人教版高二英语必修5 Unit 1 SectionIII训练题(有答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网

1.____________ vt.建设;修建→____________ n.建设;建筑物
2.____________ vt.≈ vi.捐献;贡献;捐助→____________ n.
3.____________ adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的
4.____________ n.移动;运动;动作→____________ v.
5.____________ adj.热情的;热心的→____________ n.
6.____________ adj.小心的;谨慎的→____________ adv.→____________ n.
7.____________ vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃→____________ n.
8.____________ n.宇宙;世界
答案:1.construct;construction 2.contribute;contribution 3.positive 4.oveent;ove 5.enthusiastic;enthusias
6.cautious;cautiously;caution 7.reject;rejection 8.universe
1.________________ 为……做贡献或捐款;导致;有助于
2.________________ 除……之外;此外
3.________________ 对……要求严格
4.________________ 导致;通向
5.________________ 讲得通;有意义
6.________________ 对……热情
7.________________ 对……谨慎
8.________________ 态度;观点;看法
答案:1.contribute to 2.apart fro 3.(be) strict with
4.lead to 5.ake sense 6.be enthusiastic about
7.be cautious about 8.point of view
1.____________________________of the other planets in the sky ake sense.
答案:Only if you put the sun there did the oveents
2.Yet Copernicus’ theory is now the basis______________________________.
答案:on which all our ideas of the universe are built

1.The origins of the ________(宇宙)are still a ystery.
2.The ay 4th ________(运动) of 1919 is very iportant in the history of China.
3.Our teacher tells us that exercise ________(有助于)to good health.
4.Several ________(热情的) young teachers have just started working at the school.
5.She’s got a really ________(积极的)attitude to life.
6.When her husband left hoe she felt ________(抛弃)and useless.
reject;be strict with;enthusiastic;ake sense of;ake sense;cautious
1.I can’t ____________________this poe,but perhaps I will if I read it again.
答案:ake sense of
2.Although I ____________________ by the university, I didn’t lose heart.
答案:had been rejected
3.As she ____________ very __________________ her children, they developed a good studying habit.
答案:was;strict with
4.Only after finishing reading the passage can you find it ____________________.
答案:akes sense
5.With so any people watching hi, Ji was very ________________.
6. He doesn’t sound ________________ about the place, in which his parents have ever worked.
1.(2011年福州三中高二检测)I don’t think his reason for being late akes ________.
A.use         B.sense
C.value D.cause
解析:选B。考查ake构成的短语的区别。句意:我认为他迟到的理由没有道理。ake sense在这里是“有道理,讲得通”。
2.(2011年青岛高二检测)The teacher didn’t explain the proble clearly,so any students were ________.
A.confusing B.ixing
C.confused D.ixed
3.(2011年石家庄高二检测)Fireen said the fire was under control,but they warned that the change in weather ight ________ a new fire.
A.bring in B.break out
C.result fro D.lead to
解析:选D。break out爆发,相当于不及物动词;result fro后接原因,意为“由……引起”;lead to意为“导致,造成(后果)”符合题意,故选D。
4.(2011年湖州高二检测)The power station ________last year is a big one.
A.having been built B.built
C.being built D.to be built
解析:选B。考查过去分词作定语。The power station与build之间为被动关系,句中时间状语也暗示了应用过去分词形式作定语。注意having been built不用作定语。
5.(2011年河南实验中学高二检测)Only in this way ________to get there ahead of tie.
A.you can hope B.you did hope
C.can you hope D.did you hope
6.A sall but ________ crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.
A.energetic B.enthusiastic
C.enjoyable D.encouraged
7.I cared for none of the presents ________the wonderful bag you bought for y 12th birthday.
A.in addition to B.as well as
C.in addition D.apart fro
解析:选D。本题考查介词短语的意义和用法。根据题干语境意义,尤其是wonderful一词,可以推断讲话者只喜欢这件生日礼物,in addition to和as well as一样,表示并列关系,不符合题干意义;而in addition意为“另外”,后不接宾语,且不符合题意;apart fro意为“除……之外”。
8.Franklin’s ability to learn fro observations and experience________greatly to his success in public life.
A.owed B.contributed
C.attached D.related
解析:选B。句意:富兰克林通过观察和经验学习的能力有助于他的成功。“owe...to...”表示“把……归于……”,应该是“Franklin owed his success in public life to his ability to learn fro observations and experience.”;attach...to...表示“把……附属在……”;related是形容词,而句中缺少谓语动词,因此不恰当。
9.—How do you________we go to Beijing for our holidays?
—I think we’d better fly there.It’s uch ore cofortable.
A.insist B.want
C.suppose D.suggest
10.Our students ought to ________our share to the coing college students’ sports eeting in our city.
A.contribute B.construct
C.instruct D.introduce
Every orning y friend would stop on the way to work to have a quick breakfast with her 8­year­old son.Then she__1__hi off at school.They ate the sae thing every orning:an egg sandwich,juice,coffee for her,and ilk for hi.
One day she ordered a(n)__2__breakfast.Once they finished eating and were heading out of the door,she__3__,said good orning to a hoeless an sitting outside of the__4__,and gave hi the breakfast she had ordered for hi.He__5__her,telling her it was his first eal during the last several__6__.She couldn’t help but feel__7__and was glad she finally took__8__.
She told her son that she had seen the an every day that week there and that__9__,herself included,had offered hi__10__,support,food,or drink.She__11__explained that hoelessness could happen to anyone and that it was iportant to__12__needy people.
So her “Tradition of Kindness” __13__.Each day she and her son went on to__14__the hoeless an breakfast.The__15__was kept until they oved away several years later,__16__the experience was firly put into her son’s ind.
y friend__17__every tie she tells e that this “Tradition of Kindness” goes on with her son,who reebers this__18__tradition.Noorking in a copany,her son stops every orning at Starbucks for a coffee and offers a hoeless person a breakfast before going to the__19__.
What a great tradition that he can__20__to his children as well!
【解题导语】 一个偶然的机会,作者的朋友把一份早餐给了一个流浪者,从此她和儿子开始了给流浪者买早餐的行动,这也成了他们的一个传统,她的儿子参加工作后依然继续着这种行动。
1.A.sent         B.dropped
C.called D.drove
解析:选B。根据句中at school可知,作者的朋友开车把儿子送到学校。drop sb.off让……下车。
2.A.light B.expensive
C.ordinary D.extra
3.A.stopped B.escaped
C.backed D.hid
4.A.shop B.arket
C.hotel D.restaurant
5.A.recognized B.refused
C.thanked D.found
6.A.days B.inutes
C.onths D.weeks
解析:选A。根据下一段every day that week可知,这个流浪者已经好几天没有吃东西了。
7.A.cold B.good
C.strange D.nervous
解析:选B。根据后半句中was glad可知,作者感到很开心。
8.A.action B.tie
C.care D.effect
解析:选A。这里用短语take action,指的是她帮助了那个流浪者买早饭。作者的朋友每天早晨都在这里吃饭,今天是第一次给那个流浪者买早餐,所以是终于采取了行动。
9.A.everyone B.soeone
C.no one D.anyone
解析:选C。根据第二段it was his first eal可知,那个星期里,在她给那个流浪者早餐前,没有人帮助他,包括她自己在内。
10.A.education B.inforation
C.cofort D.safety
11.A.again B.further
C.once D.first
12.A.contact B.encourage
C.follow D.help
13.A.began B.existed
C.failed D.changed
14.A.win B.buy
C.show D.award
15.A.proise B.agreeent
C.order D.practice
16.A.although B.so
C.but D.because
17.A.cries B.jups
C.jokes D.siles
18.A.school B.childhood
C.youth D.adulthood
解析:选B。根据第一段her 8­year­old son可推断,为流浪者提供早餐的传统从她儿子童年时就开始了。
19.A.office B.cinea
C.store D.library
解析:选A。根据working in a copany可知,她儿子给一个无家可归的人提供早餐后再去上班。
20.A.connect B.relate
C.pass D.ove
解析:选C。根据to his children可知,作者希望他能够把这个传统也传给他的孩子们。
Researchers at Oregon State University(OSU)have ade iportant progress in work that should lead toward robots that can not only walk and run very well,but use little energy at the sae tie.

