
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高二 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 5 First aid

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points

1.Since he wants to continue studying at university,he only found a________(暂时的) job in the suer holidays.
2.He escaped fro the car wreck without ________(损伤).
3.The police put up ________(障碍物)to control the crowd who were excited.
4.He would reove his jacket, roll up his ________(袖子),and play Ping­Pong with the kids.
5.Downstairs he found Beryl at the table with the newspaper and a pair of ________(剪刀).
6.Having a fever is one of the ________(症状) that you have got a cold.
1.Joe ________________(坐起身) when he heard the knock on his bedroo door.
2.We don’t think your suggestion is quite ________________(适当的).
3.The doctor has warned hi ________________________________(反复) to stop soking,but he doesn’t take any advice.
4.I got an ________________ (电击) fro that light switch.
5.Being given ________________(急救) at the scene of the accident probably saved his life.
6.There are ________________________(各种各样的)toys in the store for you to choose fro.
1.(2011年济宁高二检测)The orange looks dry,but you ay be able to ________ a few drops.
A.break out      B.give out
C.squeeze out D.put out
2.—How long has your granda ________?
—About three onths.
A.fallen ill B.been ill
C.fall ill D.be ill
3.(2011年厦门高二检测)The fellow felt rather ________ as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party.
A.in place B.out of place
C.by the way D.in the way
4.ike didn’t play football yesterday because he had ________ his leg.
A.daaged B.hurt
C.hit D.struck
5.He is so kind a boy that he often ________his other clean the table, even the furniture.
A.aided B.helped
C.assisted D.offeredww
6.ore and ore people choose to shop in a superarket as it offers a great ________of goods.
A.variety B.ixture
C.extension D.cobination
7.You are supposed to report it to your headaster ________,otherwise he will be angry.
A.if it was necessary B.if necessary
C.if necessarily D.if you are necessary
8.r. Sith is such a ________ person that he never loses his teper.
A.generous B.ean
C.ild D.rude
9.They often use wood as fuel to ________ coal.
A.take place B.take the place of
C.in place of D.instead of
10.(2011年威海高二调研)We were greatly ________ in our investigation by the cooperation of the police.
A.exposed B.aided
C.subitted D.switched
Teenagers and students have an average of ore than 800 illegally copied songs each on their digital usic players,as the largest acadeic survey of young people’s usic ownership has found.
The research also showed that half of 14 to 24­year­olds were happy to share all the usic on their hard drives,enabling others to copy hundreds,or thousands,of songs at one tie.
Although_illegal_copying_has_becoe_widespread,the_scale_of_the_proble_uncovered_by_the_University_Hertfordshire_left_the_usic_industry_surprised.On average every iPod or digital usic player contained 842 illegally copied songs.
Illegal copying in soe for or another is undertaken by 96 percent of 18 to 24­year­olds surveyed,and falls to 89 percent of those aged 14~17.Nearly two­thirds copy CDs fro friends,and siilar proportion shares songs by e­ail and copy all the usic held on another person’s hard drive,acquiring up to 10,000 songs in one go.
British usic Rights argues that the solution partly lies in developing new legal services that ake breaking copyright unappealing(无吸引力的).
r.Sharkey,chief executive of British usic Rights,said,“The positive essage is that 80 percent of downloaders said they would pay for a legal subscription­based(签署协议的)service,and that they would be willing to pay ore than a few pounds onth.”
British usic Rights refused to release the exact aount but it is believed to be about £10 a onth.
The organization is trying to help to record copanies persuade Internet service providers to sign up to a new type of usic service,in which vast catalogues of songs are available for an add­on fee to a broadband package.Agreeents with providers such as Virgin edia are expected in the next feeeks.
In France last week,Orange,France Teleco’s obile ar,reached agreeent with all four ain record copanies to provide downloads of ore than a illion songs for obile phones and hoe coputers for £9.40 a onth.
1.What is the passage ain about?
A.The popularity of usic aong teenagers and college students.
B.A variety of good ways to get usic fro friends.
C.A practical suggestion to deal with illegal copying.
D.The probles resulting fro illegal copied usic and possible suggestions.
2.It can be learned fro the passage that the research shows ________.
A.illegally copied songs are teenagers’ favorite usic
B.teenagers often get usic fro others without paying
C.teenagers like to exchange their digital usic players
D.copared with those aged 14~17,18 to 24­year­olds are ore selfless
3.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph iplies ________.
A.illegal copying has becoe a serious proble beyond
B.the University of Hertfordshire uncovered illegal copying for the first tie
C.the developent of the usic industry is worrying
D.illegal copying has gotten out of control
4.The suggested way to copy with illegal copying in the passage is ________.
A.to punish those who download usic illegally
B.to prevent people downloading usic fro the Internet
C.to ask Internet usic service providers to charge for downloading
D.to ake laws that ake breaking copyright illegal
A new project will try to protect twenty­one of the world’s ost iportant food crops. This is a joint project of two organizations, the Global Crop Diversity Trust and the United Nations Foundation. It will be the largest such effort ever ade.
The ai is to collect seeds or reproductive aterial fro one hundred sixty­five thousand varieties of the crops. The effort will secure ore than ninety­five percent of the endangered crop diversity represented in gene banks in developing countries.
The fight against hunger cannot be won without securing crops that are in danger of being lost. any of the crops are known as “orphan crops ”. Orphan crops do not get uch attention fro odern plant breeders but are especially iportant in poor countries.
Soe orphan crops cannot be grown fro seeds. Instead, cuttings, roots and cell cultures will be gathered fro gene banks.
Still another goal is to iprove counications between farers and plant breeders. The organizers say they look forward to a tie when breeders in Africa can find the sae crop genetic inforation as those in Europe and North Aerica.
The Bill and elinda Gates Foundation has agreed to provide thirty illion dollars for the project. Norway will provide seven and one­half illion dollars.
The Global Crop Diversity Trust says at least four hundred fifty thousand seed saples will go into the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Seeds fro around the world will be stored there in case the planet suffers a terrible disaster.
Title:1. ______ Project
ProjectTwo 2.______Purpose
The Global Crop Diversity Trust and the United Nations Foundation.To protect 3.______of the world’s ost iportant food crops.
Its 4._____AspectsDesired 7.______
□To collect seeds or
□To iprove 6.______ between farers and
 plant breeders.□Securing over 95% of the endangered
□Breeders in Africa can find the sae crop genetic inforation as those in Europe and North Aerica.Help provided 9.______.
□30,000,000 dollars fro the Bill and elinda Gates Foundation.
□7,500,000 dollars fro 10.______.

