
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高三 来源: 高中学习网

英 语 试 卷
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where ost probably are the speakers?
A. At a cinea.B. At a useu.
C. At a concert hall.
2. What does the woan suggest the an do?
A. Catch a later flight.
B. Ask the hotel clerk for help.
C. Put the telephone near the bed.
3. What does the an think of Andy?
A. He is a nice guy. B. He is ill-tepered.
C. He never siles.
4. What is the relationship between Tony and Tina?
A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.
C. Brother and sister.
5. What are the speakers ainly talking about?
A. The an’s trip to Paris.
B. The an’s hoetown.
C. The an’s favorite place.
6. What are the an’s parents?
A. Salespeople.B. Restaurant owners.C. Superarket owners.
7. What did the an offer to the students?
A. Drinks. B. eals.C. Clothes.
8. When does the conversation take place?
A. In the orning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.
9. What is the boy doing?
A. Watching TV.B. Listening to usic.C. Watching the video.
10. Why is the woan tired in the daytie?
A. She can’t sleep well at night.
B. She has too uch work to do.
C. She worries about the boy.
11. What does the woan want to do with the obile phone?
A. Play gaes.B. ake phone calls.C. Access Internet.
12. What color obile phone does the woan buy?
A. Red.B. Pink.C. Blue.
13. How does the woan pay for the obile phone?
A. In cash.B. By check.C. By credit card.
14. What is the an’s proble?
A. His hair is gone.
B. He hasn’t slept for days.
C. His headache is getting worse.
15. How any hours a day does the an work now?
A. Over 10 hours.B. About 9 hours.C. About 8 hours.
16. What ay cause the an’s proble?
A. Too uch exercise.B. Too uch coffee.C. Too uch work.
17. What should the an do?
A. Eat less food.B. Do soe exercises.C. Stop working.
18. Where can the listeners buy Beginning English?
A. In the bookshop.B. In the classroo.C. In the ain office.
19. What can the listeners do during the break?
A. Go-online.B. Walk around.C. Eat in the classroo.
20. What class is on Tuesday?
A. aths.B. Typing.C. English.

21. — Would you ind giving your advice on how to iprove our learning efficiency ?
 — If you ake _______ ost of forty-five inutes’ classes day after day, there will be _______ switch in grades.
A. 不填; 不填 B. the; a C. 不填; a D. the; 不填
22.The dance perfored by the disabled actors is really a hit, but years ago no one _______ they were to achieve such great success.
A. ust have iaginedB. could have iagined
C. should have iaginedD. would have iagined
23.Despite the fact that all three teas _______ different approaches to the proble, they were all iediate successes.
A. acquiredB. adaptedC. achieved D. adopted
24. ost of the senior school students had an aazing appetite ____ gaes online.
A. to B. of C. for D. with
25. Who would the headteacher rather ________ the classroo at the beginning of the ter?
A. have decorateB. have to decorate C. decorateD. have decorated
26. Not far fro the club there was a garden, _____owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.
A. whose B. itsC. whichD. that
27. How long is it ______ we last spent the holiday in the country together?
A. beforeB. untilC. sinceD. that
28. —Could you be so kind as to give us a little bit of help? —______.
A. A pleasureB. y pleasureC. With pleasureD. It’s y pleasure
29. —Did you eet with the faous space hero fro China,Yan Liwei?
—_______I had coe here earlier.
A. If only B. Why not C. But for D. For fear
30.It is said in the book that Thoas Edison (1847—1931) _______ the world leading inventor for sixty years.
A. would beB. has beenC. had beenD. was
31. Eating too uch fat can ________heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. appeal to B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to
32. A _______ political and econoic situation is very iportant for the developent of any country.
A. relative B. stable C. teporary D. casual

