
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高三 来源: 高中学习网
2014南昌二模英语答案 南昌市2014届高三模拟测试卷英语试题

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.A
第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
21.B 22.C 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.D 31.D 32.A 33.A 34.D 35.C
第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
36.B 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.A 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.D
46.B 47.A 48.A 49.B 50.D 51.C 52.C 53.B 54.D 55.A
56.D 57.C 58.D 59.D 60.B 61.A 62.D 63.B 64.C 65.A
66.D 67.B 68.C 69.D 70.C 71.B 72.A 73.D 74.C 75.A
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
76. Because he had decided to retire.
77. Regretful.
78. He would have built it wisely/differently.
79. To show we usually lead our life in an inattentive way.
80. Attitudes toward life.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
One possible version:
  In order to release pressure from study and get some relaxation, our class played a basketball match with Class 1 Senior 3 this afternoon.
The match turned out to be tough, exciting and friendly as well. Players from both classes were trying very hard to win with their fellow students cheering them up at the top of their voices outside the court. It was really a close match. Our class had a narrow win by 56-53 at last. http://www.2abc8.com/
  I don’t think we had better players in our team, but I do believe that it was the team work we paid special attention to that helped us win. We deserved the victory!
It doesn’t matter which class won. What really counts is the enjoyment the match itself brought us and awareness of the significance of team work it promoted in us.

Text 1
W: What kind of sports do you like?
M: I like almost all sports, especially skating and mountain climbing.
W: Cool! I like swimming and tennis.
Text 2
M: Hello. What’s the price of an airmail letter to the USA?
W: That’s twenty-four pence and it’s no difference in price whether it’s for the USA or anywhere else.
Text 3
W: Hey. Where are you?
M: In Changbei International Airport. My plane leaves in an hour.
W: What time do you expect to arrive?
M: Around 7 pm.
W: Ok. Ring me up when you arrive.
Text 4
W: Excuse me, sir. Do you have a change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay the parking center.
M: I’m sorry, but I think you can get it through the money changer in the shopping center across the street.
Text 5
W: Good morning, Jack. You’re here early.
M: Hey, Sally. I like to come in early. I can really get a lot of work done when it’s quiet.
W: Me too. Hey, we should carpool, you know, drive to work together to save some gas.
M: Hmm, great idea. We’ll save money, too!
Text 6
M: Hi! Carol!
W: Hi, Bill! This should be a great show. Let’s go in.
M: Sure. Did you bring my notebook?
W: Your notebook? Oh dear! I completely forgot.
M: You forgot? But you promised! I need it to study for the test. Oh, I knew I never should have asked you to do it.
W: Calm down, Bill. I just forgot. Look, after the show, we can drive by the house and pick it up.
M: It’s pretty far out of the way, but I guess we’ll have to.
W: Don’t worry. I’ll take you out to dinner tomorrow and make it up to you.
M: Well, OK.
Text 7
W: Hello, Mr. Wood. Where have you been these days?
M: Oh, I made a journey to some Asian countries, for example, China, India, Singapore and Indonesia.
W: Then you must have had a good time.
M: Of course. I especially enjoyed myself in China, for when I arrived there, China was celebrating the Spring Festival.
W: Does China celebrate the Spring Festival in a variety of ways?
M: You’re right. On a cold winter morning I went to the Longtan Temple Fair held in a city park with my family. I spent the day eating local foods, watching traditional performances and, most importantly, sharing happiness with my family members. During my stay in Hong Kong, I also visited the Hong Kong Disneyland. What a lot of people there were!
W: How I envy you!
M: I am sure you will one day take the same journey.
W: Yes, I’m looking forward to that.
Text 8
M: Hi, Cindy. I’ve got two tickets for the new modern art exhibit downtown. Do you want to go with me? I know you have finished your final paper.
W: But I don’t know anything about modern art, and I’m no artist.
M: You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy a good art show! Besides, at least it’s something different from studying.
W: You’re right. Have you seen this exhibit yet?
M: No, but I’ve heard that it’s great. The exhibit was in New York last summer and in Chicago after that. And next week it will go to San Francisco.
W: Oh. Well, it ought to be good then.
M: And, besides, next door to the modern art museum is a new Asian art museum. So we could hit both of them if you’re up for it.
W: OK. You’ve talked me into it. Do you want to go this afternoon?
M: If you have time. I’m ready.
W: OK. Let’s meet after lunch. I’m starving now. I’ve got to go back home first.
Text 9
M: Can you tell me how to get to the Music Building from here? I have a lecture to attend there.
W: Oh, are you new here?
