
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

第一部分 (共两节,满分30分)
1.What tie is it now?
A.9∶20.    B.9∶30.    C.9∶40.
2.What does the an thi nk of the sall town?
A.Noisy. B.Old. C.Boring.
3.Where are the two speakers now?
A.At school. B.In a shop. C.In a hospital.
4.Where does the an coe fro?
A.Aerica. B.Canada. C.France.
5.What will the speakers do next Sunday?
A.Go swiing.
B.Go to the cinea.
C.Go skiing.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中 所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.Why does the woan look worried?
A.She can’t go hoe.
B.She can’t get a taxi.
C.The an is badly hurt.
7.Where is the woan going?
A.To her hoe.
B.To the an’s hoe.
C.To a hospital.
8.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Teacher and student.
C.Husband and wife.
9.What do the speakers decide to do during the holiday?
A.Clib ount Tai.
B.Visit Sichuan Province.
C.Have a rest at hoe.
10.What does the woan ask the an?
A.Whether she has got the new job.
B.Whether he has received her eail.
C.Whether he has seen the advertiseent.
11.What is the woan’s telephone nuber?
A.55954203. B.59954203. C.59954257.
12.When ight the woan get a phone call for an interview?
A.Next onday.
B.This Saturday.
C.Next Thursday.
13.What are the two speakers?
A.Students. B.Teachers. C.Workers.
14.When does the an ask the woan to call hi?
A.At 8 ∶00 a...
B.At 8∶30 a...
C.At 4∶00 p...
15.What can we learn fro the conversation?
A.The running race will be held toorrow orning.
B.The an will take part in the basketball atch.
C.The teachers will join in the running race.
16.When does the conversation take place?
A.In the afternoon.
B.In the evening.
C.In the orning.
17.What is r.White?
A.An engineer.
B.A scientist.
C.An astronaut.
18.What was the task of their space trip?
A.To do soe research on the planet’s surface.
B.To check whether there was life on the planet.
C.To find out what the planet looked like.
19.What does r.White think of what he saw?
A.Exciting. B.Beautiful. C.Terrible.
20.Why couldn’t they see the surface of the planet at first?
A.They lost touch with the space station.
B.The spaceship didn’t work.
C.There was too uch cloud.
(Text 1)
W:Excuse e,what tie is it by your watch now?
:It’s half past nine,but y watch always loses ten inutes.
(Text 2)
W:To,you have been here for soe tie.So what do you think of our sall town?
:I think it’s very nice and interesting except for the noise.There’s too uch traffic.
(Text 3)
W:Good orning,young an.What’s the atter with you?
:I feel terrible.It’s all because of y had cold.
W:Relax and I’ll exaine you.
(Text 4)
W:Where do you coe fro,John?
:Well,I’ fro Canada,but I live in Paris noWhat about you?
W:I was born in Aerica and live in New York no
(Text 5)
:Sorry,ary.All the fil tickets on Sunday have already sold out.What are we going to do this Sunday?
W:It’s OK.We can go swiing or skiing toorrow,and watch a fil next Sunday.
(Text 6)
:Hey,Jenny.You look worried.What’s the atter?
W:I want to take a taxi,but the taxis are all full now because of the rush hour.
:Where are you going?This isn’t your way hoe.You should take a taxi fro the other side of the road.
W:Yes,but I’ not going hoe noI’ going to see a friend in hospital.She was badly hurt in an accident.
:Oh,I’ sorry to hear that.Which hospital will you go to?
W:Renin Hospital.
:Really?That’s near y hoe.I can drive you there.
W:Thanks a lot!
(Text 7)
:Well,Lucy,we’re coing to the end of this ter.I alost can’t wait for the holiday.
W:e,too.We can go traveling,forget about all the hard work and have a good rest.
:I can’t agree ore.But how long is the holiday?
W:It’s about four weeks,I think.That’s enough for us.
:How about going to clib ount Tai?That would be great exercise.
W:aybe,but don’t we have any other choices?After all,that would be pretty tiring.
:Well,what about going to Sichuan?I’ve been told that it’s really beautiful.We have never been there.We can visit lots of places of interest,Jiuzhaigou,for exaple.
W:Sounds great!We can stay there for one or two weeks.We’d better prepare for it no
(Text 8)
:Hello,icrosoft.What can I help you?
W:Oh hello.I saw your advertiseent yesterday for an office assistant.
W:I think I’ suitable for this position.I just want to knohether you have received y eail.
:OK.Let e see.What’s your nae,please?
W:I’ Susan Green.
:And your phone nuber,please?
W:It’s 5?double 9?5?4?2?5?7.
:5?double 9?5?4?2?5?7,OK.Do you have the nuber for the job?
W:Yes,it’s 2?0?3.