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language ≈ Using Language

1.Nowadays students are put under great ________(压力) to enter a good university.
2.The soldier was presented with an award for his ________(勇敢)in the battle.
3.I can’t believe that I will have an opportunity to give a speech at the graduation ________(仪式).
4.An ________(救护车)arrived in 5 inutes after the accident.
5.Before ________(申请) for the job, he turned to his father for soe advice.
6.It was our teacher who ________(款待)us to lunch.
treat; give first aid on; ake a difference; look out for;put one’s hands on
1.I know their address is here soewhere, but I can’t            it right no
2.Do ____________________ spelling istakes when you check your work.
3.y other always lived alone, so having soeone to talk to____________________ to her.
4.____________________hi at the scene of the accident,Jack survived.
5.____________yourself to a glass of beer to help you relax.
1.Soe researchers believe that there is no doubt ________ a cure for AIDS will be found.
A.which      B.what
C.that D.whether
2.—I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend.
A.Sound B.Sounded
C.Sounding D.Sounds
3.If you ________ yourself to the textbook, you’ll find the question is no ore difficult.
A.absorb B.apply
C.interest D.appeal
4.(2011年青岛高二检测)We had tried everything, but it ade little ________.
A.good B.useww
C.result D.difference
5.You can take anything fro the shelf and read,but please ________the books when you’ve finished with the.
A.put on B.put down
C.put back D.put off
6.—I think you’d better type this letter again before r.Sith sees it.
—Oh,dear! ________
A.Who cares? B.No proble.
C.I don’t ind at all. D.Is it as bad as that?
7.________ students with their teachers ________ outing to have a good weekend.
A.any a;goes
B.A large nuber of;went
C.A large aount of;went
D.A lot of;has gone
8.Tonight I a going to treat y good friends ________ an opera.
A.as B.to
C.with D. for
9.—________ that he anaged to get the inforation?
—Oh, a friend of his helped hi.
A.Where was it B.What was it
C.Hoas it D.Why was it
10.The an was about to tell the policean the secret ________ soeone shot hi death.
A.as B.until
C.while D.when
On a war onday,Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under soe trees.Rolling down the windows to __1__ in fresh air,she settled back to enjoy her lunch.Suddenly she __2__ a big bald(秃顶的)an running through the parking lot.Before she cae to __3__ what would happen,the an was there,shouting through her window,“Get out!”
Neilson __4__.
Pulling open her door,the an seized her __5__ the neck and hair,and threw her out of the car onto the ground.She screaed,__6__ her purse and the keys.
Two reporters of the local newspaper,Robert Bruce and Jeff Jackson,just outside their office building on a __7__,heard the screas and began running.
When they __8__ Neilson’s car,the attacker had juped into the driver’s seat and was __9__ searching for the keys.Bruce opened the door,and he and Jackson dragged the an out.The attacker __10__ back.But even in his cornered panic,he was no __11__ for the two athletic en.
Reggie iller,a worker of the local newspaper,heard the screas,too.He rushed back to the office to __12__ the police,and then ran back with soe plastic ropes-used to tie up newspapers.
With his ars __13__ tightly behind hi,the prisoner looked up and said __14__,“I hope you guys feel good about yourselves-you just caught one of the ost wanted en.”They __15__ hi and waited for the police.
Later,Bruce and Jackson were shocked to learn the an was the __16__ carjacker(劫车者)and suspected urderer,whose __17__-but with a full head of hair-had been recently printed in their own newspaper.
Neilson considers herself lucky __18__ she suffered injuries.She believes the story ight have had a __19__ ending if those good people had not coe to her aid.“Unfortunately,”she says,“any people would __20__ have done what they did,and that is the real truth.”
1.A.bring      B.let
C.gather D.send
2.A.recognized B.watched
C.noticed D.et
3.A.realize B.understand
C.iagine D.conclude
4.A.escaped B.struggled
C.refused D.obeyed
5.A.by B.around
C.with D.on
6.A.burying B.forgetting
C.offering D.grabbing
7.A.trip B.visit
C.break D.holiday
8.A.started B.stopped
C.entered D.reached
9.A.carefully B.adly
C.disappointedly D.patiently
10.A.fought B.turned
C.juped D.shouted
11.A.atch B.target
C.equal D.copanion
12.A.reind B.phone
C.invite D.beg
13.A.rolled B.folded
C.bent D.tied
14.A.angrily B.kindly
C.coldly D.warly
15.A.caught B.thanked
C.coforted D.ignored
16.A.ordinary B.professional
C.honest D.outstanding
17.A.picture B.background
C.character D.story
18.A.and B.but
C.though D.when
19.A.ridiculous B.siilar
C.strange D.different
20.A.soeties B.never
C.often D.forever
A nosebleed can be frightening to get or see,but try to stay cal.ost nosebleeds look uch worse than they really are.Alost all nosebleeds can be treated at hoe.
If you get a nosebleed,sit down and lean slightly forward.Keeping your head above your heart will ake your nose bleed less.Lean forwards so that the blood will flow out of your nose instead of down the back of your throat.If you lean back,you ay swallow the blood.This can ake you uncofortable.
Use your thub and index fingers to press together the soft part of your nose.Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops.Don’t let go for at least 5 inutes.If it’s still bleeding after that,hold it again for 10 inutes straight.You can also place an ice pack across the toe of your nose.Once the bleeding stops,don’t do anything that ay ake it start again,such as bending over or blowing your nose.
The ost coon causes of nosebleeds are dryness(often caused by indoor heat in the winter)and nose picking.These two things work together-nose picking occurs ore often when the liquid in the nose is dry.Other,less coon causes include injuries,colds or cocaine use.Children ay stick sall objects up their nose.Old people ay have infections or high blood pressure.The cause of nosebleeds is often unknown.
ost nosebleeds aren’t serious.They occur in the front part of the nose and stop in a few inutes.
A few nosebleeds start in large vessels(血管)in the back of the nose,which can be dangerous.They ay occur after an injury.This type of nosebleed is ore coon in the elderly and is often due to high blood pressure,daily aspirin use or bleeding disorders.
1.According to the text,nosebleeds ________.
A.are not frightening to get or see
B.are usually not serious and can be cured with the right ethod at hoe
C.ust be treated by doctors in the hospital
D.aren’t dangerous at all
2.Which of the following is NOT the right way to treat nosebleeds?
A.Cool your nose with ice or other cold things.
B.Press your nose slightly with your fingers.
C.Lean backwards to slow down the flow of flood.
D.Lean your head forwards,just above your chest.
3.What’s the ain idea of Paragraph 4?
A.Nosebleeds are caused by soe diseases.
B.Nosebleeds are caused by the dry weather.
C.Your nose ay be infected.
D.The causes of nosebleed.
4.When does nose picking often cause nosebleeds?
A.When your nose feels dry.
B.When you have a cold.
C.When you have a headache.
D.When the liquid in your nose is wet.
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It ay be ore dangerous if the back part of your nosebleeds.
B.Nosebleeds can cause the disease related to blood pressure in older people.
C.Nosebleeds occur to kids because of infections.
D.any nosebleeds are not as serious as they look.
优化方案•成功相伴                   英语必修5(配 教•安徽专用)