M: Yes, I just got here last night.
W: Well, to go to the Music Building, you have two choices. If you want to go right now, you can walk straight down this street until you’re past a post office, and then turn right. The Music Building will be straight ahead.
M: How long will it take to get there?
W: About twenty minutes.
M: What’s my other choice?
W: If you don’t mind waiting around for a while, you can take the shuttle bus. The bus only takes about five minutes to get there.
M: But I have to wait for the bus?
W: That’s right.
M: Well, I guess I might as well walk.
Text 10
  Are you tired of working and studying all year? Are you bored with noisy stressful routines? Do you need to relax and rest in a peaceful environment? If your answers are “yes”, Paradise Hotel is the right place for you.
  Our hotel is located in Side, a beautiful place by the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to the sun, sea and sand, Paradise Hotel offers you a variety of fun, exciting and also relaxing facilities. There is something for almost everyone.
  Children below 8 will be excited about diving and water-skiing under the supervision of qualified instructors.
  Older children can play badminton, tennis, golf, sunbathe on the golden sand beaches or swim in the clear blue sea or just walk along the beaches.
  Nights at Paradise Hotel are as enjoyable as the days. You can enjoy Turkish folk dances, magic shows, or singing together with your family and friends.
Please, visit our website www.3sparadise. com for details and reservations.

英 语 试 题
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.Professor and student. B.Boss and employee. C.Father and daughter.
2.What time does the man think they will leave?
A.7:47. B.7:25. C.7.27.
3.What is the age of the man now?
A.16. B.20. C.24.
4.Where are the two speakers possibly?
A.In a hotel. B.In a restaurant. C.In the street
5.How does the man probably feel now?
A.Worried.B.Alright. C.Indifferent.
第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Where does the woman want to go?
A.An office. B.A fruit shop. C.A police station
7.What does the woman have to do now"!"
A.Wait for Mark at the crossroads.
B.Walk ahead and turn right.
C.Walk a little way back
8.How does the man feel about David' s way of sleeping?
A.It's ineffective. B.It's strange. C.It's the best.
9.How many hours does David sleep a day?
A.Four. B.Six. C.Seven.
10.What does the woman think of sleeping?
A.People should develop a habit like David's.
B.People need longer hours of sleep.
C.People have different sleeping habits.
11.Which statement is TRUE according to the talk?
A.They are salesperson and customer.
B.They are old school friends.
C.They are fellow workers.
12.What do we know about the woman?
A.She is fond of her work.
B.She is tired of traveling.
C.She is interested in law.
13.What is the man possibly?
A.A company manager.
B.A salesperson.
C.A lawyer.
14.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
B.Teacher and student.
C.Husband and wife.
15.What will you do if others can't follow you at English Comer?
A.Say it again and again.
B.Go on to another topic.
C.Explain it in another way
16.What will possibly happen if strangers talk about politics?
A.They will probably not agree with each other.
B.They will be in danger.
C.They will have to stop their talk soon.
17.Whose smoking may have more effect on young people?
A.Their parents'. B.Their friends' . C.Famous actors'.
18.Who is Stanton Glantz?
A.A worried parent. B.A professor. C.An actor.
19.According to the survey, how many of the children who regularly watch films have tried cigarettes?
A.Two thirds. B.Almost forty percent. C.About thirty percent.
20.Who paid the actors if they smoked in the films, according to Glantz?
A.The director. B.The film industry. C.The tobacco company.
第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
21.In ____ week or so.I' 11 be among ______ unemployed, I' m afraid.
A./;a B.a;/ C.a; the D.the; /
22.The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground,____ brought her heart to her mouth.
A.it B.and which C.this D.and that
23.The old couple who ____ in the deserted house for ten years have been settled in a nursing home now.
A.lived B.have lived C.had lived D.have been living
24.There is a saying, "Life is 10% ____ happens to us and 90% ____ we respond to it."
A.that; that B.which; when C.what; how D.who; why
25.What has been ____? You haven' t been around to see us for ages.
A.turning you away B.keeping you away
C.giving you away D.putting you away
26.Oh, Richard, why ____ you always do the opposite of what I tell you?
A.must B.may C.should D.can
27.—Is the experiment easy?
—____,but I'll try to do my bit.
A.I think so B.Certainly C.Not a little D.Anything but
28.Nuclear radiation is said ____ the biggest health challenge in Japanese Earthquake over the past few months.
A.being B.to be C.to have been D.that it is
29.Barack Obama has taken personal blame ____ the security failures which led ____ the attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas Day.