:OK.I’ve seen your eail for the office assistant job.We are still sorting the eails and choosing the best people to intervie
W:When can I know the interview date if I get the chance?It’s already Thursday.
:We will let you know in 2 to 3 working days.
W:Great!Thanks for your help.
:You’re welcoe.
(Text 9)
W:Hi,Bob.Have you seen the notice of the basketball atch?
:No,I haven’t.Which teas are playing?
W:Our tea and the tea of Class Three.
:Oh,great! But the tea of Class Three is not easy to beat.When will it start?
W:8∶30 toorrow orning.Do you think you can coe to watch it?
:aybe,but I doubt whether I will be on tie.Oh,Jane,please give e a call at 8∶00.
W:OK.Don’t forget we’ll be having a running race at 4∶00 toorrow afternoon.
:I w on’t.I’ very interested in the race.
W:I’ve heard the teachers will also take part in it.
:Wow,that’s going to be exciting!
W:Let’s cheer for the.
:Certainly.By the way,where are you going,to the classroo?
W:Yes.I have to finish y hoework before lunch tie.
:I alost forgot about the hoework.Let’s go together.
(Text 10)
W:r.White,we heard you have been on a space trip successfully.Congratulations!And we also know you cae across soe difficulties while in space.Is that true?
:Thank you.Yes,it’s true.Space trips are always dangerous,but they are also exciting.This was y first space trip.I hadn’t expected that so any strange things would happen.On this space trip,at first,everything was OK,but suddenly we lost touch with the space station.We spent 18 hours trying to get in touch with the space station again.Our task was to see whether there was any life on that sall planet.There were four people on the spaceship.I’ an engineer,while one of us is a cuientist.We were going to seed a sall spaceship to the planet.The two astronauts would go down onto the planet.Unfortunately,at first we couldn’t see the surface of the planet because of the cloud.So we had to go closer.When we got closer to the planet.you can’t iagine what we saw there.It was like the largest anial I’ve ever seen,and certainly not fro the earth.It was flying through space.It was soething I used to see in story books when I was a child.It looked so terrible that we quickly flew back to the space station.
答案:1~5.CACBB 6~10.BCBBB 11~15.CAAAC
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
第一节 单项(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.—    Can you repeat?
—Yes.I said I would spend this weekend with y uncle.
A.It’s nice to say so.
B.Sorry,I can’t follow you.
C.Why do you ask?
D.What do you do?
解析:选B。根据Can you repeat?及答语可知,说话人没有听清对方所说的话。故选B项。
22.Of all    reasons for y decision to go abroad,y father’s advice was    very iportant one.
A.the;/         B./;a
C./;the D.the;a
解析:选D。all后接定冠词the,再加复数名词reasons,在此处表示特指。very iportant one在此处是泛指,故前用不定冠词a。
23.In order to protect the environent,people are greatly encouraged to travel by public    .
A.transport B.service
C.road D.highway
24.Although they are twins,Lucy is    different fro her sister Kate in looks.
A.specially B.siply
C.entirely D.finally
解析:选C。entirely different完全不同。specially专门地,特殊地;siply简单地;finally最后,终于。
25.—What Jack wore that day was very strange.
—Yes.I didn’t    hi until he called y nae.
A.realize B.recognize
C.know D.believe
26.We will carry on fighting to the end.We will never    .
A.give out B.give in
C.give off D.give away
解析:选B。give in意为“屈服,让步”,符合题意“我们会斗争到底,绝不屈服”。give out用完,耗尽;give off发出,散发出;give away赠送,泄漏。
27.To’s teacher faile d to persuade hi    taking part in the school sports eeting.
A.into B.of
C.about D.with
解析:选A。persuade后常跟介词into,构成短语persuade sb.into doing sth.,意思是“说服某人做某事”。
28.—We spent three hours waiting in the rain    you.
—I’ sorry.
A.rather than B.instead of
C.because of D.less than
解析:选C。句意为:因为你,我们在雨中等了三个小时。be cause of由于,符合题意。
29.Not only    his own bed every day,but also he helped his granda do housework.
A.did he ake B.he ade
C.had he ade D.he had ade
解析:选A。not only位于句首,句子要部分倒装,可排除B、D;又根据but also后面的helped可知应该选用过去时,故选A项。
30.any copanies are trying their best to help business    after a difficult period.
A.add B.cal
C.schedule D.recover
解析:选D。help business recover帮助生意恢复。recover复苏,恢复。add增加;cal使……平静;schedule安排,计划。
31.—I want to talk with you this afternoon.
—OK.When    your copany,I will visit you.
A.a passing by B.passing by
C.passed by D.to pass by
解析:选B。句意为:当经过你公司时,我去拜访你。When passing...为When I a passing...的省略。在when引导的时间状语从句中,如主语与句子的主语一致,且谓语中含有be,常常可以将主语和be省略。
32.I want to know    you can take these books to our aths teacher.