33. Foral teaching ethods went _____ soe tie ago, and new ideas are coing in all the ties.
A. out of reachB. out of questionC. out of indD. out of fashion
34.— He is a very hard-working student.
—_______. As far as I know, he often burns the idnight oil.
A. You can say that againB. Absolutely not
C. Heaven knowsD. No way
35. — y son, who is now studying at a university, uses ore than 3,000 yuan a onth.
— Well, tell hi to be econoical. After all, _______.
A. oney doesn’t grow on trees B. the orning sun never lasts a day
C. light coe, light goD. penny wise, pound foolish

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
ost young boys look forward to playing with friends after school. But Zhao, 11, a student in a village of Guizhou Province, can’t wait to 36 a bucket and head for the local water well. 37 going hoe after school, the boy and his classates have spent the last few onths carrying 38 hoe each day.
Zhao took up the iportant responsibility 39 after his 65-year-old grandfather, suffered fro severe back pain. Zhao’s parents are working in the city, 40 hi and his grandfather in the village to live together. “I’ afraid if I tell the, they won’t let e do it,” he said.
Water collection is a/an 41 task for Zhao, who is 1.5 eter tall. When he lifts up a 1.4 eter high wooden bucket over his 42 , people behind are only able to see his little feet fro behind. The walk to the well is 30 inutes but it takes hours to 43 since he needs a rest. He stops to look over his shoulder to see if any water has 44 , and then walks along. Zhao has becoe faily’s 45 to scarce drinking water. “I a glad I could do soething for y faily,” he said, 46 sweat drops fro his forehead.
illions of people there are suffering fro a 47 of drinking water this year. Zhao’s grandfather ust collect 100 kilogras water for his faily. “I feel really bad having y 48 doing that for us. That’s not 49 a child should suffer,” he said. “No wonder he kept it as a secret, he knew I would stand 50 this idea. As soon as y back 51 , I will ask hi to stop.”
The lack of water has forced countless children in the area into the water 52 . It is yesterday that Zhao’s teacher 53 children were colleting water. “I don’t know 54 they put their buckets. Children here know adults are having a hard tie and they want to 55 . However, it’s really bad for children’s health”.
36. A. grab B. akeC. feedD. push
37. A. Apart froB. Instead ofC. But forD. Thanks to
38. A. schoolbagB. foodC. booksD. water
39. A. angrilyB. desperatelyC. carefullyD. secretly
40. A. watchingB. findingC. leavingD. helping
41. A. joyfulB. toughC. interestingD. strange
42. A. backB. headC. shoulderD. chest
43. A. fillB. recoverC. returnD. cheat
44. A. drunkB. issedC. spilledD. gone
45. A. difficultyB. probleC. headacheD. lifeline
46. A. sinceB. thatC. asD. after
47. A. purchaseB. pollutionC. challengeD. shortage
48. A. grandsonB. neighborC. friendsD. villager
49. A. soethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing
50. A. forB. againstC. upD. by
51. A. iprovesB. developsC. solvesD. disappears
52. A. easureB. businessC. productionD. protection
53. A. declaredB. noticedC. reportedD. regretted
54. A. whenB. howC.whereD. why
55. A. uniteB. drinkC. growD. help


What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-crea taster?
Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice-crea. Just asohn Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 21 years. Testing helps anufacturers to be sure of a product’s quality. During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice crea — as well as for developing over 75 flavors (味道).
Soe people think that it would be easy to do this job: after all, you just have to like ice crea, right? No — there’s ore to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in cheistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to soeone wanting a career in this “cool” field.
In a typical orning on the job, Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice-crea saples. He lets the ice crea war up to about 12?. Harrison explains, “You get ore flavor fro warer ice crea, which is why soe kids like to stir it, creating ice-crea soup.”
While the ice crea wars up, Harrison looks over the saples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice crea is attractive and asks hiself, “Does the product have the color expected fro that flavor?” Next it’s tie to taste!
Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors, and test saples fro so any kinds of ice crea each day keeps Harrison busy but happy — working at one cool job.
56. What is John Harrison’s job?
A. An official. B. An ice-crea taster.
C. A cheist. D. An ice-crea anufacturer.
57. According to John Harrison, to be qualified in the “cool field”, it is helpful to ______.
A. keep a diary of work B. have a degree in related subjects
C. have new ideas every day D. find out new flavors each day
58. What does Harrison do first when testing ice crea?
A. He stirs the ice crea. B. He exaines the color of the ice crea.
C. He tastes the flavor of the ice crea. D. He lets the ice crea war up.
59. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?
A. Tasting with Eyes B. Flavors of Ice Crea
C. John Harrison’s Life D. One Cool Job

