

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 父母学堂 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

dangdangma的原帖: (写于1/17/01 1:17:38 AM)


Trot to Boston(有节奏地颠孩子)

Trot, trot to Boston
Trot, trot to Lynn
Watch out, Baby
Don't fall in! (让孩子仿佛落马)

This is the Way the Ladies Ride(有节奏地颠孩子)

This is the way the ladies ride
Pace, pace (慢)
This is the way the gentlemen ride
Trot, trot, trot, trot (略快)
This is the way the babies ride
Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop… (非常快)

Round and Round the Garden

Round and round the garden
Like a teddy bear
One step, two step, tickle him under there

Where Is Thumbkin

Where is thumbkin, where is thumbkin
Here I am, here I am (出示拇指)
How are you today, sir
Very well, I thank
Run away, run away (藏至背后)

Where is pointer……
Where is tall man……
Where is ring man……
Where is tiny……


一个手指头, 一个手指头
变呀变呀变呀变呀, 变成毛毛虫
四个手指头, ……蝴蝶飞,
五个手指头, ……螃蟹走

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/zaojiao/1113933.html