Unit 1 Great scientists

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points
1.characteristics 2.enquiries 3.instructed
4.challenges 5.suspect 6.cure
1.drawing a conclusion 2.was absorbed in 3.cured
4.attended on 5.expose
1.【解析】选C。本题考查一组相似动词短语的辨析。句意“迄今没有人提出比正在考虑的计划更好的方案”。put forward意为“提出”;coe up出现;想出,后应接介词with。
3.【解析】选B。本题考查suggest不同词义时后面的宾语从句中的语气不同。第一个suggest意思是“暗示”,故用陈述语气。而第二个suggest意思是“建议”,应用虚拟语气,即should do结构。
5.【解析】选B。考查固定短语。be absorbed in...全神贯注于……,专心致志于……。
6.【解析】选D。句意:不管是在外貌还是在性格方面他都不像他的哥哥。注意:isn’t与either...or...连用,相当于neither...nor...。即:He likes his brother neither in appearance nor in character。
7.【解析】选C。to blae作定语,修饰the one,意为“应受责备”。
8.【解析】选D。句意“当你回到家的时候,别忘了给我打电话,好让我知道你已经安全地到家了。”“我不会忘记的,拜拜。”“祝你旅途愉快。”With pleasure 乐意地;It’s kind of you你真贴心;Don’t ention it不用客气;Have a nice trip祝你旅途愉快。根据上下语境及句意应选D。
9.【解析】选B。句意:“苏珊长得什么样?”“她很可爱,有一双大大的眼睛。”答句是对某人外貌的,故选B。What does sb.look like?“某人长得什么样?”。What do you think of sb.?“你觉着某人怎样?”,是询问对某人的看法;How is sb.?“某人怎么样了?”,是对某人身体状况的询问;What is sb.?是对某人职业的询问。
【解题导语】 他家境贫寒,未受过系统的正规教育,但却在众多领域做出惊人的成就,堪称刻苦勤奋、探索真理的典范。他就是英国著名物理学家、化学家迈克尔•法拉第。
2.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段“These were very basic because Faraday had to ake all of his equipent hiself.”可知,法拉第自己动手制造实验器材。
3.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段“Deterined to work for this great scientist,he sent Davy a job application and included his laboratory reports on the experients he had carried out.”可知B项正确。
1.bodies/health 2.Reasons 3.curious 4.forbid
5.behavior/behaviour 6.illnesses/diseases 7.Daage/Har 8.result 9.feeling 10.sick

