
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网
1.On the top of the hill________where the old man once lived.
A.a temple stands there   B.a temple standing
C.does a temple stand D.stands a temple
2.—Why can’t I smoke here?
—At no time________in the meeting-room.
A.is smoking permitted B.smoking is permitted
C.smoking is not permitted D.does smoking permit
3.His throat was so painful that he could hardly________anything.
A.absorb B.swallow
C.choke D.allow
4.The Curies were________the Nobel Prize for their great contributions to science.
A.supplied B.sent
C.offered D.awarded
5.Such deer________mainly________green grass,as we know.
A.feed;on B.feeds;on
C.feeds;with D.feed;with
6.They ________ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.
A.attempted B.accumulated
C.abandoned D.accomplished
7.You did me a great________by showing me the truth.
A.effort B.effect
C.task D.service
8.—What do you mean________saying “The boy is overgrowing”?
—I mean that he is tall________his age.
A.by;for B.as to;for
C.about;with D.by;below
9.The comments which he made________marketing bothered his boss greatly.
A.being concerned B.concerned
C.be concerned D.concerning
10.I must have seen him somewhere before,but his name ________me for the moment.
A.fled B.forbade
C.escaped D.forgot
11.After the train crash,the station was a ________ of absolute panic.
A.scenery B.scene
C.sighting D.sign
12.________ with hunger,the orphan had no choice but to beg for food.
A.To be desperate B.Desperate
C.To be associated D.Associated
13.With a huge amount of food ________,all of the staff are busy preparing for the dinner tonight.
A.would serve B.served
C.to serve D.serving
14.The explorers ________the voyage in five weeks,which astonished the whole nation.
A.attained B.accomplished
C.accumulated D.performed
15.I can’t hear the two girls over by the window.What are they________ about?
A.whispering B.shouting
C.explaining D.screaming
16.我们很幸运,没有受罚。(escape doing sth.)
17.世界上大多数城市都以交通堵塞为患。(suffer from)
18.你没把这事做完就不准出去。(not until的倒装)
19.最后一个学生一到报告厅,王教授就开始做报告。(no sooner...than)
20.The chair was intended for you,but she took it away.
  To master a language one must be able to speak and understand the spoken language as well as to read and write.Lenin and his wife Krupskaya__21__a long English book into Russian.But when they went to England in 1902,__22__people couldn’t understand a word they said and they couldn’t understand__23__was said to them.
These days more and more foreigners are coming to China and__24__Chinese are going out to foreign countries to work or study.__25__the spoken language is becoming more and more important.21.A.taken B.kept
C.wrote D.translated
22.A.English B.Russian
C.Chinese D.French
23.A.how  B.what
C.why D.which
24. A.few B.much
C.more D.some
25.A.So B.But
C.Then D.Or
  Speaking,of course,can’t go without__26__.If you want to pronounce a word__27__,first you must hear it correctly.If you don’t listen carefully,you’ll find it difficult or even__28__to understand the native speakers.
Well,what about writing?Like speaking,it’s to__29__ideas.People generally use shorter words and shorter sentences in their writing.The important thing is to make your idea__30__in your head and then to write it in clear lively language.
Chinese students read far too slowly.If you read fast,you__31__better.If you read too slowly,by the time you have reached the end of a page you have forgotten what the__32__is about.When you__33__new words,don’t look them up in the dictionary.Guess the meaning from the__34__.You may not guess quite correctly the first time,but as new words__35__again and again in different contexts,their meaning will become clearer and clearer.If you look up every word,you’ll never__36__a book.
Students of a foreign language need a__37__knowledge,the knowledge of the life,history and geography of the people whose__38__they are studying.They should study these subjects in the foreign language,not only in translation.In this way one__39__kill two birds with one stone:learn a foreign language and__40__some knowledge of the foreign country at the same time.26.A.listening  B.saying
C.reading D.writing
27.A.wrongly B.correctly
C.quickly D.slowly
28.A.important B.impossible
C.impatient D.imaginable
29.A.change B.exchange
C.give D.know
30.A.clear B.clean
C.clever D.close
31.A.forget B.understand
C.reach D.guess
32.A.end B.beginning
C.middle D.front
33.A.work on B.look for
C.meet with D.put down
34.A.words B.dictionary
C.context D.topic
35.A.go up B.rise up
C.bring up D.come up
36.A.start B.finish
C.last D.read
37.A.particular B.special
C.main D.common
38.A.family B.country
C.language D.culture
39.A.should B.must
C.can D.shall
40.A.bring B.show
C.make D.get
When I started my career in management,I was really green,but I always tried to stay positive on the job.I was working for a new company that was having a difficult time with its customers.Actually,at one point my General Manager told me he liked me and suggested I should start looking for a new job as we were about to lose our only order.Every day we faced people leaving the company,customers complaining,and upper management preparing to close the place.
One night,I went home thinking about the problems.My wife told me to forget about work and see a movie.We went and saw Slumdog Millionaire.Jamal,an eighteen-year-old Indian young man,is from a poor family and becomes rich later.He tries his best to change his position.I realized what we needed to do was to correct the situation.
The next day I called my customers to have a talk.I promised to do my best to solve the problems if they would give us some time.As a result,we were given one month to turn the situation around.This was our only chance to correct the situation.To achieve this,I worked day and night with my team.I can remember working from 6 a.m.and not going home until 2 a.m.the next day.
To make a long story short,we succeeded in solving all of the problems and at the same time increased our productivity (生产率).The customers and management were very happy,and I knew at that moment we had saved our jobs.Actually things went so well that we ended up having our pay doubled.
Through this experience I understand that you can achieve what you desire as long as you work at it and stay positive.
41.The General Manager advised the author to look for a new job mainly because________.
