编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 九年级 来源: 高中学习网

Content:odule12 Summer in LA
[Junior 3, New Standard English]
词汇host, accommodation, shorts, sunglasses, vacation, head teacher, lady, gentleman, each, course, studio, silly, memory, well-trained, experienced, weekly, progress, friendship, arrange, various, organize, application, rest, book, baggage, straight
词组make progress with, check in
task ?cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化正确使用主谓一致的用法,并能够描述某一程情况,为完成任务做好铺垫
Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking
Period 2: Reading and Vocabulary
Period 3: Writing& Around the world &odule Task
Period 4: Language in use
Title: odule 10  y perfect holiday
Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking
Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Listening and Pronunciation and Speaking
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Language nowledge
ey vocabulary: host, accommodation, shorts, sunglasses, vacation, head teacher, lady, gentleman, each, course, studio, silly, memory, well-trained
ey structure: The subject and object agreement. (重点)
2. Listening skill: To understand conversations (难点)
3. Speaking skill: To ask and answer questions about a trip to some place
Learning strategies:
Bottom ?up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.
Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Revision
Task: Recall what we have learned in the last odule.
Step one: Label the pictures with the words and expressions.
(1). Read through the words and expressions in the box and have the Ss. Repeat them after you.
(2).Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.
(3).List some words which are connected with population. Ask students to speak out as many as they can.
Step two: Talk about the problems about population.
Ask students to speak out as much as they can.
Part II: Lead in:
Task: Learn something about pictures.
Step one: Ask the following questions:
1)Are they at the airport?
2) What are the people doing?
3) What are they wearing?
4)Where are they going?
Step two: Introduce the neords.
Part III: Listening
Task 1: Listen and answer the questions
Step one: Ask the Ss to read through the questions in activities 1 on page 96 so they knohat to listen for.
Step two: Play the recording while they just listen and focus on the questions.
Step three: Play the recording again and have them answer the questions.
Step four: Play the recording and have them check their answer with a partner
Step five: Call back the answer from the whole class.
Task2: Ss listen to the dialogue and complete the table.
Step one: Give them the table in activity 4 on page 97 and make sure the Ss understand them all.
Step two: Play the recording and have them listen to the recording and focus on the sentence structure first time through.
Step three: Play the recording again and have them get the answers, then check with a partner.
Step four: Then Call back the answers from the whole class.
Task 3: To understand the conversation.
Step one: Ask the Ss to look at activity 5on page 97
1.Step two: Play the recording and have them listen and find sentences in the conversation which suggest that…
1)The four friends want to look their best.
2)Tony is a little nervous.
3)The head teacher likes Crazy Feet.
4)Becky Wang has good memories of the school days.
5)Tony wants to look cool at the recording studio.
Step three: Play the recording again and have them answer.
Step four:. Play the recording and have them check their answer with a partner
Step five: Call back the answer from the whole class.
Task 5: Listen and read:
Step one: Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation.
Step two: Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.
Step three: Put the Ss. into groups of 5 to practise the dialogue.
Step four: They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.
Part IV: Pronunciation
Task: Listen and repeat the sentences in Activity 7 on page 97
Step one: Ask the Ss to listen and repeat the sentences.
Step two: Play the recording again. Ask the Ss to pay particular attention to the pause between each sense group.
Step three: Ask the Ss to listen and repeat chorally and individually.
Part V: speaking
Task 1: Talk about what Betty, Tony, Lingling and Daming are going to do in LA.
Step one: Work in pairs. Look at the notes in Activity 4 and talk about what Betty, Tony, Lingling and Daming are going to do in LA. eg.
They’re going to LA. They fly to LA at the beginning of August. Their…
Step two: Ask them to say about it.
Step three: Ask them to work in pairs to share their descriptions.
Step four: Call back some examples in a whole-class setting.
Task 2: Ask and answer questions about your trips to LA.
Step one: Imagine you’re going to LA. ake notes about your plans.
Step two: Noork with another group. Ask and answer questions about your trips to LA.
--- How long will you stay in LA?
----We’re spending a week in LA…
Step three: Call some pairs to act it out.
Part VI: A test Do Ex 2 on page 156 in the WB.
Part VII: Homework:
Recite the dialogue as fluently as possible.