It’s great fun to explore(探索)new places—it feels like an adventure,even when you know you’re not the first to have been there. But ake sure not to get lost or waste tie going round in circles.
● Do the ap reading if you’re being driven soewhere. It’ll be easier if you keep turning the ap so it follows the direction you’re traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to ake a turn or you’ll have to ove to the back seat.
● Get a group of friends together and go exploring. You'll need a good ap, a copass (指南针), a raincoat, a cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for eergencies (应急现金). Tell soeone where you’re going before you set out and let the knohat tie you expect to be back. The test is in not getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together,waiting for slower friends to catch up.
● See if your school or a club organizes orienteering activities, in which you need a ap and a copass to find your way. This can be done as a sport, with teas trying to find the way fro A to B (and B to C, etc.)in the fastest tie, or siply as a spare-tie activity. Either way, it’s not only good fun, but a great way to keep fit.
60. Sitting beside the driver, you should___________.
A. direct the driver when necessary
B. look ahead to see where there’s a turn
C. ove to the back seat if feeling uncofortable
D. keep looking at the ap to find a place to go to
61. Why do you need to tell soeone your exploration plan before serving out?
A. To get inforation when in danger.
B. To be saved in case or an accident.
C. To share the fun with hi/her in exploration.
D. To tell hi/her what’s going on with the group ebers.
62. Orienteering activities can______________.
A. ake people work fastB. help people stay healthy
C. help people organize other activitiesD. ake people get prepared for sports
63. The text ainly talks about____________.
A. the fun of explorationB. what to bring for exploration
C. the way to use a ap in explorationD. how to prevent getting lost in exploration

Attitude is an internal (内在的) state that influences the choices of personal action ade by the individual (个人) . Soe researchers consider that attitudes coe fro differences between beliefs and ideas; others believe that attitudes coe fro eotional states. Here, we focus on the effects of attitudes upon behavior, that is, upon the choices of action ade by the individual.
The kinds of actions taken by huan beings are obviously influenced greatly by attitudes. Whether one listens to classical usic or rock, whether one obeys the speed liit while driving, whether one encourages one’s husband or wife to express his or her own ideas — all are influenced by attitudes. These internal states are acquired(获得)throughout life fro situations one is faced with in the hoe, in the streets, and in the school.
Of course, the course of action chosen by an individual in any situation will be largely deterined by the particulars of that situation. An individual who has a strong attitude of obeying laws ay drive too fast when he is in a hurry and no police cars in sight. A child who has a strong attitude of honesty ay steal a penny when he or she thinks no one will notice. But the internal state which reains unchanged over a period of tie, and which akes the individual behave regularly in a variety of situations, is what is eant by an attitude.
Attitudes are learned in a variety of ways. They can result fro single incidents, as when an attitude toward snakes is acquired by an experience in childhood at the sudden oveent of a snake. They can result fro the individual’s experiences of success and pleasure, as when soeone acquires a positive attitude toward doing crossword puzzles by being able to coplete soe of the. And frequently, they are learned by copying other people’s behavior, as when a child learns how to behave toward foreigners by observing the actions of his parents. Regardless of these differences, there is soething in coon in the learning and odification (修正)of attitudes.
64. According to the passage, attitudes ______ .
A. coe fro different situations in one’s life
B. are largely affected by one’s behavior
C. reain unchanged in one’s daily life
D. could be chosen according to one’s will
65. The author uses the exaples in Paragraph 3 to show .
A. people often ake istakes when they are not noticed
B. people with good attitudes ay soeties do bad deeds
C. particulars of a situation ay influence an individual’s action
D. an individual ay change his or her attitude fairly easily
66. Which of the following is TRUE about the learning of attitudes?
A. Attitudes are only learned through one’s success.
B. Attitudes learned in danger will last longer.
C. Copying others’ behavior is not a good idea.
D. Attitudes can be learned fro one’s parents.
67. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Differences of Attitudes. B. Nature of Attitude.
C. Choices of Attitudes. D. odification of Attitude.

