人教版必修2 Unit1 Cultural relics高三英语复习试题(有答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高三 来源: 高中学习网

山 课时作业(六) 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics
1.(2013•南阳期终)—Excuse e,dad,but I’ going to the club to eet y friends in the football tea.
A.Good luck      B.Congratulations
C.With pleasure   D.Have fun
2.The two countries couldn’t reach an agreeent in________peace talk and finally went to________war.
A.the;/  B.the;the
C./;the  D./;a
3.(2013•神州质量检测)Online shopping has becoe popular in China,which is the result of the fast________of our odern life.
A.action  B.style
C.pace  D.anner
4.—Why does Hilary accept this low paid job?
—She believes that the job will give her an opportunity to gain________experience for her long­ter developent.
A.personal  B.aazing
C.valuable  D.bitter
5.(2012•辽宁卷)Rod loves________clocks.However,he never anages to put the together again.
A.taking apart   B.giving away
C.aking up  D.turning off
6.(2013•南京一模)As is widely acknowledged,playing outside helps children learn through curiosity,which________prootes creativity.
A.in brief  B.in turn
C.in conclusion  D.in return
7.Ladies and gentleen,please reain________until the plane has coe to a coplete stop.
A.seated           B.seating
C.to seat  D.seat
8.(2013•衡阳一次联考)Fortunately,the little girl________the earthquake,but unluckily,the other faily ebers were killed.
A.was survived       B.has been survived
C.was surviving  D.survived
9.If you want to advance yourself in your studies,you will first have to________yourself of those shortcoings that can becoe barriers to progress.
A.reove  B.react
C.rid  D.reduce
10.(2013•兰州部分重点中学高三联考)The authorities wi ll________the case further before they can coe to a conclusion about it.
A.look out  B.look up
C.look through  D.look into
11.(2013•河北普通高中教学质检)Why did you keep it a secret fro us?We________about it.
A.should be told  B.ought to have been told
C.should have told  D.ought to have told
12.(2013•天津十校联考)Patience,without________you can’t do the work well,is a kind of quality.
A.that  B.it
C.which  D.what
13 .At present,any people fro countryside went to the cities________better jobs.
A.in search of  B.in place of
C.in eory of  D.in spite of
14.—What do you think of the book?
—Oh,excellent.It’s worth________a second tie.
A.to read  B.to be read
C.reading  D.being read
15.(2013•黄冈中学高三适应性考试)US scientists say they have developed the technology to________painful eories without hurting a person’s brain and hope it can help those sufferers.
A.leave  B.reove
C.ignore  D.separateⅡ.完形[建议用时15′]
When I was in y early twenties,I oved away fro y hoe state of Wisconsin to attend graduate school.I chose to go to the University of Arizona in Tucson and__1__there.Upon landi ng in early June,I was shocked by the lack of__2__and the burning desert heat.After less than two days in that__3__,I called y parents to question whe ther I had ade the__4__choice and to announce that I was__5__considering coing hoe.y father,in a cal and__6__voice,indicated that I always had a__7__.I could always coe hoe and be welcoe there.But in fact,we both__8__I wouldn’t coe hoe at the tie.Needless to say,I chose to __9__.
any years have passed.y father’s__10__words reain with e.Knowing that I can always__11__,I’ve been able to__12__several challenging situations—uneployent,divorce and even the__13__of y only son.I have also used these words in any cases where others need to know that soeone__14__and that they do have a choice.
Whether__15__is earthly,spiritual,or soe sense of cal,knowing that we can coe hoe will be just enough to__16__us on our way.
It__17__e,in a way,of the prodigal son (回头的浪子) who found__18__and love upon returning hoe.While we don’t have to be like hi and hit botto in life,it is good to know that we can wander and experience pains and__19__in life but we still have a hoe where love,support and cofort__20__.,1.A.flew          B.drove
C.walked  D.cycled
2.A.blue  B.yellow
C.brown  D.green
3.A.faily  B.refuge
C.environent  D.desert
4.A.new  B.right
C.last  D.difficu lt
5.A.naturally  B.fortunately
C.obviously  D.seriously
6.A.gentle  B.weak
C.supportive  D.pleasant
7.A.choice  B.drea
C.friend  D.request
8.A.pretended  B.expected
C.knew  D.forgot
9.A.graduate  B.regret
C.return  D.continue
10.A.surpris ing  B.encouraging
C.interesting  D.oving
11.A.wander outside  B.hang around
C.coe hoe  D.ove away
12.A.face up to  B.get away with
C.ake sure of  D.look out for
13.A.return  B.growth
C.arrival  D.loss
14.A.worries  B.cares
C.leaves  D.stays
15.A.health  B.arriage
C.church  D.hoe
16.A.help  B.stop
C.protect  D.teach
17.A.infors  B.reinds
C.warns  D.rids
18.A.cofort  B.interest
C.food  D.oney
19.A.regrets  B.coplaints
C.sufferings  D.pleasures
20.A.survive  B.exist
C.fall  D.disappear
How to Eat Slowly to Avoid Overeating
Eating slowly can help you to better understand your real hunger signals and recognize reasons for faster eating,such as eotions or siply liking the taste of food.However,eating slowly is not a decision that you ake suddenly.__1__
1.Adjust you ind.Do not even attept to acquire the habit of eating slowly before you’re entally ready.Relax and use your iagination to create ental iages that your brain will reeber.As part of this ental process,iagine yourself lean and fit.
