
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网



  1. 虽然奶奶已过世十余年了,但里基时不时地想念她。


  2. 因为那街区已变成了一个公园,所以那位老人经常感到孤独。


  3. 自从出生以来,我一直和父母生活在一起。


  4. 苏州工业园区(Suzhou Industry Park)在最近的五年里变化很大。


  5. 事实上,乘地铁去那个博物馆又快捷又便利。



  1. Although Grandma has been dead for more than ten years, Ricky misses her from time to time .

  2. Because the block has turned into a park, that old man often feels lonely.

  3. I have lived with my parents since I was born.

  4. Suzhou Industry Park has changed a lot over\during the recent five years.

  Great changes have taken place in Suzhou Industry Park ….

  There have been lots of changes in Suzhou Industry Park …

  Things have changed a lot in Suzhou Industry Park …

  5. In fact \ Actually, it’s fast and convenient to go to that museum.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/chuzhong/187281.html