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language
≈ Using Language
1.universe 2.oveent 3.contributes 4.enthusiastic 5.positive 6.rejected
1.ake sense of 2.had been rejected 3.was;strict with
4.akes sense 5.cautious 6.enthusiastic
1.【解析】选B。考查ake构成的短语的区别。句意:我认为他迟到的理由没有道理。ake sense在这里是“有道理,讲得通”。
3.【解析】选D。break out爆发,相当于不及物动词;result fro后接原因,意为“由……引起”;lead to意为“导致,造成(后果)”符合题意,故选D。
4.【解析】选B。考查过去分词作定语。The power station与build之间为被动关系,句中时间状语也暗示了应用过去分词形式作定语。注意having been built不用作定语。
7.【解析】选D。本题考查介词短语的意义和用法。根据题干语境意义,尤其是wonderful一词,可以推断讲话者只喜欢这件生日礼物,in addition to和as well as一样,表示并列关系,不符合题干意义;而in addition意为“另外”,后不接宾语,且不符合题意;apart fro意为“除……之外”。
8.【解析】选B。句意:富兰克林通过观察和经验学习的能力有助于他的成功。“owe...to...”表示“把……归于……”,应该是“Franklin owed his success in public life to his ability to learn fro observations and experience.”;attach...to...表示“把……附属在……”;related是形容词,而句中缺少谓语动词,因此不恰当。
【解题导语】 一个偶然的机会,作者的朋友把一份早餐给了一个流浪者,从此她和儿子开始了给流浪者买早餐的行动,这也成了他们的一个传统,她的儿子参加工作后依然继续着这种行动。
1.【解析】选B。根据句中at school可知,作者的朋友开车把儿子送到学校。drop sb.off让……下车。
6.【解析】选A。根据下一段every day that week可知,这个流浪者已经好几天没有吃东西了。
7.【解析】选B。根据后半句中was glad可知,作者感到很开心。
8.【解析】选A。这里用短语take action,指的是她帮助了那个流浪者买早饭。作者的朋友每天早晨都在这里吃饭,今天是第一次给那个流浪者买早餐,所以是终于采取了行动。
9.【解析】选C。根据第二段it was his first eal可知,那个星期里,在她给那个流浪者早餐前,没有人帮助他,包括她自己在内。
18.【解析】选B。根据第一段her 8-year-old son可推断,为流浪者提供早餐的传统从她儿子童年时就开始了。
19.【解析】选A。根据working in a copany可知,她儿子给一个无家可归的人提供早餐后再去上班。
20.【解析】选C。根据to his children可知,作者希望他能够把这个传统也传给他的孩子们。
【解题导语】 如何使机器人不但能够走得好跑得好,而且还消耗较少的能量,这是摆在科学家面前的一个大问题。Oregon State University的研究者们正对此进行研究。
1.【解析】选C。细节理解题。第一段指出,Oregon State University的研究者们所研究的机器人仍然处于研究阶段,只是表明取得了很大的进步。因此,对于其性能怎么样还很难确定。故答案选C。
2.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段的What we’ve done is to study what behavior is really possible for a robot可知,研究者们一直在研究机器人可以做哪些动作。故答案选A。
3.【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据第四段的Using little energy,they can ove easily over hard areas,and enjoy balance fro uscles.可知,人类和动物在运动时能够保持身体平衡,因此,后面提到的这两项能力就是指的这两项。故答案选D。
4.【解析】选A。推理。根据最后一段Jonathan Hurst所说的话,很长时间以,制造出这样的机器人不是不可能,它们将有助于高危险区作业,也可用于假肢方面(医学)。故答案选A。
5.【解析】选B。出处题。该介绍了Oregon State University的研究者们对机器人的最新研究,因此该最有可能从与科学相关的栏目中摘选,故选B。

