题people 听第9段材料,回答第1至1小题losing its color?A. He looked at the instructions on the skirt.B. He looked at the instructions on the washing machines.C. He knew from personal experience.15. Why was the skirt losing color?A. The woman wasn’t supposed to wash it.B. The quality of the skirt is poor.C. The woman used the wrong kind of soap.16. What will the woman do next time?A. Wash the skirt in hot water B. Have it dry-cleanedC. Wash the skirt separately.听第10段材料,回答第1至20题’s order?A. It was impossible. B. It would take a long time to complete.C. It would be easy to follow.19. How long did the older doctor say he needed?A. Two years B. Six years C. Twelve years20. What is the king like? A. He is very stupid B. He is very kind C. He is really smart第二部分 (共两节,满分45分)单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分21. -It’s said John will be in a job paying over $ 60,000 ___ year.-Right, he will also get paid by ______ week.A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D. a; a 22. Are you going to the concert ______ on Friday evening in the people’s Square? A. to hold B. to be holding C. to have held D. to be held23. Mr.Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one_____. A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed24. The teachers are said _____ to the new office, where they have better conditions.A. to moveB. to have moved C. movingD. having moved25. The people living in these apartments have free ______ to that swimming pool.A. charge B. access C. time D. entrance26. The leaders ought to ______ their political differences to pass a health care law.A. set aside B. set away C. set off D. set out 27. The power to our region has been _______ by the heavy snow. A. cut offB. cut downC. cut away D. cut up28. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _____ the cloth _____ well.A. have told; washes B. have been told; is washedC. was told; washed D. have been told; washes29. Wilson ____ that everything should be put in place before he started.A. declared B. desired C. wished D. stated30. When I passed the entrance examination, my family _______ me ____ my success. A. celebrated; on B. congratulated; on C. celebrated; to D. congratulated; to31. “I’ve told you a million times --- _______ my belongings alone!” shouted Paul angrily. A. keep B. leave C. set D. lay32. The hostess was friendly and the food was delicious. ____, the party was very pleasant.A. After all B. Above all C. In all D. All in all33. Dina, ______ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle34. After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide ________ for the homeless families.A. accommodation B. occupation C. equipment D. furniture35. ---You look upset. What’s the matter ? --- I had my proposal ______ again.A. turned overB. turned onC. turned off D. turned down第三部分 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,计30分学优)I will never forget a special trip to the grocery store some years ago. My father had just recently ? 36 . I was missing him terribly and hardly getting through a day without ? 37 . I needed to pull myself together to get some groceries for my young children.As I entered the store, I ? 38 had to control my emotions as the ? 39 smell of my daddy’s favorite cinnamon buns (肉桂卷) made there filled the whole ? 40 . I made my way up and down the busy passages and ? 41 my cart (手推车) as I read my list, which I had prepared that morning. I was ? 42 the in-store bakery when I just couldn’t ? 43 myself any longer. I held the ? 44 and quietly cried as I looked at the cinnamon buns.A gentleman came to my ? 45 and simply said, “Would you like me to ? 46 here with you for a moment?” I nodded and the man simply put his hand on top of mine, and stood there ? 47 supporting me as I cried. Once I gathered myself, I looked into his wonderful eyes and thanked him, ? 48 I had just lost my father. He simply said there had been such ? 49 in his life too, when he just needed to cry.This man ? 50 me deeply. I realized too many times, we see someone ? 51 and make guesses about the happenings in their life, when really we should recognize we are all ? 52 and just need a little ? 53 sometimes.Before leaving, I ? 54 again in the store for this man, but could not find him. I hope that maybe, he or someone who has done this same thing reads this and learns how the gesture ? 55 the heart of another person.36. A. calmed downB. passed awayC. turned upD. turned away37. A. cryingB. sleepingC. researchingD. worrying38. A. slowlyB. successfullyC. immediatelyD. unluckily39. A. differentB. unpleasantC. badD. sweet40. A. carB. storeC. roomD. bakery41. A. watchedB. emptied C. filledD. discovered42. A. approachingB. admiringC. leavingD. running43. A. behave B. controlC. enjoyD. defend44. A. noteB. positionC. moneyD. cart45. A. sideB. attentionC. helpD. head46. A. work B. waitC. standD. sit47. A. nervouslyB. angrilyC. proudlyD. quietly48. A. meaningB. explainingC. arguingD. reminding59. A. momentsB. chancesC. dreamsD. duties50. A. pleasedB. touchedC. disappointed D. shocked51. A. unfriendlyB. impoliteC. illD. sad52. A. relativesB. strangersC. humansD. volunteers53. A. supportB. wealthC. humorD. energy54. A. askedB. paidC. lookedD. called55. A. wonB. openedC. beatD. warmed 第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)AWe walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn't even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down. While I watched mouth open is surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop. She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up, Mum nodded and said, "Very dirty floors.""Yes, I'm glad they've finally decided to clean them, "the nurse answered. She looked at Mum strangely and said, "But aren't you wo河北省邢台市第二中学2013-2014学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoer/244264.html