A.he knew the author didn’t want to stay there
B.his company was too small to hire so many people
C.he believed the author could get more pay that way
D.the management was preparing to close the department
42.Who caused the author to decide to change his situation?
A.The hero in a movie. B.His wife.
C.His boss. D.The customers.
43.How long did the author stay in his department every day during that month?
A.8 hours. B.15 hours.
C.20 hours. D.24 hours.
44.The experience of the author shows that________.
A.if a person does his best and keeps positive,he’ll succeed
B.if a person takes advice from others,he’ll make progress
C.if a person is clever,he’ll realize his dream sooner or later
D.if a person wants to change his fate,he mustn’t change his job
45.What would be the best title for this passage?
A.My work experience
B.My first management job
C.How to correct your situation
D.The importance of working hard
1.D 表示地点或方位的介词短语位于句首,用全部倒装。
2.A 否定词语置于句首,其后句子用倒装,故排除B、C;smoking与permit之间为动宾关系,应用被动语态。
3.B 考查动词辨析。swallow 吞咽;absorb 吸收;choke 噎住;allow 允许。
4.D 此处用award表示“授予诺贝尔奖”,其他动词均不能和prize连用表示“授予”。
5.A 句意为:众所周知,这种鹿主要以绿草为生。feed on相当于live on,意为“以……为主食”,此处deer应为复数,若为单数,则在其前加a。
6.B 句意为:通过志愿者工作,他们积累了一定的工作经验。accumulate 积累。attempt 尝试;abandon 抛弃,放弃;accomplish 完成。
7.D 句意为“你把实情告诉我了,这对我很有好处。” service意为“服务;帮助;益处”。effort 努力;effect 作用,影响;task 任务。
8.A by表示手段方式;for his age 就他的年龄而言。
9.D concerning作介词,意为“有关;关于”。
10.C 句意为:我以前一定在哪儿见过他,可我一时想不起他的名字了。此处escape意为“被遗忘,被忽略”。flee逃走,逃避;forbid禁止,不许;forget忘记。
11.B 据题意火车相撞后,应该是“一片惊慌的场面(a scene of panic)”。scene可数名词,场面,场景。scenery不可数名词,风景,风光;sighting看见,目睹;sign迹象,征兆。
12.B 句意为:这个孤儿因饥饿而感到绝望,别无它法只好去乞讨。desperate(因绝望而)不顾一切的,在句中形容词短语作原因状语。be associated with和……联系在一起,不符合语境。
13.C 该题考查的是带有with的复合结构,因此排除A项。根据句意,“员工们都正在忙着准备今晚的宴会”推断,应该是“有大量的食物将要准备”,所以用with sth.to do的结构。
14.B accomplish通常接task,mission,journey,voyage等名词,表示“完成(任务等),取得(成功)”。attain获得;accumulate积累;perform执行,履行,指采取某行动或步骤。
15.A whisper意为“低声地说;耳语”,根据“我听不到窗户旁的两个女孩说的话”,可知在想“她们正在嘀咕什么?”shout喊叫;explain解释;scream尖叫。
16.We were lucky to escape being punished.
17.Most of the cities in the world suffer from traffic jam.
18.Not until you’ve finished this are you allowed to go out.
19.No sooner had the last student entered the hall than professor Wang began to give his speech.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。通过列宁和夫人学习英语的经历,以及其他论据全面论证了所要阐明的观点。
21.D 根据下文的意思可以判断:列宁和夫人能将长篇英文“翻译”(translate)成俄语,却难以与英国人交流。
22.A 结合上文判断,是“英国人”(English people)听不懂他们说的英语。
23.B 强调“所说的话”,what与say有逻辑上的动宾关系,而say用的是被动语态,故what变成了宾语从句的主语。
24.C 与上文联系可判断,“更多的”(more)中国人。
25.A 根据上下文判断为因果关系,用so。
26.A 下文的hear,listen及语篇已给出暗示。
27.B 根据下半句意思判断。
28.B 由上文的don’t listen carefully判断。
29.B exchange ideas交换、交流观点。
30.A 根据下文的to write it in clear lively language判断。
31.B 根据本段的大意可判断:读得快,“理解”(understand)得更好。
32.B 根据上文的reached the end of a page,此处则指“开头”(beginning)。
33.C 根据句意:“遇到”(meet with)生词,不要急于去查词典。
34.C context上下文,可根据下文判断。
35.D 生词一再重新“出现”(come up)。
36.B 根据上文:如果查阅每个单词,那将很难“完成,读完”(finish)一本书。
37.A 由下文对knowledge的解释可知用particular,表示“特定的,特别的”。
38.C 由上下文判断,whose做定语修饰language,充当study的逻辑宾语。
39.C 一箭“能够” (can)双雕。
40.D 根据上文的意思判断:学习一门外语并且获得关于该国的一些知识。get在此有“获得”之意。
【语篇解读】 作者刚开始做管理工作时,他的部门面临着被关闭的危险。他看了《贫民窟的百万富翁》后受到启发,决心像影片中的主人翁一样改变处境。于是他带领自己的团队拼命工作,最终取得了成功。
41.D 细节理解题。根据第一段...we were about to lose our only order和...and upper management preparing to close the place可知,答案为D。
42.A 细节理解题。根据第二段He tries his best to change his position.I realized what we needed to do was to correct the situation可知,答案为A。
43.C 推理。根据第三段I can remember working from 6 a.m.and not going home until 2 a.m.the next day可知,答案为C。
44.A 细节理解题。根据末段...you can achieve what you desire as long as you work at it and stay positive可知,答案为A。
45.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文作者主要讲述了自己第一次做管理工作的经历,故答案为B。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoer/57463.html
