

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

要掌握的单词:odule1 life生活different(不同的ago(以前any(任何,一些television(电视机grandchildren((外)孙子(女)us(我们(宾格)grandothern((外)祖母lady(女士,夫人fire(炉火radio(收音机telephone(电话field(田地hope(希望odule2 learnt(:nt)(learn的过去式)学习these(这些dancer(舞蹈演员class(班级study(学习hard(努力的retired(退休的odule3 egg(鸡蛋eail(电子邮件sandwich(三明治traditional(传统的delicious(美味的,可口的haburger(汉堡ate((eat的过去式)吃gave((give的过去式)给drank((drink的过去式)喝tonight(在今夜,今晚odule 4 library(图书馆find(找到CD-RO电脑光盘bring(带,拿use(使用card(卡片easy(简单的inforation(信息tietable(时间表,时刻表dictionary(字典newspaper(报纸odule5 light轻的broken(坏的,破的heavy(重的pocket(口袋,兜二hard(困难的odule6 photo(照片stay(停留week(星期,周parent(父亲,母亲rode(骑(马)horse(马clib(攀登,爬holiday(假日odule7 essage(信息another(另一个idea(主意,想法office(办公室busy(忙碌的odule8 suggest(建议quickly(快地,迅速地excited(激动的,兴奋的Aerica(美国Chinese(中国人kind(种类dragon(龙sae(相同的circle(圆,圆圈odule9 wore(穿woen(女人actor(演员told(讲,告诉joke(笑话funny(滑稽的after(在……以后show(演出ready(准备好的soon(不久bed(床roo(房间history(历史question(问题borrow(借evening(傍晚odule10list(目录,清单airport(机场shoe(:鞋ticket”(票toothbrush牙刷arrive(到达taxi(出租车flat(公寓building(建筑物ade((ake过去式)做again再一次
要掌握的句子:1.We lived in a sall house any years ago. We live in a big house no
许多年前我们住在一个小房子。 现在我们住在一个大房子
2.There was a sall house any years ago. There wasn’t a big house any years ago.
许多年前有一间小房子。 许多年前没有一间大房子。
3.There were soe sall houses any years ago. There weren’t soe big houses any years ago
4.There is a big house no There isn’t a sall house. now . How about you?
现在有一些小房子。 现在没有一些大房子。 你怎么样?
5.She didn’t have a television any years ago. She had a sall house any years ago.
许多年前她没有一台电视机。 许多年前她有一间小房子。
6.r. Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. He’s teaching r. Li。
李先生是一个老师。 他教语。 陈华是一个英语老师。 他正在教李老师
7.She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages?Yes, she did.No, she didn’t
她学习英语。 她学习外语吗?是的她学。不她不学。
8.He is learning English now。他现在学习英语。
9.Who is this? It’s y granda.Who are they?They’re y grandparents.
这是谁? 她是我的祖母。 他们是谁?他们是我的祖父母。
10.Sa ate six haburgers. He likes haburgers very uch. What did you eat/drink last night?
姆吃了六个汉堡包。他非常喜欢汉堡包。 你昨晚吃了/喝了什么?
11.What are you going to eat/drink? What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner/yesterday?
你要喝什么/吃什么 昨天早餐/午餐/晚餐她吃什么?
12.She had eggs and sausages. 她吃了鸡蛋和香肠Sa ate six haburgers姆吃了六个汉堡包。
13.Where are the book about coputers, please? They’re on the Shelf C
请问关于电脑的书在哪里? 它们在C架上。
14.Can I have your library card,please?请拿出你的借书卡。Yes. Here you are.好的给你。
15.This black bag is nice/big/heavy/sall/light. This blue one is big and light. It’s too big for you.
这个黑色的袋是好的/大的/小的/轻的。 这个蓝色的袋是又大又轻。对你说太大了。
16.I’ll buy you a new one.我将要买一个新的给你。It’ll be easy for you.对你说太容易了。
17.Where did you go for your holidays?假期你要去哪里?I went to Yinchuan我要去银川。
18.Where is Yinchuan ?银川在哪里?It’s in the north of China.它在中国的北部。
19.Did you go with your other and father?你和你的父母亲一起去吗? Yes,I did是的。
20.When did you go to Xinjiang?你们什么时候去新疆。We went there in July.我们七月去。
21.Let’s send an eail to Dad. Click on ‘Eail’. Write your essage. I a working very hard.
