

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语学习方法 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

Maintaining Progress in Your English Studies
1]Languages are for communication and if you always work alone in lessons,you are denying yourself the opportunity to put language into use.Working in pairs and small groups will give you more time to spend trying out new language.
Don't worry if the teacher cannot hear and correct every mistake you make.Remember mistakes disappear with time.Class are a good way to meet other people who want to learn the same language as you,and you don't have to limit your contact to lesson times only.
Why not meet up after class and help one another with revision and testing?You can compare notes on things you found difficult and swap information about the materials you have useful.Your 'buddies'can provide lots of ideas of different ways to help you learn as well as being sympathetic,supportive listeners when the going gets tough.
2]How can I Maintain Motivation?Maintaining motivation is critical for success in language learning and,as we have said before,you should be ready to take the rough with the smooth.During the course of your studies there may be periods when you'll experience negative feelings towards the language you are learning.
These feelings will include:
*frustration,when your progress seems slow
*uncertainty,when you don't fully understand things
*annoyance,when you keep forgetting something simple
*boredom,when you have to do the same thing over and over again
*resentment,that everything has to be so complicated and that English can't work in the same way as Chinese.
3]Obviously we aren't trying to put you off learning English,but as these feelings are likely to surface at different times,it's best to aware that they are quite normal and you won't be alone in feeling this way.
Of course,at other times you'll feel:
*satisfaction,when you see yourself making progress
*interest,as you learn more about the ways in which language operate
*amusement,when you come across a novel phrase or expression
*stimulation,when you encounter new ways of thinking and talking about the world
*pride,in your growing ability to understand the new language and to express thoughts and feelings.
4]As you experiment and discover the ways in which you learn best,you will also feel a growing confidence in yourself and in your ability to learn successfully.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/waiyu/yingyuxuexi/8988.html