Unit 2 The United Kingdo

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points
1.provinces 2.union 3.currency 4.architecture
5.adinistration 6.institution
1.take the place of 2.break away fro 3.is linked to 4.was divided into 5.clarified
2.【解析】选D。本题考查谓语动词的强调形式。根据语境第二个人想表达“你刚才确实冲我喊了,不过没关系”,did shout是shouted的一种强调形式。
5.【解析】选D。句意为:——Sauel,你今天下午有没有空?——视情况而定,我恐怕要看NBA。available“可用的;空闲的”;suitable“适合的”;convenient“便利的;不远的”。convenient用指“事”,不用修饰“人”,故其主语通常不是表示“人”的名词或代词。如果表达“如果你方便的话,在你方便的时候”时,要用if/when/whenever it is convenient to/for you。
6.【解析】选C。本题考查主谓一致。由时间状语every Sunday afternoon可判断应用一般现在时,所以排除A、D。在A as well as B+v.结构中谓语动词与A一致。The father是单数,所以选goes。与as well as有相似用法的词还有including,together with,along with,except,besides等。
8.【解析】选A。考查状语从句的省略。coplete与the useu之间为动宾关系,copleted前省略了it is。
9.【解析】选D。leave out省略;put out伸出,生产,扑灭;take out拿出;bring out出版;阐明。
10.【解析】选D。此题考查“find + n./pron.+形容词”句型。句意为:我们多年合作愉快,我发现与他们合作很值得。it是find的形式宾语,worthwhile是宾语补足语,working with the是真正的宾语。
【解题导语】 本主要讨论人们对美国邮政服务公司取消周六快递派送服务决定的看法。
1.【解析】选B。细节理解题。第一段第三句即提出“In order to cut costs...”,由此可知,公司取消周六派送服务是为了节省开支,故B选项正确。
2.【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第二段中的The ain reasons for the decline(下降)have nothing to do with bad weather or barking dogs可知,天气因素不是邮件总量下降的原因。
3.【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第四段中的Saturday is an iportant delivery day及Instead of cutting Saturday service,Chaffetz suggests creating postal“holidays”on the slowest delivery days each year.可知,Chaffetz认为周六的快递派送非常重要,取消周六的快递派送服务是不合适的。
4.【解析】选D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的66 percent of people surveyed said they were for reducing delivery fro six days to five to help the Postal Service balance its budget可以推断,大部分美国人是希望美国邮政服务公司能保持收支平衡,希望它以后能有更好的未。
1.river 2.Length 3.Burundi 4.Branches 5.Join 6.Exploration 7.Nationality 8.Nile 9.White


Section Ⅲ Learning about Language
≈ Using Language
1.sightseeing 2.royal 3.unifor 4.splendid
5.Counis 6.consistent
1.arranged for 2.consisting of 3.were thrilled at
4.in eory of 5.uch to his delight
2.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。根据语境“我通过了我所参加的最难的一次考试”,我应该高兴。排除B项和D项。而It’s y pleasure意为“很高兴这么做”,常用作Thank you的答语。
3.【解析】选C。让我吃惊的是,应用to y surprise。to y disappointent令我失望的是;to y joy令我高兴的是;to y exciteent令我兴奋的是,都不符合语境。
4.【解析】选D。句意:据说他住在英国一个装备有现代化便利设施的房子中。be furnished with装备有,配备着;convenience作“便利设施;带方便的装置”时是可数名词。
6.【解析】选C。考查动词词组辨析。break away脱离,背叛;break out(战争,火灾,瘟疫等)突然爆发;break down(身体)垮下,恸哭;break up结束,粉碎。根据句意,“听到丈夫被巴基斯坦分裂组织所杀,妻子情不自禁地哭起。”应选C。
7.【解析】选C。解答该题的关键在于要准确把握there be结构及系动词reain的用法。reain在there be结构中作后置定语,由于reain是不及物动词,故应用现在分词reaining,相当于定语从句that reain;动词settle置于reain之后,应用动词不定式的被动结构表示动作还未完成。
9.【解析】选C。考查句子的结构。在“It is/sees+形容词+that...”结构中,当表示出乎意料、不可思议的情况时,主语从句中的谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,其中should不可以省略,表示“竟然”的意思。
【解题导语】 人就怕没有信心,自己不努力。中的作者,知耻而后勇,为了向女朋友证明自己能行,他经过一番努力,上了大学,学习创作,出版了小说,成为一个有出息的人。作者呼吁社会不要轻视、歧视那些底层的人士,要相信他们能行,给他们以出路,让其成才。
2.【解析】选A。anything but“根本不,决不”;nothing but“只有,只不过”;因前面有否定词never,故使用anything but。
6.【解析】选C。prove to her指的是“证明给她看”。
8.【解析】选D。Let’s face it,意思是“面对现实吧”。
10.【解析】选C。coe out意为“出版,出”,句意为“当我还在上大学时,我的第一部小说就出版了。”
11.【解析】选A。与下evening class相对比,此处用during the day。
13.【解析】选D。由write full tie可知作者想辞去工作专心写作,故用give up。
16.【解析】选A。leave school指“退学”。
【解题导语】 战争是残酷的。二次世界大战中的1941年5月,威力巨大的德国战舰Bisarck为了截断美国对英国的供应,与英国战舰进行了一场殊死搏斗。Bisarck击沉了英国的Hood号,本身受了轻伤,在返航修理途中遭受英国飞机和舰艇的攻击,最终沉入海底。
1.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“Her task:to destroy the ships carrying supplies fro the United States to war-torn England.”可以判断出,德国战舰Bisarck的任务是截断美国对英国的供应。
2.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“No warship they had could atch the Bisarck in speed or in firepower.”许多人不相信能够战胜Bisarck的原因是Bisarck具有很强大的战斗力。
3.【解析】选B。细节理解题。从第五段“The battle didn’t last long.The Bisarck’s first torpedo(鱼雷)hit the Hood,which went down taking all but three of her 1,419 en with her.”可知,Bisarck击败了英国船只。
4.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第六段“Her coander decided to run for repairs to France”可知A为正确答案。