我们发电子邮件给爸爸。 点击电子邮件 写下信息。 我学习非常努力。
22.I will be hoe at seven o’clock.我将七点钟回家。I can send an eail我会发电子邮件。
23.What do you suggest? 你有什么建议? What about chopsticks?筷子怎么样?
24.Why don’t you give hi a kite? 为什么你不给他一个风筝?That’s a good idea.那是好主意。
25.Line A is longer. 线A是长的。But What kind of kite?什么类型的风筝?
26.Is line A the sae as line B?线A和线B一样长吗?Yes,I think so.是的,我想是这样。
27.u bought new chopsticks for you.妈妈买了新筷子给我。
28.The actors told lots of jokes. See you soon .Are you ready for your trip to Aerica?
男演员告诉我许多笑话。 再见 你准备好去美国旅行了吗?
29.where are you going to go?To the airport. He arrived yesterday.
你要去哪里? 去飞机场。 他昨天已经到了。
30.Grandother ade Chinese food for e.What are you going to take?
祖母做了中国食物给我。 你要带什么?
31.Who is going to the airport?When are you going to the airport?
谁要去飞机场? 你什么时候去飞机场?
( )1.Look _____ this book. A.over B.at C.on
( )2.It’s _______ London. A.of B.at C.about
( )3.I’ _______ London. A.fro B.on C.at
( )4.This river is very ____ and ____. A.big/high B.long/wide C.short/tall
( )5.I _______ visit London. A.go to B.want to C.a
( )6.You ____ see Tower Bridge. A.will B.want C.are
( )7.It’s a big _____ eye. A.round B.long C.wide
( )8.You’ll _____ on the London Eye. A.go B.doing C.going
( )9.This house is very _____ . A.long B.round C.old
( )10.Big Ben is a very ______. A.new colck B.new Bridge C.old clock
( )11.Where ____ the books about coputer? A.was B.is C.are
( )12.Where ___ you yesterday? A .were B .are C.is
( )13.Lingling, ____ your bed. A .Look B.See C .Look at
( )14.The T-shirt has got a panda ___ it. A.on B.in C.at
( )15.Try this one ____ white. A.on B.in C .at
( )16.It ____ got four wheels. A. is B. was C. has
( )17.y cousins ______ Beijing every year. A.visit B.visits C.visited
( )18.It’s ____ the west of China. A.on B.in C.to
( )19.We stayed ____ y friend. A.for B.to C.with
( )20.He ade ___ e-card ___ e. A a, to B an, for C a, to
( )21The tietable _____ the wall. A are, on B is, in C is, on
( )22.Please bring ___the book __ two week’s tie. A back, in B on, in C about, after
( )23.It’s easy __ _ a coputer. A .on B. in C. with
( )24.Let’s_ __ to the library. A .go B .going C .went
( )25.Where_ __ the books about food? A .is B.are C .were
( )26.There _ _ any cars or buses. A .were B.weren’t C .wasn’t
( )27.Here’s a card __ _ you. A.on B.to C.for
( )28.She didn’t__ a radio. A.had B.have C.has
( )29.He gave a present __ his u. A.in B.for C.to
( )30.Can I have your library card, please? _________ A .Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t C. Yes, here you are.
( )31.We go to school _____ onday _____ Friday. A.to ;fro B.fro ; to C.fro; at
( )32.I ’ tired, Why don’t you____? A.have soe water B.go to bed C.go swiing
( )33.Are you ready____your picnic,Lingling? A.for B.with C.at
( )34.Lingling wrote this letter___English. A.on B. in C.with
( )35.Now click _____ write. A.at B.on C./
( )36.What did she have_____ breakfast? A. for B. in C.at
( )37.Bag A is the sae ___bag B. A.than B.as C.to
( )38.any years ago,people ____horses to send letters. A.riding B.ride C.rode
( )39. ______she learn any foreign languages? No, she didn’t. A.Do B.Did C.Does
( )40.Please_____ the book ____ Sa. A.give ,to B.give, in C.give, out
( )41.Will you pick apples? A. Yes,I won’t B.Yes, I will. C.No,I will .