A.whether B.which
C.where D.what
33.English has been very popular because it is the    language in any western countries.
A.noral B.regular
C.official D.fluent
34.rs.Green is a war?hearted and    old lady,always ready to help others in trouble.
A.ean B.stubborn
C.generous D.selfish
解析:选C。根据war?hearted和always ready to help others in trouble可知格林太太是一位大方、慷慨的老太太。ean吝啬的;stubborn顽固的;selfish自私的。
35.His grandfather joined the ary in 1940 and only when the war was over in 1945    back hoe.
A.he cae B.he did coe
C.cae he D.did he coe
第二节 完形(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I live in a big city with a lot of hoeless people.Luckily there’re sall ways of helping the and you needn’t have a lot of 36 .One way to help is to buy their onthly agazine. 37 doing this one day,I got to 38 a young hoeless an.He was often 39  the agazine at the train station.
He was a poor farer fro another country.After a while,I discovered that his 40 was close to ine.It 41  that we were born in the sae onth.
I et hi last year 42 after his birthday,and after congratulating(祝贺)hi,without 43 ,I asked if he had had a good day.He  44 and said that he hadn’t really celebrated.I felt so 45 .
I just couldn’t bear the thought of(不敢想)this nice,young an being 46  on his 25th birthday with no presents,no cake,nothing!So I went hoe and looked in y yarn(纱线)basket. 47 for e,I had enough yarn 48 .I set to work and knitted(编织)a  49 for the young an.The yarn had becoe a little dirty 50 I didn’t knit very often.Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be 51 when he got it.
I et hi on y own birthday as I was going shopping.I had 52 to eet hi so I had 53 the scarf and a piece of y own birthday 54  around with e.He was very happy with these gifts and so was I.The 55 in his eyes was the best present he could have given e!
【解题导语】 “我”所住的城市有很多无家可归的人,我们用一些独特的方式帮助他们。
36.A.work B.energy
C.oney D.experience
解析:选C。根据前空的sall ways及空后的to buy their onthly agazine可知,这里指没有很多钱也可以帮助那些无家可归的人。
37.A.In B.Onw
C.Besides D.By
解析:选D。doing this指上的to buy their onthly agazine。因此,本句话的意思是“通过这样做,我……”。介词by的意思是“通过……方式”。
38.A.realize B.ignore
C.know D.recognize
解析:选C。“我”经常到这儿买报纸,渐渐认识了这个年轻人。get to know的意思是“渐渐认识”。
39.A.selling B.reading
C.covering D.buying
解析:选A。根据One way to help is to buy...及a young hoeless an可知这个年轻人“卖(selling)”杂志。
40.A.birthday B.house
C.height D.hobby
解析:选A。由下的we were born in the sae onth可知我们的“生日( birthday)”非常近。
41.A.said B.found
C.guessed D.eant
42.A.long B.shortly
C.ever D.even
43.A.stopping B.helping
C.praising D.thinking
44.A.looked up B.turned up
C.looked down D.got down
解析:选C。因为生活窘迫,年轻人被问到生日是否过得愉快时,不好意思地“低下头(looked down)”。
45.A.foolish B.excited
C.clever D.worried
46.A.cal B.happy
C.alone D.hungry
解析:选C。根据下的no presents,no cake,nothing可知此处指这个年轻人过生日的那天“孤独一人(alone)”。
47.A.Suddenly B.Luckily
C.Badly D.However
48.A.used B.done
C.left D.produced
49.A.scarf B.cap
C.sock D.glove
解析:选A。根据下的I washed the yarn so the scarf...可知。
50.A.when B.because
C.so D.and
51.A.different B.dry
C.wet D.clean
52.A.liked B.hoped
C.proised D.agreed
53.A.ade B.thrown
C.received D.carried
54.A.cake B.present
C.song D.party
解析:选A。从第四段的on his 25th birthday with no presents,no cake,nothing可知,这个年轻人过25岁生日的时候没有生日礼物,没有蛋糕。所以“我”希望在自己过生日的时候能够与他分享蛋糕。a piece of不与present搭配。
55.A.light B.pain
C.sight D.tear
解析:选A。the light in his eyes指他高兴的眼神。上的He was very happy是提示。
第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
In the tenth grade,I began working for free at a vet’s that was run by a friend.I wanted to get experience for what I thought would be y future job.However,on one particular Saturday orning I learnt soething perhaps ore iportant.
The hospital was in the iddle of one of the poorer sections of the city and soe people could only pay for the ost basic treatents.On this Saturday,a an and his young son,who was probably about 7 years old,walked in with a sall cat in a cardboard box.There was soething wrong with the cat’s left eye.But the an could not afford to pay for the cost of the edicine.He kept quiet for a while,and then he asked where the nearest anial shelter was.Hearing this,his son cried and started to argue with hi.All of a sudden,an older woan who was sitting in the waiting roo stood up,walked up to the counter,and told the an that she would pay for the cost.The an thanked her and the son got to keep a healthy cat.
