
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网


天水一中2015级201-201学年第学期第一部分:语法及词汇知识(每小题1分,满分24分)1. Paper money was in _____ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _____ thirteenth century.A. the, / B. the, the C. /, the D. /, /2. You have to move out of the way the truck cannot get past you.A. so B. orC. and D. but3. —?Could?you?help?me?carry?the?heavy?box?,?young?man —?_______?.A.?My?favorite? B.?With?pleasure? C.?Your?are?right D.?Don’t?worry4. Film has a much shorter history, especially when_ such art forms as music and painting.A. having compared to B. comparing toC. compare to D. compared to5. We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?A. should face B. might face C. could have faced D. must have faced6. He _____ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in7. Grace doesn’t want to move to New York because she thinks if she there, she wouldn’t be able to see her parents very often.A. lives B. would live C. has lived D. were to live8. It suddenly occurred to him he had left his keys in the office.A. whetherB. whereC. whichD. that9. He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. , he had a wonderful time.A. Above allB. What’s more C. As a result D. On the contrary10. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ____ of goods.A. variety B. mixture C. extension D. combination11. I wrote him a letter to show my _____ of his thoughtfulness.A. achievement B. agreement C. attention D. appreciation12. Interest is as to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.A. vital B. available C. specific D. similar13. Why do we have to _____ Sue’s selfish behavior? We have to teach her to care for others.A. get over with B. keep up with C. make up with D. put up with14. —What courses are you going to do next term?—I don't know, but it's high time ________ on something.A.I decided B.I'd decide C.I decide D. I'm deciding15. It wasn’t until nearly a month later__________ I received the manager’s reply .  A.since   B.when   C.as   D.that16. I was disappointed with the film. I had expected ____ to be much better.A. that B. this C. one D. it17. If only he ____ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie18. Although our views were on this issue, we managed to reach an agreement in the end. A. opposed B. positive C. clear D. strong19. It was desired that the project ________ before the end of this month.A.would be finished B.was to be finishedC.be finished D.was going to be finished20. I'm afraid that your mother won't ________ of your going to see the movie with us, since you haven't finished your homework.A.approve B.acquire C.arrange D. inform21. —I will explain the answer to you,________.—Thank you, but I'd like to work it out by myself.A.if necessary B.if not C.if any D.if so22. ______ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A. so curious the couple was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious23. ?Do you mind if I keep pets in this building??_____.A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually B. Of course not, it’s not allowed hereC. Great! I love pets D. No, you can24. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ____they are different from your own. A. until   B. even if   C. unless   D. as though第二部分:阅读理解(共两节;满分51分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a family adventure trip. My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper(野营车) and were __25__ through Baja California. The day before our return to San Diego, we__26__ the camper near a beach for one last night in nature.In the middle of the __27__I was awakened by Judith__28__ me with her finger and yelling at me to__29__ . My first impressions were of__30__ and banging. Fairly confused, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing without clothes on,__31__ the wind screen.What I saw __32__ me quickly out of my half-dazed state. The camper was__33__ by masked men hitting the _34__.I dove for the driver's seat and tried to start the ___35__. The camper had started perfectly at least 50 times that __36 _. Now it tried to turn over,sputtered(发出噼啪声) a few times, and died. There was the sound of breaking glass, and a hand ___37__ in through the driver's side window. I hit the hand with a lot of force.My hand was bleeding __38__ the broken glass. I __39__ I had one more chance to start the car. Having played hero __40__ a thousand times in fantasy, I never __41__ I would do it. I turned the key. The engine sputtered to life... and died. Then someone jammed a gun into my throat.One of the men, who spoke a little English, was __42__,“Money! Money!”The gun still at my throat, I reached under the driver's seat and__43__one of them my___44__ through the broken window. I was hoping this was the end of it...25. A. crossing   B.travelling C.conveying D.entering26. A. threw B. deleted C. parked D. moved27. A. camper B. beach C. nature D. night28. A. pushing B. beating C. controlling D. holding29. A. jump up B. set up C. light up D. get up30. A. noise B. sound C. voice D. fantasy31. A. grasped B. crashed C. faced D. glanced32. A. confused B. woke C. feared D.barked33. A. surrounded B. robbed C. examined D. hunted34. A.doors B. windows C.walls D.tyres35. A.machine B.engine C.journey D.camp36. A.moment B.day C.time D.trip37. A.came B.reached C.trembled D.peered38. A.by B.at C.from D.in39. A.suggested B.figured C.indicated D.observed40. A.energetically B.enthusiastically C.successfully D.naturally41. A.doubted B.thought C.imagined D.required42. A.begging B.translating C.yelling D.reminding43. A.handed B.offered C.provided D.protected44. A.trousers B.license C.shoes D.wallet第二节:阅读理解(共计31分其中45-57每小题2分,共13小题,满分26分,58-62每小题1分,共5小题,满分5分。)AThe oldest and most common source (来源) of renewable energy known to man, biomass(生物质) is one of the most important forms of energy production in the United States and elsewhere. Since such a wide variety of biomass materials is everywhere—from trees and grasses to agricultural and city-life wastes—biomass promises to play a continuing role in providing power and heat for millions of people around the world.According to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), biomass is a kind of renewable energy source that produces no carbon dioxide, because the energy it contains comes from the sun. When plant matter is burned, it gives off the sun's en甘肃省天水一中2015-2016学年高二上学期寒假作业检测英语试题
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoer/431772.html
