Sports and Games

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 1



内 容次要求would, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, bit, quite a bit/a lot, join, club


握your, of, dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, arrive in/at, against, play against, leave, leave for, the day after tomorrow, take part in, shame1Bbaseball, hour, pretty, pretty well, high jump, long jump, it, popular, all over the world, run, be good for, heart, healthy, keep fit, relax 1Cill, fall ill, be glad to, mind, practice, window, get to, far from... smoke, somewhere, make one’s bed, right away

2Acareless, chance, fight, do one’s best, angry, serve, turn down, in a minute, ready, at once, important

2Bas well, competition, invent, college, even, score, well, basket, throw, follow, over, century, more and more

2Cwell, however, tired, active, mile, fresh, instead, instead of, build, build up, become, coach, feeling

2Dtaxi, foreign, e-mail, address, form, fill, fill out, reason, duck, maybe, perhaps, coffee

3Ashall, pick

3Bgold, winner, visitor, improve, environment, ourselves 3Cmodern, fast, ring, ring...up, symbol, least, at least


解Houston Rockets, NBA, dancer, excited, World Cup

1BLung1Cfavor, teammate, Capital Stadium, No., loudly

2Agoal, quickly, clearly2Btraveling, tiring, Canadian, Springfield College, indoor, court2Cchips, easily, runner2DRen’ai English Club, host, the Olympics

3AOlympic3Brepublic, the People’s Republic of China, medal

3Cmotto, fond, be fond of3D

语法选择疑问句及其回答 Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

I prefer skating.

掌 握


What’s your favorite sport, aria?

Basketball, of course.

Who’s your favorite player?

ichael Jordan.

How often does she go bicycling?

Twice a week.

How long does she stay in the gym every day?

For an hour.


Are you going to join the school skating club?

Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

I’m going to be a basketball player like him.

What are you going to be when you grow up?

I’m going to be a dancer.

It’s too bad that they aren’t going to stay in Beijing for long.

They’re leaving for Japan the day after tomorro

There is going to be a school sports meet next month.

How long are you going to play?

Two hours.

Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.

There will be more roads.


I hope our team will win.

They are sure that she will win.

I’m very sorry for what I said.

ichael, we believe you will do better next time!

I think I will sit in a quiet place in Beijing and watch what Beijing is like in 2008.


Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

I prefer skating.

Do you skate much?

Yes, quite a bit/a lot. /No, seldom.

She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day.


What are you going to be when you grow up?

I am going to be a dancer.

She is going to be a doctor in the future, because it’s her dream job.


Could you please do me a favor?

Sure. What is it?

Would you mind teaching me?

Not at all. / Of course not.

Would you mind not smoking here?

Sorry. I’ll go somewhere else.


I’m very sorry for what I said.

It doesn’t matter.

I’m sorry I’m late for class.

That’s O. Please take a seat. 责备他人

You are always so careless!

You shouldn’t shout at me.


The People’s Republic of China took part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952.

The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games. There are five rings, and they stand for the five parts of the world.

Topic 1

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands目标

1. Learn some useful words and expressions:

would, cheer, cheer…on, team, win, bit, quite a bit/a lot, join, club

2. Learn future tense with “be going to”:

(1) You know I will play in the basketball game between Class Three and our class this Sunday.

(2) Are you going to join the school skating club?

Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

3. Talk about preference:

Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

4. Talk about sports and games.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案

Step 1 Review第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟)

1.T:New term begins. This is the first English lesson of this term.

Welcome back to school, boys and girls. Did you enjoy yourselves? What did you do during your vacation? Did you do sports? I want to know if you had a happy summer holiday.


T: Which sport did you do? S1 , please.

S1: I played … in the summer holiday.

T: Which sport do you like best?

S1: I like … best.

T: We all know sports are good for our health. Now let’s review some sports we learned before.

2. (教师展示一些关于运动的图片, 复习学过的运动项目名称。教师拿出第一幅图片,图上有学生在游泳。)

T:What is he doing? S2, please.

S2: He is swimming.

T: Do you like swimming?

S2: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: How often do you go swimming?

S2: Twice a week. /Never. …

T: Where do you usually go swimming?

S2:In the swimming pool. /In the river …


T:What are they doing? S3, please.

S3: They are skating.

T: Do you like skating?

S3: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: Which season is the best to skate?

S3: I think it’s winter.

T: What other sports do you like?

S3:I like …


T: Look at the picture. Do you knohat they are doing? S4, please.

S4: They are playing basketball.

T: Do you like playing basketball?

S4: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: How many players are there in a basketball team?

S4: There are five.

T: Who do you usually play with?

S4: y classmates. /y friends…

( 教师尽量多使用一些图片,让学生根据图片练习。)

Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

1.T:I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about sports. Now look at the picture in 1a. What is ichael going to do? S1, please.

S1: He is going to play basketball.


What is ichael going to do?

He is going to play basketball.


2.T:Is ichael playing basketball now? S2, please.

S2: No.

T: Good! You are right. When we express something that is going to happen, we use “be going to”. Now, look at the two sentences. Can you find the rule of them? S3, please.

S3:Yes, I can. I think it’s “be going to + do”.


be going to + do(动词原形)T: Listen to the tape of 1a. Then answer the following questions:

Which team is ichael’s class going to play with?