( )42.He’ll be astronaut . A.a B.an C./
( )43.London Eye is a big , eye. A.round B.long C.wide
( )44.She always people . A.help B.helps C.helped
( )45.These are fifteen . A.peach B.peachs C.peaches
( )46.You can see anials in the zoo . A.a lot B.lot of C.lots of
( )47. are you going to go to Beijing? A. Where B.What C.When
( )48.I _____ ilk. A. like B. likes C.a
( )49.Where is Shanghai? It’s in the _____of China. A.east B.north C.west
( )50.Where are you fro? A.I go to Aerica . B.I go to Shanghai . C.I a fro Aerica . D.I like Aerica. ( )51.The first bag is _____than the second bag. A.bigger B.biger C.sallest D.sall
( )52.Please bring back the book____. A.two weeks’ tie B. in two weeks’ tie C. in two weeks tie
( )53.She ____ rice and vegetables yesterday. A. have B. has C. had
( )54.What did she have____ lunch. A.in B.with C.for
( )55.Daing has got ____ e-card ___ Lingling. A. a;fro B. an;fro C. an;for
( )56.I ___ three apples last night. A. eat B. ate C. aet
( )57.He is _____ English no A. learnt B. learning C. learn
( )58. _____ are they ? They are y grandprents. A. Whose B. What C. Who
( )59.Daing played football ___ his friends last Sunday. A. on B. with C. to
( )60.Lili ____ juice last night. A. drank B. drink C. drinking
( )61.I want to ____ an e-card ____ u. A. ade;for B. ake;for C. ake;to
( )62.You can find out about the weather in this _____. A. library B. park C. newspaper
( )63. _____ I help you ? A.Do B.A C.Can
( )64.I’ going ____ train. A.on B.by C.buy
( )65.Look ____ this red coat. A.at B.in C.to
( )66.There weren’t _____ cars. A.soe B.any C.a
( )67.Five years ago, he____to school. Now he ____to school by bus A.walked, goes B. walked, went C.walks, went
( )68.He taught Chinese______. A.now B.any years ago C. next year
( )69.There ___ any buses. A.isn’t B.were C.weren’t
( )70.You are good ____ English. A.in B.on C.at
( )71.Sa ____ haburger very uch. A.like B.likes C.liking
( )72.He had _____at seven o’clock in evenings.A breadfast B.lunch C.dinner
( )73.u is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling______. A.toorrow B.yesterday C.now
( )74.Who’s that boy? is y brother. A.His B.He C.Hi
( )75.Whose toothbrush is this? A.Daing’s B.I C.Daing
( )76.Where are you going to go toorrow? A.Thank you B.Guangzhou C.Hello
( )77.Granda ade food for Daing. A.England B.China C.Chinese
( )78.Is it Betty’s bag?Yes,it’s . A.he B.she C.hers
( )79. that an?He’s y English teacher. A.Whose B.Who’s C.Do you
( )80.Sanya is . A.in the west of China B.in the south of China C.in the east of China
( )81. books do you have? A.How B.How uch C.How any
( )82.Who et Daing the airport. A.in B.at C.on
( )83.There are lots buildings in NewYork. A.of B.off C.to
( )84.Are you ready your trip toorrow? A.for B.of C.off
( )85.How juice in the bottle? A.any B.uch C.old
( )86.Last Sunday,Peter his good friend. A.eet B.et C.eets
( )88.It’s seven o’clock in the orning.Let’s have . A.supper B.lunch C.breakfast
( )89.Lingling is y classate. hair is long and black . A.His B.Her C.Your
( )90.Who is the woan? is y Chinese teacher. A.He B.Her C.Your
( )91.What colour do you like? I like . A.orange B.an orange C.a orange
( )92.This long pen is .The short one is . A.his;her B.his;hers C.hi;her
( )93.To and Jack y good friend. A.is B.a C.are
( )94.How any on the wall? A.picture B.pictures C.a picture
( )95.There two glasses of water on the table. A.is B.a C.are
( )96.The boy very tall. A.is B.a C.are
( )97.Those are . A.apple tree B.apple trees C.apples trees
( )98. do you like winter?Because I can skate. A.Why B.Who C.What
( )99.The twins new students our class. A.are;in B.is;in C.are;at
( )100.It’s going to be toorroPlease put on your coat. A.war Bld C.hot
( )101.To,a present for your birthday. A.Sorry B.I don’t like it C.Thank you
( )102. ?It’s about four thirty. A.How old are you B.What tie is it C.What’s your watch
