

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语学习方法 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

许多同学在学习英语语音的时候,往往受方言的影响,发不准这个或那个音素。要纠正这些发得 不准的音,练习绕口令无疑是一种有趣并且有效的方法。 Eg. She sels seashells on the seashore. Eg. Six silly sleepers slept softly on silk sheets. 绕口令是可以自编的,从词典中找出一些含有同音素的词来构成一句有趣的句子即成。

  有些英语谜语也有助于我们掌握语音。 Eg. What twoletters mean nothing? 答案是MT。MT的发音是[emti:],酷似empty的发音。这则谜语不仅帮助我们学会并且记牢empty 的发音,也可以加深我们对于失去爆破现象的理解。


  1.拼写: What is the smallest room in the world? 答案是a mushroom。这则谜语帮助我们记住 mushroom(蘑菇)的拼写,因为这单词有一部分是room。

  A: Which seven-lettered word has three "u"s in it?  B: I don't know. But it must be unusual. B没猜着却说对了。这种戏剧性的幽默会使我们记住unusual的拼写中有三个"u"。

  2.同音异形词: Peter:Tom,why do you prefer a pear to an apple? Tom: Because it takes tow apples to make a pair(pear).

  3.一词多义: Teacher:Tom, how many states are there in the US? Tom: Fifty. Teacher:Enumerate them. Tom: One, two, three, ... enumerate既有"数、点"的意思,又有"枚举、列举" 的意思。

  4.习惯用法: Teacher: Jim,why can't we lose our heads? Jim: If we lose our heads, we will have nothing to put our hats on. to lose one's head当作成语用时,意思是"失 去理智,惊慌失措",只有了解这一点,才能明白此中幽默所在。

  谜语、幽默说明语法问题的也不乏其例。例如: The Mother: My daughter has been learning piano lessons under you for quite a long time. What do you think of her execution now? The pianist: That could be a nice thing to do.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/waiyu/yingyuxuexi/6346.html