2.__2__Eating slowly isn’t just about slowing down the chewing;it’s also about slowing down your food choices.As you pick out the processed food,replace it with healthy,unprocessed or less processed choices.
3.Always relax before you start eating.Take a few deep breaths through the nose,not through the outh.As you do so,hold your breath briefly and exhale (呼出) slowly by the outh.__3__In this way,you reove any risk of cofortable eating.
4.Drink a glass of water or a sall bowl of soup before the ain dishes.This will give you a sense of fullness.Be aware that not everyone advocates drinkin g during a eal,as soe people believe that this can reove the nutrients fro your eal.__4__
5.Spend at least 20 inutes on your eal.__5__Eat your last portion slowly,if you are still hungry after 20 inutes,because it eans you are eating too fast!
A.Put the forks down after putting food in your outh.
B.Get rid of the stress before you start eating.
C.It’s a habit that you need to acquire with practice.
D.However,specialists believe water actually aids in digestion.
E.Reove as uch processed food fro your plate or food storage as possible.
F.Have a clock in plain sight fro the table to adjust your eating speed.
G.It is wise to talk to your doctor about this,if it’s still a proble for you.
What Does a Credit Card Bring Us is written by Eillton Henley.It’s a brief or excellent article about credit cards.The author explains what credit cards work.And he also points out the positive and negative aspect for having it.Aerican consuers are ostly likely to use credit cards.However,the use of credit cards are expanding into alost every country in world.The key point aking by the author is that users should pay for the aount in full when a bill is sent fro the credit card copany.This protected all the advantages and avoids all the disadvantages of using credit cards.


1.解析: 根据句意,父亲同意了儿子将要去俱乐部见足球队的朋友,所以在这里是父亲祝儿子玩得开心,答案选D。Good luck.祝你好运;Congratulations.祝贺你;With pleasure.愿意;Have fun.过得愉快。
答案: D
2.解析: talk前加the特指那次谈判;go to war开战,诉诸武力,发动战争。句意为:两国没能在和平谈判中达成共识,最终诉诸了武力。
答案: A
3.解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:网上购物已经在中国流行起来,这是我们现代生活快节奏的结果。pace表示“步伐;速度”。
答案: C
4.解析: personal个人的;aazing令人吃惊的;valuable珍贵的;bitter痛苦的。下句意为:她相信这份工作能够提供给她有利于长远发展的宝贵经验。
答案: C
5.解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:Rod 喜欢把钟表拆开,但是他从来没能再把它们组装起来过。从后面的put the together可判断选A,A 项表示“拆卸,拆开(机器等)”。
答案: A
6.解析: 句意为:在户外玩耍能帮助孩子通过好奇心来学习,反过来,也可以增强他们的创造力,这已经被人们广泛认可。in turn反过来,转而,符合句意。in brief简要地;in conclusion总而言之;in return作为(对……的)回报。
答案: B
7.解析: 句意为:女士们,先生们,请在飞机完全停下来之后,再离开座位。reain仍然是;保持不变,在这里是一个连系动词。seat vt.用法:seat oneself;seat 2 people;be/reain seated保持坐着的状态,seated是由过去分词变来的形容词,作reain的表语,表状态。
答案: A
8.解析: 考查动词的时态和语态。这是一个由but连接的并列句,根据时态一致原则可知,此处应用一般过去时,sb.survive(s) sth.表示“某人从……中逃生”,故用主动语态。句意为:幸运的是,小女孩在地震中幸存了下来,但是不幸的是,其余的家人都遇难了。
