
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网


潜江市职教中心九月月考试卷高二试点班英语总分:100分 时间:120 分钟 拟卷:严永林一 词汇 :20分(根据提示选出最佳选项 ,每小题2分)1.e-mailA. 电话 B.地址 C.电脑 D.电子邮件2. companyA. 公司 B.街道 C.工厂 D.医院3. computer A. 俱乐部 B.电脑 C.传真 D.小汽车4. supermarket A .面包房 B.图书馆 C.百货公司 D.超市5. laptopA.笔记本电脑 B.手机 C.传真 D播放器6. 有雾的 A. windy B. foggy C. snowy D.sunny7. 百货公司A. department stores B. departments stores C .departments store D.department store8. 促销 A. for sale B.on sale C. at sale D .with sale9. 申请 A. apply to B.apply at C .apply for D .apply in10. 职业学校 A. vocational school B.vacational school C .vocation school D. vacation school 二.选择题。10分(每小题1分)11.______a book on the desk.A.There is B There are C There be D. There being12.I____from Wuhan.A.are B. is C.am D .be 13.They are students,_____?A.are they B.is they C.aren’t they D.isn’t they14_---Can you speak English?---Yes,_______A.I can B I can’t C. I am D. I are15. ______any students in the classroom?---No ,there aren’t.A.There are B Are there C.Is there D. There is16.---Would you like some tea?_____..A.Yes,thanks B No ,please C.Yes ,please don’t D. No, thanks.17.They ___like playing football.A.don’t B doesn’t C.can’t D.aren’t18.---_____do you come from?---I come from Beijing .A.When B .Where C.Why D.Who 19 .He likes ____basketball.A.play B plays C.played D.playing20.I can talk about hobbies ___ English.A. at B in C. by D.with三.读以下词语,找出每组中与其它三个不同类的词。10分(每小题1分)21.A. e—mail B. telephone C. home D. message22. A gender B. form C .age D .address 23. A.salesperson B. customer C.waiter D apple24. A.boring B.favorite C.exciting D delicious25. A.cloudy B.sunny C.windy D.tall26. A. teacher B.nurse C. manager D.factory27 A. music B.fishing C.dancing D.address28. A .pencil B.pen C. eraser D.job29. A .NewYork B.Tokyo C.Beijing D Mary30. A .juice B.milk C.rice D.coffee四.补全对话20 分(每小题1分)ASalesperson: Good morning.______31___?Tanghua: I’d like to buy some bananas and oranges. Salesperson: Sorry,____32_____any bananas. But we have oranges.Tanghua : ___33_____is the orange?Salesperson : 2 yuan a kilo.It’s ____34_____now.Tanghua : Ok .I’ll take 5 kilos.Salesperson : Here you are.A. on sale B .What can I do for you C.there aren’t D How much B Wangyang: __35_____I would like to join the Computer Club.Tanghua: Ok.___36_____?Wangyang : Wangyang.Tanghua : __37______are you?Wangyang : I’m 17.Tanghua : ____38____are you in?Wangyang : I am in Class 3, G rade 1A. What’s your name B. How old C.Which class D.Excuse me CSara: Good morning.I’m SaraSmith.Lixinyi: Good morning.Miss Sara.Sara : Well,Sara is my ___39_____.My last name is Smith. Here is my name card.Lixinyi :Thank you,Miss Smith.Sara : ____40___?Lixinyi : LixinyiSara : Is your last name xinyi?Lixinyi : No, my _41_____is Li.Sara : I see._42_______?Lixinyi : I’m from Tianjin.A. What’s your name B.my first name C.Where are you from D.last nameDMiss Li: Welcome to our party, MissStone.MissStone; __43_______ Miss Li.Miss Li: This way, please.MissStone: Thank you.___44______.Miss Li: Yes. It’s sunny but cold.MissStone: Is it always cold at this time ?Miss Li: Yes,it’s usually cold and windy.___45________?MissStone: Well, it’s usually___46_____ at this time.A warm and pleasant. B .It’s very cold today.C.Thank you. D. What’s the weather like in Australia nowELixiaonian: ___47______, Wangyang?Wangyang: Oh, I love singing.Lixiaonian:___48_______?Wangyang: Yes .___49________.Lixiaonian: I love singing too. But __50_______Chinese songs.they are my favorite. B. I’m crazy about D Do you like singing English songs D. What’s your hobby五.英汉互译20分(每小题2分)51. Dancing is my favorite.52. Welcome to our party.53. I can use the computer..54. She likes playing the guitar.55. This is her bag.六.短文写作。20分假如你是Tom,将被邀请去参加一个party,在party上你会遇见许多新朋友。请你写一篇英语短文向你的新朋友们作个自我介绍。包括你的姓名,年龄,来自哪里,个人能力,爱好兴趣等。字数:100字左右。相关句型提示:My name is------I’m from_+++++I can-------I like doing-------湖北省潜江市职教中心2015-2016学年高二上学期9月月考(英语)试点班 无答案
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoer/302242.html