Is angkang going to cheer them on?


T: Listen again. Follow the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation. Check your intonation and stress.


T: What are they doing?

Ss: They are cheering us on.


cheer sb. onT: Well done! Now please read the dialog in 1a. Boys are ichael and girls are angkang. While you are reading, underline the key words and expressions.

basketball, saw, play, every day, summer, game, between, Class Three, Sunday, come, cheer... on, I’d love to, first, term, hope, win

Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)

1. T: Suppose you meet your classmates on the playground today and you want to knohat kind of sports he/she did during the summer holiday. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words here.

play, summer, homework, I’m afraid, I’d like to, hope(学生两人一组编对话,教师进行巡视,必要时应给予指导。)

2. (找三至五组学生到教室前面表演他们所编的对话。)

S1:Hi, …

S2: Hi, … I am going to play… Are you going to play with us?

S1:I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play… almost every day during the summer holiday.

S2: Yes. You know I am going to play in the…game between… and our team this Saturday. Would you like to come and cheer us on?

S1:Of course. I’d like to. And I hope you will win.


3. T:Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.

(操练be going to + do句型)

T:S3, what are you going to do this term?

S3:I’m going to do more exercise.

T: What about you, S4?

S4:I’m going to make a soccer team.

T: Oh, it’s a great plan. S5, do you knohat your partner(S6) is going to do?

S5: Yes. He is going to learn to play the piano.

(教师尽量引导学生多练习be going to + do句型, 用不同的人称、句式使他们掌握它的用法。)

Step 4 Practice第四步 练习 (时间:15分钟)

1. T: There are so many different kinds of sports. Some students like playing soccer. Some like skating. Everyone has his own favorite sport. Now, let’s discuss which sport you prefer.



Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

I prefer skating.


T: Which sport do you prefer, …or…?

S1:I prefer …


T: S3, if you prefer swimming, how often do you go swimming? Do you go swimming much?

S3: About three times a week. I often go swimming.

T: Oh, you can also say “Yes, quite a lot.” or “Yes, quite a bit.”


quite a bit/a lot

T:S4(一个平时不太喜欢运动的学生), do you often do outdoor activities/do you do outdoor activities much?

S4: No, I don’t.

T: You can also say “No, seldom.”

T: Suppose there is a basketball club in our school. Do you want to join it? And are you going to be a member of the club?


join, club, member(给学生解释相关的新单词,给一点儿时间,熟悉一下新单词。)

T:Discuss with your partner. Which sport club would you like to join? Are you going to join … club?

S5:I am going to join… club.

S6:I am going to be a member of …club.


T:Look at pictures in 2a. Here are many kinds of sports: skating, skiing, volleyball and so on. ake up dialogs after the example.

(以两个人一组的形式完成这项任务,学生们除了可以用书上所给出的运动名称, 也可以选用他们所知道的其它运动名称进行对话。)

2. (小组活动。使用图片进行看图说话表演,谈论自己最喜欢的体育活动,教师提供一些运动的图片。)

T:Now, work in groups. You can use the pictures in my hands to choose which sport is your favorite. And say something about this kind of sport. For example: I prefer playing volleyball. I usually play it after class. There are six players in each team. We must hit the ball with our hands…


3. (做一个练习“be going to+do”句型的游戏。)


T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.

S8:O. (做了一个打乒乓球的动作。)

T:(对第一组学生)What is he going to do?

S9: I think he is going to play table tennis.

T:(对S8) Are you going to play table tennis?

S8: Yes, I am.

T: Good. One point.(假如猜错,其他选手重新猜。)

(视时间而定游戏长度,可以让学生代替上面老师的提问,也可让该游戏在组内进行。四人一组,分两对练习,一人做动作,另一人猜,用“be going to”表达意愿。)

4. (听力练习。)

T:ichael and angkang like doing sports a lot. At weekends, they often do sports. Listen to the tape then answer my questions.

When is ichael going to play table tennis?

What is angkang going to do this Sunday?

What is ichael going to do this Saturday morning?



T: Listen again and fill in the chart in 2b.


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)

1. (了解班级里其他人所喜爱的运动。)

T:Now please make a survey in class to find out your classmates’ favorite sports and fill in the form belo(展示小黑板。)

NameFavorite sportHow often do you play it?Do you want to join a club?



Like this: y favorite sport is soccer. I play soccer a lot. I think it is very exciting. I am going to join our school soccer club. y group mate ××’s favorite sport is ….

2. Homework:

用be going to造五个句子,要求使用不同人称、句式。

Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标

1. (1)Go on learning the future tense “be going to + do”:

1)—What are you going to be when you grow up?

—I’m going to be a dancer.

2) It’s too bad that they aren’t going to stay in Beijing for long.

(2)Learn some useful words and expressions:

your, of, dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, arrive in/at, against, play against, leave, leave for, the day after tomorrow, take part in, shame

2. Review the Simple Past Tense:

(1) David Beckham, the famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his team yesterday.

(2) They all took part in the 2002 World Cup.

3. Talk about the favorite sport and the favorite sports player:

(1)—What’s your favorite sport, aria?

—Basketball, of course.

(2)—Who’s your favorite player?

—ichael Jordan. / I like Yao ing best.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案


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