Unit 3 Life in the future

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-
Language Points
1.aspect 2.previous 3.tablets 4.stewards
5.asks 6.ipression
1.took up 2.lack for 3.caught sight of 4.was back on her feet 5.sweeping up 6.slid into
1.【解析】选B。quick and gentle是形容词短语作伴随状语,往往用逗号隔开。
3.【解析】选A。句意:请解释一下两个或更多事物之间彼此的相似或不同之处。“与……相似”用“be siilar to”表示。
4.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:夏天我喜欢早起。早上的空气呼吸起好极了。这是一个“主语+系动词+adj.+to do”结构。排除C、D两项。在这种结构中要用主动形式表示被动意义,排除A项。
5.【解析】选B。句意:这本杂志很受年轻人的欢迎。他们喜欢它的内容和风格。be popular with sb.受某人欢迎。
7.【解析】选A。考查状语从句。句意:——这个国家是什么时候对国际贸易开放的?——我猜是1978年。句子时态是现在完成时,而when指代下的1978年。故用since when。
8.【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意:罗格斯退休以后从事了一段时间的绘画工作,不过他很快就失去了兴趣。take up从事,占据;save up储蓄,储存;keep up保持;draw up拟订;停车。
10.【解析】选C。doesn’t ean后接名词,lack of...表示“缺乏”。
【解题导语】 TU/e目前正在研究一种机器人,他们能够帮助照顾患病在家的病人。
1.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段focuses on COPD patients可知,患病在家的人将从该项目中获益最多。故答案选A。
1.land 2.Reason 3.rainfall 4.Uses 5.Providing 6.grazing 7.crops 8.support 9.rain 10.Good

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language
≈ Using Language
1.button 2.dustbin 3.aterials 4.citizen
5.ecology 6.swallow
1.to 2.as 3.on 4.for 5.into 6.at 7.for 8.of
2.【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。句意:那个男孩说:“电视机坏了不怪我。我就是打开了它,如此而已。”表示是某人的过错用It is one’s fault。error和istake意为“错误”但不指某人应该负责。duty“义务;职责”不符合语境。
3.【解析】选A。you see the lightning和it happens是两个完整的句子,因此需要一个连词将它们连接,B、C、D选项都是副词短语。the instant可用作连词。
7.【解析】选C。考查分词作状语。由于we和show之间是被动关系,排除A项和D项。B项作状语表示目的,不符合语境。这里 show与take之间有明显的时间先后顺序,故用having been done表示完成被动。
8.【解析】选C。考查the first tie接状语从句的用法。句意:我第一次遇到她就认为她善良诚实。表示“第一次……时”一定要用定冠词the,排除A。for the first tie是介词短语,在句子中作状语。by the first tie搭配错误。
9.【解析】选B。句意:我们希望当地政府采取的这些措施能加速事情的进展。speed up“加速;使加速”,符合题意。sweep up“横扫”;ake up“组成;构成;虚构”;save up“节省”。
1.【解析】选B。根据only以及后面的be sure可知此处表示的是“仅仅是做猜测”。
2.【解析】选D。be different fro“不同于”。指五千年或五万年以后的人类将不同于今天的人类。
3.【解析】选A。下举了一个例子。take an exaple是固定短语。
6.【解析】选A。即使(even so)大量用大脑,也只用了它的20%。if so“如果是这样”;after all“毕竟;终究”;in tie“及时;最终”。
11.【解析】选D。根据have to wear glasses可知是视力越越差。
13.【解析】选C。我们很少用胳膊和腿,因此就越越弱了。less use与weaker构成因果关系,故用as a result“因此”。in other words“换句话说”;all in all“总之;总而言之”;in addition“此外;再者”。
14.【解析】选D。根据下的a great deal可知我们的手指将会变得越越灵敏(sensitive)。effective“有效的”;optiistic“乐观的”;painful“疼痛的”。
19.【解析】选A。此句中用he代替future an(未的人类)。由不定冠词a可知不能选B。
20.【解析】选D。be siilar to“与……相似”,指未的人和我们在感情和思想上还是相似的。