答案: D
9.解析: 句意为:如果你想在学习上有进步,你自己首先得克服阻碍你进步的那些弱点。reove移开,取出;react反应;reduce减少,降低;rid去除,摆脱;rid sb.of使某人摆脱,故C项正确。
答案: C
10.解析: 考查动词短语。句意为:官方要对此案做进一步调查才能得出结论。根据句意可知选D,look into调查。look out找出;look up查阅;look through浏览。
答案: D
11.解析: 根据第一句的时态可知说话人强调的是过去本来应该被告知此事,可实际上并没有这样,故应用should/ought to have been told。
答案: B
12.解析: 句意为:耐心是一种品质。没有了耐心,你不能做好工作。此处考查了定语从句中“介词+which”的情况,which指代的是先行词patience。
答案: C
13.解析: 句意为:目前,许多农民到城里来寻找好一些的工作。in search of寻找,寻求,符合句意。in place of代替,顶替;in eory of为了纪念;in spite of虽然,尽管,均不合句意。
答案: A
14.解析: be worth后接doing,并且用其主动形式表被动意义。
答案: C
15.解析: 句意为:美国科学家声称他们已经开发出一种技术来消除痛苦的记忆而不伤害大脑,并希望它能帮助患者。根据句意可知B项正确。
答案: B
语篇解读: 家是什么?家是温馨的港湾,家是游子心中永远的牵挂,家是父母的一份守候,家是心灵的最终归宿。在这篇中,作者告诉我们,家是容忍你犯错的永恒庇护所。就让我们一览,去感受家的温馨吧。
1.解析: 从下文的“Upon landing”可知,作者是坐飞机去那儿的,所以用flew。
答案: A
2.解析: 从下文提到的“burning desert heat”可知,这里是不毛之地,所以缺乏绿色(green)。
答案: D
3.解析: 作者在那样的环境(environent)中住了不到两天就打电话给他父母。
答案: C
4.解析: 此时作者质疑他是否作出了正确的(right)选择。
答案: B
5.解析: 作者向父母宣布,他很认真地(seriously)在考虑是否要回家了。
答案: D
6.解析: 父亲很体谅作者,所以对作者的决定表示了支持,故用supportive。从上文的“cal”也可知C项正确。
答案: C
7.解析: 下文多次提到“choice”,这里表示我一直都可以有一个选择(choice),那就是回家。
答案: A
8.解析: 但是事实上,父亲和作者都知道(know)他是不会放弃(而回家)的,所以作者最终还是选择继续(continue)留在亚利桑那大学求学。
答案: C
9.答案: D
10.解析: 很多年过去了,父亲激励作者的话仍然影响着他,所以用encouraging。
答案: B
11.解析: 每次当作者面对(face up to)挑战的时候,他知道他总是可以回家(coe hoe)得到慰藉。wander outside表示“在外闲逛”,hang around表示“到处游荡”,ove away表示“移走”,都不符合语境。
答案: C
12.解析: get away with表示“做(坏事)而未受处罚”,ake sure of表示“确信……”,look out for表示“当心,提防”,都不符合语境。
答案: A
13.解析: 结合上文的“uneployent,divorce”可知,这些都是人生中的失意之事,而丧子之殇(loss of y only son)则更是人生的大悲。
答案: D
14.解析: 作者总是用父亲的话去激励别人,让他们知道即便碰到挫折,总还有人在关心(care)着他们,他们还是可以选择(回家)的。
答案: B
15.解析: 从上下文内容可知,这里在强调我们对家(hoe)的印象和家对我们的意义。
答案: D
16.解析: 知道远方的家一直在为我们游子守候,这能够帮助(help)我们一路前行。
答案: A
17.解析: reind sb.of sth.是固定表达,表示“让某人想起某事”,这里表示“我想起了一个回头的浪子的故事”。
答案: B
18.解析: 从下文的“love”可知,家给了回头的浪子以慰藉(cofort)和关爱。20空前面的“cofort”是答案提示。
答案: A
19.解析: 从上文的“pains”可知,这里表示痛苦,故用sufferings与“pains”同义。
答案: C
20.解析: 从上下文可知,家永远存在(exist),它给予 我们关爱、支持和慰藉。
答案: B
1.C 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.F
What Does a Credit Card Bring Us is written by Eillton Henley.It’s a brief orand/but excellent article about credit cards.The author explains whathow credit cards work.And he also points out the positive and negative aspectaspects for having itthe.Aerican consuers are ostlyost likely to use credit cards.However,the use of credit cards areis expanding into alost every country in ∧the world.The key point akingade by the author is that users should pay for—— the aount in full when a bill is sent fro the credit card copany.This protectedprotects all the advantages and avoids all the disadvantages of using credit cards.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaosan/226632.html