A.of; to B.for; to C.on; on D.in; on
30.According to experts, China needs to ____ its one - child family planning policy to fight against a worsening gender(性别) imbalance and an aging population.
A.arrange B.apply C.adapt D.adjust
31.As many as 150 miners died in the accident.If only the mine - owners ____ enough attention to the safety measures!
A.paid B.should pay C.would pay D.had paid
32.—What time do we have to be at the gate?
— ____ passengers are already boarding.
A.Hurriedly B.Soon C.Immediately D.Since
33.— How do you like our city?
—It has changed beyond all ____ in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me.
A.realization B.description C.expression D.recognition
34.It was with great excitement one morning in July ____ the young man read a classified advertisement.
A.when B.that C.who D.which
35 ?___ over everything whenever we want to make a decision, many people believe, and we will have less chance of making mistakes.
A.Think B.To think C.Thinking D.Thought
第二节 完型(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
For hours I had been traveling up the Nile Valley, from Luxor to Cairo, on a train jammed with Egypt's
working poor.
At I a.m.I 36 Cairo and took a taxi to Tahrir Square.I was 37 and, having been to Cairo before, knew that while most of the city was 38 at this hour, a couple of fast - food restaurants would be open there.
The taxi dropped me 39 across the street from Hardee's.A moment later, just as I was about to 40 the restaurant door, two street children ran towards me with full 41 for food.
Being a veteran (老练之人) traveler 42 having once lived in Egypt for a year, I was no stranger to children 43 or people asking me for help.But seldom had I been so 44 by the sincerity of the request.
I turned back to the 45 and asked them to wait while I went inside to buy them food.At the counter I 46 two hamburgers for the boys.
When their food was ready, I walked back 47 and invited them in to eat with me."No!" they cried 48 ."We do not belong in such a nice place!"
49 to persuade them otherwise, I brought the 50 out, and as they took the burgers, they showered me with 30 seconds of nonstop 51 .praying that Allah would bless me always.
And this is 52 .five years later, I still ask God's blessings for those two Egyptian boys.I 53 as sincerely as they had for me, 54 that while they had nothing material to give, they had given me something 55 : an awareness of my spiritual poverty and a desire for a softer heart.
36.A.reached B.saw C.visited D.noticed
37.A.thirsty B.angry C.hungry D.frightened
38.A.let down B.closed down C.got down D.put down
39.A.away B.back C.out D.off
40.A.shut B.lock C.cover D.open
41.A.smiles - B.hardships C.cries D.honors
42.A.apart from B.as well as C.in favour of D.in return for
43.A.beating B.struggling C.begging D.trembling
44.A.surprised B.regretted C.appointed D.moved
45.A.boys B.drivers C.waiters D.workers
46 .A.ordered B.demanded C.requested D.deserved
47.A.inside B.outside C.forward D.backward
48.A.happily B.cheerfully C.astonishingly D.sadly
49.A.Unable B.Impossible C.Ready D.Willing
50.A.book B.food C.cook D.look
51.A.blessings B.belongings C.campaigns D.challenges
52.A.how B.why C.where D.when
53.A.tell B.speak C.pray D.bow
54.A.forgetting B.following C.regretting D.remembering
55.A.greater B.fewer C.less D.lower
Knowing how much her own children loved presents at Christmas, Ann Sutton always tried to seek help for one or two poor families.With a social worker mother, the Sutton children had inherited her commitment to service, and knew never to take their good fortune at Christmas for granted.This year, Kinzie, her seven - year - old daughter was thrilled that Santa Claus would make a special visit to a 22 - year - old mother named Ashley who worked in a factory raising her 12 - month - old son by herself.
The phone rang on Sunday.A representative from a local organization was calling to say that the aid Ann had requested for Ashley had fallen through.No Santa Claus, no presents, nothing.
Ann saw the cheer vanish from her children' s faces at the news.Without a word, Kinzie ran into her bedroom.She returned, her face set with determination.Opening up her piggy bank, she put all thecoins onto the table: $ 3.30.Everything she had.
Mom, she told Ann, "I know it's not much.But maybe this will buy a present for the baby." At a breakfast meeting the next day, Ann told her coworkers about her daughter's story.To her surprise , staff members began to open their purses and empty their pockets to help Kinzie.By day' s end, the story of Kinzie's gift had spread beyond Ann's office.She received a call from an unknown donor.If a seven - year - old could give everything she had, he said, he should at least match her gift 100 to 1.He contributed $ 300.
On Christmas Eve, Ann drove through the pouring rain to the small trailer where the Ashleys lived. Then she began to unload the gifts from the car, handing them to Ashley one by one.