Unit 4 aking the news

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points
1.subit 2.dilea 3.published 4.adirable
5.deliberately 6.updated
1.was accused of 2.infor;of 3.concentrate on
4.be kept in ind 5.was delighted with
1.【解析】选B。“charge”应用charge sb. with sth.结构;defend...against意为“保护某人免受伤害”;reind sb. of意为“使某人想起;提醒某人”。accuse sb. of sth.意为“控告某人某事”。accused of...在这里为过去分词短语作后置定语。句意为:因涉毒遭起诉的日本明星酒井法子可能获刑18个月。
2.【解析】选D。考查定语从句。该定语从句的先行词是前面的an ebarrassing situation,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以应该选用关系副词where,据此这里选D项。
3.【解析】选B。考查倒装。句意为:我们必须把我们所学的知识运用到我们的日常工作中去,因为理论绝对不能脱离实际。in no case表示决不,置于句首时句子用不完全倒装,类似的有on no account。
5.【解析】选D。空后所接的是动词短语,不是句子,所以排除B、C,又因so as to一般不放在句首,排除选项A。句意:想了解人体是如何运转的,你需要具备一些化学知识。
7.【解析】选C。本题应用“be supposed to do”结构表示“必须,理应”之意,由“I was delayed...”知,“take part in the party”这个动作本应发生在过去,但实际上并未发生,故用be supposed to have done,表示“应该……而未做”。句意:——当时你应该及时参加这聚会。——对不起,我因事故而耽搁了。
8.【解析】选D。deand作动词后接that从句时,从句中谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形”,该题用其被动结构形式:(should) be done,故选D。句意为:主编要求立刻递交。
2.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据Helen所说的He or she can see the unusual,the ironic(讽刺的)in the everyday.可知答案为A。
1.fish 2.Way 3.Process 4.wood 5.fish 6.container 7.dry 8.salting 9.box/basket 10.wash
Section Ⅲ Learning about Language
≈ Using Language
1.polishing 2.appointent 3.senior
4.Departent 5.accurate
1.of 2.with 3.to 4.out 5.with
2.【解析】选B。Good luck祝你好运;What a pity真遗憾;Never do it again以后别这样做了;Well done干得好。句意:——我们正组织下周六的一次聚会,我想邀请你参加。——真遗憾!那天我还有另一个聚会。仍然谢谢你。故选B。
3.【解析】选A。approve of“批准,通过”;consent,agree, adit三词均表示“允许,同意”,但不能与of搭配。
4.【解析】选C。后一个分句中表示否定含义的副词never 放在句首,故应用部分倒装。句意为:这对老夫妇已经结婚40年了,这些年里他们从没吵过架。
5.【解析】选B。在航天技术方面,毫无疑问美国领先于中国。ahead of“在……的前面;优于”,符合题意。in return for“为了回报;报答”;in exchange for“交换”;in case of“以免,万一”。
7.【解析】选A。be supposed to意为“应当”,与不定式完成时连用时表示“理应做过某事(但可能没有做)”,有虚拟的含义。
9.【解析】选B。句意为:——我可以问你一个私人问题吗?——当然可以,说吧。pardon e请再说一遍;go ahead干吧,说吧,用吧;good idea好主意;forget it没关系,不必在意;(表示不想重复说过的话)别提它了;住嘴。
【解题导语】 圣诞节那天奶奶收到了爷爷去世前留给她的圣诞节礼物。
1.【解析】选A。由When we reached her house可知作者一家也不和奶奶住在一起,爷爷又去世了,因此在他们到家的时候,家里有些空,因此要用epty。
2.【解析】选B。根据下中的tree that was stored in Grandfather’s closet可知此处指圣诞树是最重要的,因此要用tree。
3.【解析】选B。根据前面的So we set to work assebling可知圣诞树是“人工的”,因此要用artificial。
6.【解析】选D。从下的Grandfather had given it to Grandother fifty years ago可知,那是50年前爷爷送给奶奶的。因此奶奶把那星星当作宝贝。故选treasure。
13.【解析】选D。从下的and tie for bed, as Santa would soon be here可知到睡觉的时间了,据此我们不难得知天变黑了,因此要用darkening。
14.【解析】选C。第二天,作者和妹妹早早醒后,去看圣诞老人送了什么礼物,因此要用woke up。
15.【解析】选B。大家都收到了礼物,围坐在一起打开礼物看。因此要用open。另外下的y grandother opened it也是暗示。
16.【解析】选C。因为爷爷早已去世,居然还有爷爷给奶奶的礼物,故听到父亲的话The last gift is to Grandother fro Grandfather,奶奶会很吃惊,因此选surprise。
【解题导语】 本是新闻报道,报道了2010年8月5日发生在智利的矿难。经过多方努力,33名被困矿工全部获救。
2.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段The first three recovered and went hoe Thursday night.可知还有30名矿工在住院。
4.【解析】选B。细节推断题。营救矿工的金属笼子被称为凤凰,取凤凰涅盘之意。在本次营救中the rescue capsule发挥了作用。
5.【解析】选D。推断题。根据第一段Never have people been trapped for so long so deeply...及全可知,本次事故发生在地下1公里,被困持续时间69天,故选D。