any anials recognize their food because they see it. So do huans. When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know that these are things you can eat. You can also use other senses when you choose your food. You ay like it because it sells good or because it tastes good. You ay dislike soe types of food because they do not look, sell or taste very nice. Different anials use different senses to find and choose their food. A few anials depend on only one of their senses, while ost anials use ore than one sense.
Although there are any different types of food, soe anials spend their lives eating only one type. The giant panda(大熊猫)eats only one particular type of baboo(竹子). Other anials eat only one type of food even when given the choice. A kind of white butterfly(蝴蝶)will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden. However, ost anials have a ore varied diet(多样化饮食). The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats sall anials, birds and fruits. The diet of these anials will be different depending on the season.
Huans have a very varied diet. We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us. In countries such as France and Britain, people eat foods with too uch sugar. This akes the overweight, which is bad for their health. Eating too uch red eat and anial products, such as butter, can also be bad for the health. Choosing the right food, therefore, has becoe an area of study in odern life.
68. We can infer fro the text that huans and anials _________.
A. depend on one sense in choosing food B. are not satisfied with their food
C. choose food in siilar ways D. eat entirely different food
69. Which of the following eats only one type of food?
A. The white butterfly. B. The sall bird.
C. The bear. D. The fox.
70. Certain anials change their choice of food when ___________.
A. the season changes B. the food color changes
C. they ove to different places D. they are attracted by different sells
71. We can learn fro the last paragraph that __________.
A. food is chosen for a good reason
B. French and British food is good
C. soe people have few choices of food
D. soe people care little about healthy diet

Watching 3D fils such as Avatar could give soe viewers headaches, experts have warned.
The success of Jaes Caeron's science-fiction blockbuster(卖座的大片), which has already taken ore than $1 billion (£600 illion) at the box office, is fuelling a surge in popularity for three-diensional ovies and new 3D television sets.
But prolonged viewing ay result in an aching head, according to Dr ichael Rosenberg, an ophthalology(眼科学) professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of edicine in Chicago.
He said: "There are a lot of people walking around with very inor eye probles, for exaple a inor uscle ibalance, which under noral circustances the brain deals with naturally."
Watching a 3D ovie confronts viewers with an entirely new sensory experience. "That translates into greater ental effort, aking it easier to get a headache," he said.
Dr Deborah Friedan, a professor of ophthalology and neurology(神经学) at the University of Rochester edical Center in New York, said: "If your eyes are a little off to begin with then it's really throwing a whole degree of effort that your brain now needs to exert. This disparity for soe people will give the a headache."
Experts say there are no studies tracking how coon it is to get a headache after watching a 3D fil.
Rick Heinean, a spokesan for RealD, which provides 3D equipent to cineas, said headaches and nausea were the ain reasons 3D technology never took off before.
But he said new digital technology addresses any of the probles that had previously caused sore heads.
72、What can we learn fro what Dr ichael Rosenberg said ?
A. A lot of people prefer walking around with very inor eye probles to sitting silently watching 3D fils.
B. The brain can deal with very inor eye probles under noral circuatances naturally.
C. A lot of people haven’t got very inor eye probles when viewing fils under noral circuatances.
D. People coe into very inor eye probles and a inor uscle ibalance when watching 3D fils.
73、What does the underlined word “prolonged” in the 3rd paragraph ean ?
A. continuous
B. constant
C. regular
D. long-tie