( )103.Are the rulers ?Yes,they’re . A.your;our B.yours;y C.yours;ine
( )104.There are hours in a day. A.twenty-one B.seven C.twenty-four
( )105.How are they?Five dollars. A.uch B.old C.any
( )106.There are three .The third is ike. A.boys;boys B.boy;boy C.boys;boy
( )107.Excuse e.Where is the books.? It’s Shelf A.in B.at C.on
( )108.Here is card you.Thank you. A.at B.for C.to
( )109.Yesterday,we soe CDs in a shop. A.buy B.buying C.bought
( )110.Last suer,we to a lake with y parents. A.went B.go C.walk
( )111.Look!She can very well. A.sing B.singing C.sings
( )112.y father have lunch at hoe every day. A.doesn’t B.didn’t C.don’t
( )113.u the living roo. A.a cleaning B.cleaning C.is cleaning
( )114.r White us English last ter. A.taught B.teaches C.teach
( )115.What’s with your schoolbag?It’s broken. A.nice B.wrong C.big
( )116.This yellow bag is sall heavy. A.or B.for C.but
( )117.Can you help e? A.Of course B.Yes,she can C.No,I can
( )118.Your are clever. A.Thank you B.How are you? C.Sorry
( )119.What should I do? A.Good idea B.Thank you C.I have no idea
( )120.Thank you for us the story. A.telling B.tell C.tells
( )121.I have a book English.It’s interesting. A.was B.were’t C.are
( )122.Yesterday Ay TV with her parents. A.watched B.watching C.watches
( )123.any years ago,there any trees here. A.was B.weren’t C.are
( )124.Peter in a sall house four years ago.Now he in a big house.A.live;lives B.lives;livedC.lived;lives
( )125.What did your father cook yesterday evening?He soe noodles.Aok Boking Coked
( )126.Thank you for to us. A.talkes B.talked C.talking
( )127.She couldn’t read write. A.and B.or C.to
( )128.Daing is the phone for you. A.at B.in C.on
( )129.He is going to ask you questions. A.soe B.any C.a
( )130.We can listen to in the evening. A.they B.the C.their
( )131.I’ve got a letter a friend. A.for B.to C.fro
( )132.Can I see the? A.That’s greet! B.Of course. C.Yes, I can’t
( )133.You can take it China. A. to B.fro C.in
( )134.I a working very hard the office. A.to B.at Con .
( )135.Let’s send eail Dad. A.to B.for C.for
( )136.She didn’t a television or a radio. A.has B.had C.have
( )137.Did she learn foreign languages? A.any Bsoe .C.are
( )138.You can’t it China. A.take;in B.taked;in C.take;to
( )139.I there last year. A.goes B.went C.go
( )140.It’s too big you. A.for B.to C.with
( )141.He’s r Li. A.teach B.teaches C.teaching
( )142.Welcoe Beijing! A.to B.for C.fro
( )143.I iss grandother. A.y B.I C.e
( )144.Seven years ago.r Li a teacher. A.is B.are C.was
( )145.China changing no A.are B.was C.is
( )146.He often basketball after school. A.play B.to play C.plays
( )147.y father is than y other. A.taller B.tall C.tallest
( )148.I a going to toorrow evening. A.swi B.swis C.swiing
( )149.Sa English food very uch. A.like B.likes C.had
( )150.I TV everyday. A.watch B.watched C.watvhes
A. Click on “ Eail ” . B. Click on “ Send ”. C. that’s a good idea!
D. Write your essage . E. It’s a coputer essage .
Let’s send an eail .To: What’s an eail ?Ay: . It goes fro one coputer to another coputer.
Ay: Let’s send an eail to Dad.To: Yes , Ay: _____________ . Now click on “ Write” . Good boy , To !Ay: .To:Hello Dad , I can send eails now . Fro , To .Ay: The essage will go to Dad’s coputer at work .To:Oh yes ! It did ! r Sart: Ahh ! I’ve got an eail fro little To.
A. You are welcoe. B. erry Christas.C.What is it? D.Sure, here it is. E.I have a gift for you,too.
Daing: erry Christas,u!u: _____Daing: This gift is for you.u: Thank you. _____
Daing: It’s a red dress.u: Oh,how nice! ______Daing: ay I have a look?u: ______
Daing: It’s a doll.Thank you,u.u; ________
in, at, on, for, about
1.We can find a book coputer.2.Please bring back the book two days
3.Here is a card you. 4.The fruite are Shelf A.
5.To and Lili are the library. 6.Last year were Beijing.