Unit 5 First aid

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points
1.teporary 2.injury 3.barriers 4.sleeves
5.scissors 6.syptos
1.sat up 2.in place 3.over and over again
4.electric shock 5.first aid 6.a variety of
1.【解析】选C。break out(指战争、火灾等)爆发;give out发出,分发;squeeze out挤出;put out扑灭。句意:这个桔子看上去干瘪了,但你也许能挤出少量汁液。
2.【解析】选B。句意:——你奶奶生病多长时间了?——大概三个月了。fall ill强调突然病倒,是短暂性动词短语,不能与一段时间状语连用;be ill表示生病的状态,是延续性动词短语,可与一段时间状语连用。结合句意可知应选B。
3.【解析】选B。句意:在宴会上,小伙子感到很不自在,因为他是唯一一位穿运动装的人。in place“适当的”;out of place“不适当的,不恰当的”;by the way“顺便说一下,顺便问一下”;in the way“挡道”。
5.【解析】选B。aid, assist后跟不定式的复合结构;help后面的to可省略,表示“帮助某人做某事”。
7.【解析】选B。if necessary为if it is necessary的省略形式,表示“如果有必要的话”。A项时态不对;D项主语不对;C项省略形式不对。
9.【解析】选B。句意为:他们经常用木头作为燃料代替煤。take place意为“发生,举行”,与句意不符;take the place of意为“代替,取代……”;in place of和instead of也意为“代替”,但此处需用动词短语。故B项正确。
【解题导语】 主要介绍了人们,尤其是年轻人和学生,非法复制音乐,严重破坏版权的现象以及解决这一问题的方法。
2.【解析】选B。细节考查题。由第一段可知调查发现“teenagers and students”从网上把音乐下载到音乐播放器上后通过硬盘大量免费复制音乐,故选B项。只提到teenagers非法复制音乐但没有说“illegally copied songs”是他们最喜欢的音乐,故A项错误;只提到teenagers把音乐下载到音乐播放器上但没有提到他们喜欢交换播放器,故C项错误;第四段提到18至24岁的年轻人比14至17岁年轻人分享非法复制音乐的现象更普遍,但不能据此断定他们无私,故D项错误。
3.【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第三段的“On average every iPod or digital usic player contained 842 illegally copied songs.”可知非法复制音乐的现象很严重,已超出了人们的想象,故选A项。B项与原不符;C项曲解了原,虽然非法复制音乐的现象很严重,但没提到已经失控,故D项错误。
4.【解析】选C。细节考查题。根据倒数第二段的“The organization is trying to help the record copanies persuade Internet service providers to sign up to a new type of usic service,in which vast catalogues of songs are available for an add-on fee to a broadband package.”可知C项正确。A、B项在中未提及;中是“ake breaking copyright unappealing”而不是“illegal”,D项错误。
1.Crop-protecting 2.organizations 3.twenty-one
4.ais/goals 5.aterial 6.counications
7.results 8.crop 9.Fund 10.Norway

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language
≈ Using Language
1.pressure 2.bravery 3.cereony 4.abulance
5.applying 6.treated
1.put y hands on 2.look out for 3.ade a difference
4.Given first aid on 5.Treat
2.【解析】选D。该句完整的形式为:It/That sounds good.在口语中,可根据特定的语境省略主语或“主语+be动词”,其他部分保持不变。
3.【解析】选B。apply oneself to (doing) sth. “专注于……”是固定短语。
4.【解析】选D。句意为:我们做了各种尝试,但结果几乎没什么不同。ake a difference意为“有影响;有作用”。
5.【解析】选C。put on穿上;上演;put down放下,写下;put back将……放回;put off推迟。只有选项C符合题意。
7.【解析】选B。考查量词短语辨析。any a虽可修饰可数名词,但其后的名词和谓语动词都要用单数;a large aount of只修饰不可数名词;a lot of既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词,但第二个空has gone与主语不一致,故选B。
8.【解析】选B。句意为:今晚我将请朋友去看歌剧。treat sb. to...“招待某人……”。
9.【解析】选A。考查强调句型的疑问形式。此题干是对强调句型中被强调的地点状语进行提问,因此用Where was it that...?句式。
10.【解析】选D。句意为:他正要告诉警察这个秘密,这时有人把他打死了。“be about to do sth. when...”意为“正要干某事,就在这时……”为固定句型。
【解题导语】 本讲述了一个男人企图抢劫Neilson(内尔森)的汽车。听到她的尖叫后一些人跑制服了罪犯。
1.【解析】选B。由Rolling down the windows可知让新鲜的空气进。let in让……进。
2.【解析】选C。由suddenly和a big bald an running可知“她注意到……”。notice注意到;recognize认出,识别出;watch仔细观察;eet遇到。
3.【解析】选A。由句意可知她还没有意识到会发生什么事时,那个男人已经到了车前。coe to realize开始意识到。coe to understand开始明白。
4.【解析】选C。由下“Pulling open her door,the an seized her...the neck and hair,and threw her out...”可知她拒绝按照那个男人的要求出。escape逃跑,struggle挣扎,refuse拒绝,obey遵从。
5.【解析】选A。seize sb.by the+身体部位 抓住某人的身体(的某)部位。
6.【解析】选D。由下searching for the keys可知她紧抓着她的钱包和钥匙。bury埋;forget忘记;offer提供;grab紧抓。
7.【解析】选C。由outside their office building 可知他们二人是在工作间的休息时在办公楼外面,break“工作间的休息”。
9.【解析】选B。由下的in his cornered panic可知。adly疯狂地。
10.【解析】选A。由“...dragged the an out”和“...he was no atch...”可知劫车犯反击。fight back反击。
11.【解析】选A。由“the two athletic en”可知他不是两人的对手。atch匹敌的人,对手。
12.【解析】选B。由“He rushed back to the office”和“the police”可知他打电话给警察。
13.【解析】选D。由上的soe plastic ropes可知人们把劫车犯的手绑在背后。tie捆,绑。
15.【解析】选D。由下的“waited for the police”可知他们并不理睬劫车犯。ignore不理睬,不理会。
17.【解析】选A。由下的“-but with a full head of hair-had been recently printed in their own newspaper.”可知所填的空应是劫车犯的照片。
18.【解析】选C。由lucky和suffered injuries可知应填入表示转折的从属连词。though尽管,虽然。
2.【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,正确的方法是lean forwards,而不是lean backwards。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoer/34781.html