Studies are oving closer to designing robots that could do dangerous work,create prosthetic libs(假肢)for huans that work uch better than in the past,or even help soe people who use wheelchairs to get“walking”abilities.
“Researchers have been working toward robot oveent for a long tie,”said Jonathan Hurst,a professor at OSU.“What we’ve done is to study what behavior is really possible for a robot.”
The oveent of huans and other anials is difficult to copy.Using little energy,they can ove easily over hard areas,and enjoy balance fro uscles(肌肉).They have different ways to deal with forces,such as holding soething hard in place rigidly(牢牢地),like the act of holding a cup of coffee level during a car ride.In their recent studies,the OSU researchers proved that these two_abilities are utually exclusive(相互排斥的).Huans deal with this proble by using pairs of uscles.For a robot,the ore it’s able to do one of these tasks,the less able it is to do the other.
Presently,robots that can walk and run ust be as rigid as possible while walking.But this way uses a lot of energy.The OSU researchers are working toward soething that has siilar or better perforance,but uses far less energy,and is closer to the abilities of anials.
“So there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to build robots with good oveent ability,”Hurst said.“Clearly this ight be useful in highly dangerous situations.But I could also see great iproveents possible with prosthetic libs that work uch better than present technology.”
【解题导语】 如何使机器人不但能够走得好跑得好,而且还消耗较少的能量,这是摆在科学家面前的一个大问题。Oregon State University的研究者们正对此进行研究。
1.The robots being studied by researchers at OSU________.
A.are successful now
B.use little energy
C.do better than before
D.can run faster than huans
解析:选C。细节理解题。第一段指出,Oregon State University的研究者们所研究的机器人仍然处于研究阶段,只是表明取得了很大的进步。因此,对于其性能怎么样还很难确定。故答案选C。
2.Which of the following have researchers been studying all the tie?
A.The robots’ oveent.
B.The robots’ weight.
C.The robots’ sizes.
D.The robots’ walking speed.
解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段的What we’ve done is to study what behavior is really possible for a robot可知,研究者们一直在研究机器人可以做哪些动作。故答案选A。
3.The underlined words“two abilities”in Para.4 refer to________.
A.walking and running
B.walking and holding
C.oving and using little energy
D.oving and balancing
解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第四段的Using little energy,they can ove easily over hard areas,and enjoy balance fro uscles.可知,人类和动物在运动时能够保持身体平衡,因此,后面提到的这两项能力就是指的这两项。故答案选D。
4.According to Jonathan Hurst,we know that robots with good oveent ability________.
A.can be used in edical science
B.are only used in highly dangerous situations
C.will hardly be created in the future
D.will have a bad influence on an
解析:选A。推理。根据最后一段Jonathan Hurst所说的话,很长时间以,制造出这样的机器人不是不可能,它们将有助于高危险区作业,也可用于假肢方面(医学)。故答案选A。
5.Which section of a newspaper is this passage probably taken fro?
A.Business.       B.Science.
C.Environent. D.Advertiseent.
解析:选B。出处题。该介绍了Oregon State University的研究者们对机器人的最新研究,因此该最有可能从与科学相关的栏目中摘选,故选B。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoer/41730.html