74、According to the passage , which of the following is TRUE ?
A. It has taken over $1 billion to ake the popularity of three-diensional ovies and new 3D television sets.
B. Watching a 3D ovie leaves viewers confronted with an entirely new sensory experience.
C. There are studies tracking how coon it is to get a headache after watching a 3D fil.
D. Rick Heinean said that 3D technology would never take off headaches and nausea in future.
75、What’s the ain idea of the passage ?
A. The expert warns the readers not to watch 3D fils because of resulting in an aching head.
B. New digital technology gives viewers headaches and eye probles.
C. The experts are studying how to get rid of any of the probles that have previously caused sore heads.
D. Viewing 3D fils ay result in soe side-effect probles such as headaches.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分3 5分)
第一节 任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分1 0分)
Soe people believe that greed and selfishness has becoe the basis of odern society, and we should return to the old traditions of faily and counity then we will have a better life. To what extend do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?
In this fast-paced world, any values are undergoing ajor changes. While people traditionally consider caring, sharing and generosity originally in life and work, odern people see to be ore self-absorbed or self-concerned.
odern people act selfishly to survive the harsh copetition of life. They say that it is a jungle out there. To survive, you have to fight with whatever eans that coe handy. Obviously greedy and selfishness go perfectly well with such ideas. In a copany, eployees do everything they can to get better pay and higher position, even at the cost of colleagues. We are in any way advocating any selfish conduct. It is just that people are pressured to act in a certain way due to outside influences
In spite of coon practice, it is hard to conclude that odern society is built on greed and selfishness, both of which are not newly invented vocabulary. In ancient ties people also did greedy and selfish things though such behaviors were ore condened then. But we can not ignore the fact that people in the past lived a relatively ore isolated life and faced less pressure copared with their odern counterparts.
Are we happier to share with others and be generous to the? There is no fixed answer, either. Soe people take great pleasure helping and giving to others while others feel happy doing the opposite. But I personally think that people should not be too selfish. Caring for others can actually encourage the developent of a utually beneficial relationship.
In conclusion, odern people appear to be ore self-centered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure. However, we should encourage people to know the iportance of being caring and generous and to build a utually beneficially relationship with others.

Are odern People Becoing ore Selfish?
ain coparisonsContexts

__76__ are changing.In the past people put caring, sharing and generosity in the first ____77____.
Nowadays, people see to be ore ____78____about theselves.

___79___are changing, too.People in the past appeared to be odest and self-effacing(谦让的).
People ay strive to achieve their own __80___ at the price of their coworkers.
The author’s understanding

___81____ for the changes in author’s eyesFierce __82___ and great __83___on odern people ay be responsible for the changes.
The author’s attitude ____84____ this topicA relationship which can ___85___ two sides should be established.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
某校英报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。请结合发生在你身边的一两件事情,以“The early bird will catch wors”为题写一篇英语短,说明一切成功于做凡事要早做规划,不断追求,辛勤劳作。


听力:1-5 CBABC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BCACA 16-20 CBCBA

单选:21—25 BBDCA 26—30 BCCAD 31—35 BBDAA

完型:36—40 ABDDC 41—45 BACCD 46—50 CDAAB 51—55 ABBCD

阅读:56—59 BBDD 60—63 ABBD 64—67 ACDB 68—71 CA AD
72—75 BDBD

76. Values 77. place 78. concerned 79. Behaviours 80. goals
81. Reason(s) 82. copetition 83. pressure/ stress 84.toward (s) 85. benefit

The early bird will catch wors
An old saying "The early bird will catch wors" reinds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding,they ust plan ahead of tie and ake their efforts to overcoe all the possible difficulties.
For exaple, the Chinese athletes' excellent perforance in 2010 Olypic Winter Gaes in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training.If they don' t set the ai and hard work,even though they have the best talents,they can't copete with others and get ore edals.
Another case in this point is y learning experience. I was good at English,but I couldn't pass the exa,for I wasn't prepared well before the exaination.I had any probles to solve at that tie.As I et the coplex things,I was at a loss.The reason was that I had no plan and involved in uch trouble and didn't study ore hard,so I failed.
In short,the saying shows us the iportance of planning,working hard and constantly trying.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaosan/42516.html