Who, Where, When, What 新课标第一网
1. did you go for your holiday?I went to Dalian2. did you go with on your holiday?y parents
3. is Guilin?It’s in the south of China. 4. did Lingling go to Xingjiang? In July
5. did you buy?I bought a pair of chopsticks. 6. did you see? I saw a lot of life.
Was, were, is, are
1.Where you yesterday?I in y school.2.Now there lots of trees beside the house.
3.Now there a big house in fornt of the river.。
A. Look at this blue T-shirt. B. Look at this white one. C. What do you want to buy?
D. Thank you very uch. E. Where are we going?
Lingling: _________________________s Sart: To the Departent store.
Lingling: _________________________s Sart: I want to buy a T-shirt for you.
Lingling: Thank you.Lingling: ____________________. It’s nice.
s Sart: But it’s too big for you.Lingling: _______________________
s Sart: Try this one in white. That’s lovely. You can take it to China. Lingling:__ _____________
A.When are you going to go? B.Clothes,shoes,presents
C.Who?I don’t kno D.How are you? E.Where are you going to go?
Granda: ___ ,Daing? Daing: I’ fine,thank you.I’ going to go to Aerica toorro. Granda:What are you going to take toorrow? Daing: _________. Granda: ________________. Daing: At the airport. Granda: __________________ Daing: At seven o’clock toorrow orning.
Granda; Who is going to go to the airport? Daing:_________Grangdaa:It’s you.
tall nice naughty round long
1.Ay is very . She always helps people .2.Ji is a boy .He is juping on his bed .
3.This is Big Ben .It is very .4.Li ing’s eyes are big and .5.This river is very
(traditional , enough, lots of, about, find out, on)
1.I watched a television prograe ___________ China.2.Fish and chips are __________ English food.
3.She sang in ________ Chinese cities.4.You can get inforation ___ the radio.
5.We didn’t have ______ food.6.Where can you_______ _______about sports?
e-card bought find nice library at
-Look, Lingling. Here’s our new coputer. u ______ __it.-, it’s very ___ ___.
- I want to ake an ___ _____for o. Can you help e?-Sorry, I’ not good ____ ___ it.
-Let’s go to the __ _____. We can ______ __a book about e-cards there.
A.Sure.Here you here. B.OK C.They’re on Shelf C. D.You are welcoe
( )1.Can I use your pen? ( )2.Where are the books about sports?
( ) 3.Let’s go to library ( )4.Thank you very uch.
got, go, went, played, visited
1.Did you to Shanghai in suer?2.Sa has soe photos.
3.Xiaonan is y good friend.She the violin last week.
4.I to Guangzhou in July.5.Last year,she went to Qingdao and her friend.
A.do Taijiquan B.go to bed C.have lunch D.Excuse e E.swi
1.We like sports.We often in suer.2.any old people like to in the park.
3.They at nine o’clock every evening.4. .Where is the bus stop?
5.It is half past eleven.Let’s .
A.clothes B.theatre C.a lot D.lots of E.funny
Last week we went to a children’s ,The en wore woen’s .The woen wore en’s clothes.The actors told .jokes.It was very .We laughed .English children love the theatre.
A.Thank you B.Let’s go C.Good orning! D.What tie is it now? E.That’s OK.
A:Good orning!Lily. B: Sa. A:Oh,Lily. . B:It’s ten o’clock. A: B:
A:Look .Ay and To are playing table tennis under the big tree.Let’s go to play with the..B: OK
A.I will clib the hill. B.I will be at hoe. C.OK.Let;s go. D.How are you? E.I ade a dragon kite. F.It’s a good idea!
A:Hello. .B:I’ fine,thank you.A:What did you do at the weekend?B: .A:Where are you going to do toorrow?
B: .What about you?A: . B: Oh, A I going to clib with you?A: .
Where, what tie, When, What colour, What, How, Who, How any
1. did she have for breakfast?She had eggs and sandwishes.
2. are the book about coputers,please? They are on shelf C.
3. is this?It’s y uncle. 4. did you go to Xinjiang?We went there in July.
5. are you?I’ fine.Thank you. 6. eggs did you eat yesterday?Three
7. is your bag? It’s blue. 8. is it?It’s 7 o’clock.
1.There _ _ (A.were B.weren’t) any cars or buses.2.It’s big _ _ (A.for B.with) you.
3.She didn’t_ _(A.had B.have) a radio.4.I iss _ _(A.ine B.y) grandother.