Ashley was very moved.Reflecting on a little girl's generosity, Ashley says she'll one day be able to do something similar for someone else in need."Kinzie could have used that money for herself, but she gave it away," Ashley says."She's the type of kid I'd like my son to grow up to be."
56.According to the text, Ann Sutton _____.
A.is making lots of money
B.is ready to help others
C.is only caring about herself
D.is a hard - working mother
57.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Ashley lived a hard life with her little son.
B.The Sutton children took Anne as an example to follow.
C.The coworkers of Ann helped Kinzie to realize her wish.
D.Ann Sutton tried to ask for help for her own children.
58.What can we learn about Kinzie?
A.She was afraid that Santa Claus would visit the Ashleys.
B.She should get some presents from her mother at Christmas.
C.She devoted all her coins to buying a present for the baby.
D.She was cheerful when hearing the aid had fallen through.
59.Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
A.It rained heavily on Christmas Eve.
B.Ann handed gifts to Ashley one by one.
C.Ashley hoped she would help someone else in need.
D.A good deed can influence many people's behavior.
60.What would be the best tide for the text?
A.A Young Girl's Gift
B.A Mother's Love
C.A Story of Young Girl
D.An Unknown Donor
Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self - respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized (把…归类) as "honor" help you create this life of good feelings.
Here s an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.
Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item.If we keep silent, and profit from the clerk's mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky (卑鄙的) excitement.Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune.On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty.We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.
Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?
In the first case, where we don' t tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen.Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief.In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self- respect.We would also demonstrate (演示) that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends.We damage our own reputations by telling others.In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk's attention causes different things to happen.Immediately the clerk knows us to be honor-able .Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self - respect is increased.Whenever we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.
There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions.Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions.Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence.And it' s easy to think and act honorably again when we're happy.While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once it's started, it's easy to continue.Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.
61.According to the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our_____.
A.self - respect B.financial rewards
C.advertising ability D.friendly relationship
62.The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal to ______.
A.lying B.stealing C.cheating D.advertising
63.The underlined phrase "bringing the error to the clerk's attention" means _____.
A.telling the truth to the clerk B.offering advice to the clerk
C.asking the clerk to be more attentive D.reminding the clerk of the charged item
64.How will we feel if we let the clerk know her mistake?
A.We 11 be very excited. B.We' 11 feel unfortunate.
C.We'll have a sense of honor. D.We'll feel sorry for the clerk.
65.Which of the following can be the best tide of this passage?
A.How to Live Truthfully B.Importance of Peacefulness
C.Ways of Gaining Self - respect D.Happiness through Honorable Actions
The iPhone, the iPad: each of Apple's products sounds cool and has become a fad(一时的风尚). Apple has cleverly taken advantage of the power of the letter "i" ?and many other brands are following suit.The BBC's iPlayer ?which allows Web users to watch TV programs on the Internet ?adopted the title in 2008.A lovely bear ?popular in the US and UK ?that plays music and video is called "iTeddy".
A slimmed-down version of London's Independent newspaper was launched last week under the name "i".
In general, single -letter prefixes (前缀) have been popular since the 199Cb, when terms such as e -mail and e - commerce first came into use.
Most "i" products are targeted at young people and considering the major readers of Independent's i , it s no surprise that they' ve selected this fashionable name.
But it's hard to see what's so special about the letter "i".Why not use "a", "b", or "c" instead? According to Tony Thome, head of the Language Center at King's College, London, "i" works because its meaning has become ambiguous.When Apple uses "i", no one knows whether it means Internet, information, individual or interactive, Thome told BBC Magazines."Even when Apple created the iPod, it seems it didn' t have one clear definition," he says.
"However, thanks to Apple, the term is now associated with portability (轻便?) ."adds Thorne. Clearly the letter "i" also agrees with the idea that the Western World is centered on the individual.
Each person believes they have their own needs, and we love personalized products for this reason. Along with "Google" and "blog", readers of BBC Magazines voted "i" as one of the top 20 words
that have come to define the last decade.
But as history shows, people grow tired of fads.From the 1900s to 1990s, products with "2000" in their names became fashionable as the year was associated with all things advanced and modem.However, as we entered the new century, the trend inevitably disappeared.
66.People use iPlayer to _____.
A.listen to music B.make a call
C.watch TV programs online D.read newspapers
67.We can infer that the Independent's "i" is aimed at ______.
A.young readers B.old readers
C.fashionable women D.engineers
68.The underlined word "ambiguous" means "____".