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary
Teaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Language knowledge:
Neords: experienced, weekly, progress, friendship, arrange, various, organize, application, rest, book, baggage, straight,make progress with, check in
ey structures: The subject and object agreement. (重点)
2. To get information from the reading material about an English course. (难点)
3. To understand where a passage comes from.
Learning strategies: Communicative approach.
Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Revision
Help students to revise what was learnt in Period one of this module.
Show them some pictures. Have the Ss. talk about them. Eg.
1) Where are they?
2) What are the people doing?
3) What are they wearing?
4)Where are they going?
Part II : Preparation
Task 1: Learn the neords.
Directions: Label the pictures with the words.
(1). Read through the words on the screen. Have the Ss. Repeat them after you.
(2).Read the words separately and have them remember them.
(3).ake some sentences with the words.
(4) Call back the answers from the whole class.
Task 2: Look at the slides about Los Angeles and talk about them.
(1). Look at the slides about Los Angeles on the screen. Have the Ss. discuss them.
(2). Call back some comments from the whole class.
Part III: Scanning and Skimming
1.Task: Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Step one: The teacher ask the Ss to read the passage.
Step two: Ss read the passage and choose the best answer, giving reasons for the choice given.
Step three: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answer.
2. Task: atch the titles with the paragraphs.
Step one: Ask the Ss to do the activity on the screen individually. Then check with a partner.
Step two: Call back the answers from the whole class.
3.Task: Answer the questions in activity 4 on page 99.
Step one: Read through the sentences and make sure the Ss understand what to do. Ss do activity 4 on page 99 individually and check with a partner.
Step two: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers
Part IV : Dealing with expressions:
1. 原句:You can choose between small groups of two or three, or larger groups of up to 15.
Note: up to 在这里表示“直到,至多”。如:
We can invite up to 65 people.
Up to ten people can sleep in this tent.
Everyone has his part to play, from the office boy up to the President.
2. 原句:As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA.
Note: as well as 表示“而且,还,也”。如:
y daughter Beibei wants to visit America as well as Australia this summer.
Our monitor is smart as well as friendly. Everybody likes him.
3. 原句:Every day we have activities which take place after class.
Note: take place 表示“发生”,如:
The concert takes place next Thursday.
When is the training course taking place?
4. 原句:If you are interested, please fill in our application form where you will also find our list of prices.
Note: fill in 表示“填上;把……补齐”。如:
Please fill in the form and sign it.
The teacher asked us to fill in the blanks.

Part V: Language use
Task: Complete the form with your details and your choices in activity 5 on page 99.
Step one: Imagine you’re planning to attend a summer course in Los Angeles. Complete the form with your details and your choices in Ex. 5 on page 99.
Step two: Let’s see who can finish it as soon as possible. Then discuss in pairs and finally hare their answers with the class.
Step three: Give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this class.
Part VI: A test: Exercise 11 on page 158 in the WB.
Part VII: Homework: .Retell the text.
Period 3: Writing & Around the world &odule Task
Teaching Content: Writing & Around the world &odule Task
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Writing skill: To write a description of a course. Improve the students’ writing ability (难点).
2. To learn about summer camps. (重点)
Learning strategies
Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises.
Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I: Revision
Task: Help students to revise what was learnt in last module.
(1). Revise the words and phrases.
(2).Let the Ss. retell the text.
Part II: Writing.
Task: Write about a course for students learning Chinese in your town or city.
Step One: Ask the Ss run through the notes in Activity 6 on Page 99 and make notes.
Step two: Write about a course for students learning Chinese in your town or city.

Step three: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read their sentences.
Part III: Around the world
Task: Learn something about summer camps.
Step One: Ask the Ss. to look at the different pictures about summer camps.
Tell the Ss. some knowledge about them.
Step two: Read the text and answer any questions the Ss have.
Part IV: odule Task
Task: Having a class discussion about summer courses.
1.Ask the Ss. to do Activity 9 on page 103. Think about your answers to the questions and write notes..
2.Think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
3.Speak loudly and clearly so everyone can understand what you say.
4.Listen politely to what the other students say and ask questions.
5.Draw conclusions.
6.Circulate and monitor their production.
Part V: Recalling
Recall what we have learned today.
Part VI: A test
Do Ex.12 on page 155 and hand in immediately.
Part VII: Homework: Do the Self-assessment on page 155.
Period 4. Language in use
Teaching Content: Language in use
ey vocabulary: rest, book, baggage, straight, heck in
ey structures: The subject and object agreement. (难点)
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. To summarise and consolidate the function item- agreement of subject and predicate.
2. To practise the words and expressions. (重点)
Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.
Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (video, OHP, handout)
Teaching Procedures:
Part I Revision
Help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.
Part II Language practice
Task1: To summarize and consolidate the subject and object agreement.
(1).Run through the examples with the Ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of the subject and object agreement.
(2). Ask the Ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.
(3). Ask“Can you make other similar examples?”
(4).Focus the Ss’ attention on the ways in which they are used.
Task2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
(1). Do Activity1 and Activity 2 on page 100 individually.
(2). Ask the Ss. to check with a partner.
(3). Ask the Ss. to read out the sentences.
(4). Summarize: the subject and object agreement
Task 3: Interview your partner.
(1). Ask the Ss. to do Activity 5 on page 101 individually. We can also do Activity3 at this time.
(2).Circulate and monitor their production.
(3) Call the answers back from some students.
Task 4: Complete the passage using the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.
(1). Ask the Ss. to complete the passage using the correct form of the words and expressions in the box in Activity 5 and Activity 6.
(2) Call the answers back from some students.
Task 5: Practise listening
(1). Ask the Ss. to listen to the conversation and do Activity 7 and Activity 8 on page 102 individually.
(2).Listen again and check with their partners.
(3) Call the answers back from the class.
Part III: A test
Talk about your summer.
Part IV: Homework:
Finish all the exercises in the WB.


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