5.You can’t _ _it_ _ China. (A. take---on B .take---to)
( )1.Who are they ? A.Thank you.
( )2.Is he your grandpa? B.They are y counsins.
( )3.How do you do? C.I went there in ay.
( )4.What did she do ? D.How do you do!
( )5.What’s the weather like? E.It’s cloudy.
( )6.Can I see your photos? F.Nice to eet you, too.
( )7.Here is a card for you. G.Of course.
( )8.Nice to eet you. H.She went to Xinjing.
( )9.When did you go to Hainan? I.No, he isn’t.
( )10.See you toorro J.See you.
( )11.Whose coat is it? K.That’s OK
( )12.I’ sorry L.It’s Ay’s.
( )13.Where are you going to go toorrow? .At seven o’clock toorrow
( )14.What are you going to take? N.Clothes,shoes,present,kite
( )15.When are you going to go there? O.To the air port
( )①.Why is she wearing these clothes? A.She is a Chinese teacher.
( )②.What is your other? B.It’s y granda.
( )③.Where can you find out about anials? C.It’s green.
( )④.What did she do yesterday? D.Yes, he is.
( )⑤.Can you help e? E.At the zoo.
( )⑥.Who’s this? F.She ade a cake.
( )⑦.Is your father learning English now? G.Because she was a dancer.
( )⑧.What did you have for breakfast ? H.I had eggs and ilk
( )⑨.Can I have you library card, please? I.Yes, Here you are.
( )⑩.What colour is the bag? J.Sorry, I’ not good at it.
( )⑾.How do you feel? K.I’ listening.
( )⑿.What are you doing? L.Nothing,I’ thinking
( )1.How uch eat do you want? A.You’re welcoe
( )2.Whose sweater is this? B.No,I can’t
( )3.What do you suggest? C.Last week
( )4.Where is Beijing? D.How about a kite?
( )5.Where can you find out about anials? E.Yes,it is.
( )6.Can you jup far? F.It’s hers.
( )7.Thanks for your help. G.At the zoo.
( )8.When did you go to Shanghai? H.2 kilos..
( )9.What did you eat last night? I.It’s in the north
( )10.Is line A longer than line B? J.Noodles
( )11.Has To got chopsticks? K.That’s a good idea!
( )12.Why don’t you give hi a kite? L.Yes,he has
( )13.What’s for lunch? .It’s half past ten
( )14.What tie is it now? N.Bread and noodles
( )15.Who lived in that big house? O.y uncle lived there
( )1.当你想知道你的朋友通常周末都做些什么时,问: A.What are you going to do at weekends?
B.What do you do at weekends? C.What do you do after school?
( )2.当你想知道Helen最喜欢的电视节目是什么时,应问她: A.What are your favorite TV progras? B.What are your favorite sports?C.What are your favorite anials?
( )3.当你想知道David的父亲做什么工作时,应问:A.What did David’s father do yesterday?
B.What does David’s father do?C.What does David’s father like?
( )4.当你想知道ary上周日做什么了,应问: A.ary,what are you doing now?
B.ary,what are you going to do this Sunday?C.ary,what did you do last Sunday?
( )5.当你想知道Lily今晚的安排时,应问: A.Lily,what do you do every evening?
B.Lily,what did you do yesterday evening? C.Lily,what are you going to do this evening?
( )6.当你想知道对方正在谈论什么时,应问:
A.What are you doing?B.What are you talking about? C.What can you do?
( )7.你想邀请Fred一起出去玩,但不知道他什么时候有空儿,问:
A.When are you have tie?B.When will you be free?C.What tie is it?
( )8.如果你不会用英语说某物,应问:
A.Do you know English? B.What's this in English? C.Can you spell it,please?
( )9.你想买某个东西,但不知道价钱,应问:
A.How any? B.How uch do you need? C.How uch is it?
( )10.你想夸一只鸟很漂亮,应说:
A.It's a bird. B.It's very beautiful.C.It's yellow.
( )11.你想征询别人的建议,你应该怎么说?A.Can I help you?B.What do you suggest?C.What shall I DO?
( )12.你想建议你的朋友买一个风筝,你应该怎么说?
A.Fly a kite please.B.What about a kite?C.What do you suggest?
( )13.你表示同意,应说:A.I’ sure B.I know C.I agree
( )14.你想问别人身体好吗?应说:A.How do you do? B.How old are you? C.How are you?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/47572.html

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