A.popular B.uncertain C.definite D.unique
69.Nowadays, -the "i" term often reminds people of the products which are ______.
A.portable B.environmentally friendly
C.advanced D.recyclable
70.The writer suggests that _____.
A."i" products are often of high quality
B.iTeddy is alive bear
C.the letter "b" replaces letter "i" to name the products
D.the popularity of "i" products may not last long
Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life.Relationships with family, friends, neighbours, even pets, will all do the trick, but the biggest longevity (长寿) boost seems to come from marriage or an equivalent relationship.The effect was first noted in 1858 by William Fair, who wrote that widows and widowers (鳏夫) were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers.Studies since then suggest that marriage could and as much as seven years to a man's life and two to a woman's.The effect holds for all rouses of death, whether illness, accident or self-harm.
Even if the odds are stacked against you, marriage can more than compensate.Linda Waite from the University of Chicago has found that .I married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart.Likewise, a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man who doesn't smoke.There's a flip side, however, as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their spouse's death, and caring for a spouse with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems.
Even so, the odds favour marriage.In a 30 - year study of more than 10,000 people, Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of social networks have similar effects.
So how does it work? The effects are complex, affected by socio - economic factors, health ? service provision, emotional support and other more physiological mechanisms.For example, social contact can boost development of die brain and immune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression ?later in life.People in supportive relationships may handle stress better.Then there are the psychological 9 benefits of a supportive partner.
A life partner, children and good friends arc all recommended if you aim to live to 100.The ultimate social network is still being mapped out, hut Christakis says: "People are interconnected, so their health
is interconnected.
71.William Fair's study and other studies show that _____.
A.social life provides an effective cure for illness
B.being sociable helps improve one' s quality of life
C.women benefit more than men from marriage
D.marriage contributes a great deal to longevity
72.Linda Waite's studies support the idea that______.
A.older men should quit smoking to stay healthy
B.marriage can help make up for ill health
C.the married are happier than the unmarried
D.unmarried people are likely to suffer in later life
73.It can be inferred from the context that the "Hip side" (Line 4.Para.2) refers to ______.
A.the disadvantages of being married
B.the emotional problems arising from marriage
C.the responsibility of taking care of one's family
D.the consequence of a broken marriagexkb1.com
74.What does the minor say about social networks?
A.They have effects similar to those of a marriage.
B.They help develop people's community spirit.
C.They provide timely support for those in need.
D.They help relieve people of their life's burdens.
75.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.It's important that we develop a social network when young.
B.To stay healthy, one should have a proper social network.
C.Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.
D.We should share our social networks with each other
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
(1)A one - person solar car that can be transformed into an electric moped ( 助力车 ) , a door light powered by opening and closing a door and a cloak (披风) of invisibility are three innovative inventions recently created by college students.
Here comes the sun
(2)The 100- kilogram blue solar car invented by 10 students at Southwest University's College of Engineering and Technology in Chongqing has a top with four solar panels that charge the battery that powers the auto. "The car is easy to drive. A person without any driving experiences could learn to use it in several minutes. It fits for campus and the golf course," He Daijie, the leader of the invention team and a senior at the college, told the Global Times. "Or if one prefers it can be turned into an electric moped," he said.
Seeing the light
(3) Four students at Shenyang University of Technology in Liaoning Province invented a door light powered by electric energy produced by opening and closing a door.
(4)When people open or close a door, tlie door produces mechanical energy that could be turned into electric energy. After numerous tests for several months, the students fixed a joint lever (liE^ff) above the door that connects the door and a speeding gear case to drive a generator attached to the door and send energy to storage cells. The storage cells provide ______ for the light.
Invisibility cloak
(5) Many people daydream of an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter's and three graduate students in optics (光学) from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (航空航天) have actually nvented one. Special Ferro - electric (铁电体) materials on the cloak reduce the scattering of light of an object wrapped with the cloak, and thus making the object "invisible," according to Li Peining, one of the three students. Li said he is confident about the future of the cloaks. "With the appearance and application of new meta - materials, the cloak could be used in military battles and communications," he said.
76. What is the main idea of the passage?
77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)
78.Which invention do you think is environmentally friendly? Why? (no more than 15 words)
79. What does the underlined word "it" in para 2 mean? (no more than 5 words)
80. In which fields are invisibility cloaks used ? (no more than 10 words)
11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。2014年的感恩节是11月22日。某英文杂志社要举办一次征文比赛活动。活动主题是:”Learn to be grateful”.假如你叫魏来,请根据下列提示写一篇120词左右的短文投给该杂志社。
Learn to be grateful

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaosan/58905.html