I always thought it was the right thing to help out a needy person,but I only saw people do acts of kindness on TV or in ovies.What the woan did ade e believe that these things do happen in real life,and quite often.
Now,when I can’t decide whether to help soeone who is in need,I reeber this woan,and then I have the courage to step up to the plate.Soeties other people follo
【解题导语】 一位老太太的好心行为让作者相信,现实中也有好心行为。
56.We can infer that a vet’s is ost probably a hospital for    .
A.kids B.the poor
C.anials D.woen
解析:选C。推理。根据后那个男人和他的儿子抱着猫过给猫看眼睛的语境,可推断a vet’s为一家动物医院。
57.For what purpose did the writer work at the vet’s?
A.To help out his friend.
B.To ake soe pocket oney.
C.To gain soe work experience.
D.To learn ore about society.
解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的I wanted to get experience for what I thought would be y future job.可知作者在那里工作纯粹是为了积累工作经验。
58.What would the an probably do with the cat if the woan didn’t help hi?
A.Take it hoe without treatent.
B.Give it to soeone on the street.
C.Give it to the woan.
D.Give it up.
解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段的he asked where the nearest anial shelter was可知那个男人想把猫送到动物收留所去,故选D。
59.We can learn fro this passage that    .
A.the an doesn’t like keeping a cat
B.the older woan often helps people out
C.the an’s son didn’t agree to the an’s first decision
D.the hospital often asks for too uch oney
解析:选C。推理。根据第二段的Hearing this,his son cried and started to argue with hi.可知那个男人的儿子不赞成他爸爸所做的决定。
Tyler Kellogg drove ore than 3,000 iles last year.His goal(目标)is to help as any people as he can.
Tyler Kellogg calls hiself a long?tie do?gooder,and last suer he really did a lot of good.After collecting together $2,000 and using his car as a sleeping space,the 21?year?old college student hit_the_road.His goal was to do rando(任意的)acts of kindness for 100 strangers.
He drove 1,600 iles,fro his parents’ house in Adas Center,New York,to the Florida Keys,then back again.“The first person I helped was a person fixing a boat lift on a lake in Oneida,New York,”Kellogg reebers.“I was shaking when I asked if he needed a hand.”What if he thought Kellogg was crazy?“When he said,‘Can you help e get this lift into the water?’I knew everything was going to be fine.”
He helped a policean fix a downed barricade(路障)in Washington,D.C.,and spread any yards of ulch(林地覆盖物)in aryland and North Carolina.And soewhere outside Atlanta,he et a an who was crying because his wife had recently died and he had no one to talk to.“For three hours we sat in his garden,”Kellogg says.“When I left,he said,‘Thank you.I realize now that y life will go on.’”
In 55 days,Kellogg helped 115 strangers and ade an exciting discovery.“You don’t have to have uch oney,”he says.“You just have to ask people,‘How can I help?’”
【解题导语】 Tyler Kellogg计划帮助他人,争取一年做100件好事。于是,他驱车上千英里,做着各种各样的好事。
60.Tyler Kellogg drove so any iles to    .
A.practice his driving
B.have a good trip
C.do good things
D.visit his friends
解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的His goal is to help as any people as he can.可知,他的目标是帮助他人,做好事。
61.The underlined words“hit the road”in Paragraph 2 ean    .
A.repaired the road
B.started his trip
C.looked for the road
D.ade his plan
解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据第二段,他筹 借了2000美元,把自己的车子当作睡觉的地方,然后就开始了他的征程——开车一路做好事。故答案选B。
62.How did Tyler Kellogg feel when he first asked if he could help others?
A.Nervous. B.Surprised.
C.Angry. D.Happy.
解析:选A。细节理解题。从第三段提到的I was shaking和What if he thought Kellogg was crazy可知, 他觉得非常紧张。
63.What would be the best title for the passa ge?
A.A student’s exciting discovery
B.College students’ life
C.100 strangers’ dreas
D.The best road trip
解析:选D。标题归纳题。本主要讲述了大学生Tyler Kellogg驱车上千英里做好事的事迹,因此D项作为标题最合适。
Rowena and Billy Wrangler are odel high school students.They study hard.They do very well on tests.And next year,Rowena will be going to Harvard University.Billy,her younger brother,hopes to go to another faous university.Unlike ost students,they’ve never been to school.But neither Rowena nor Billy feels as if they’ve issed out on anything by being taught at hoe.In fact,they feel as if they’ve gotten a good education.
The hoe?schooling trend(趋势)began in the U.S.in the 1980s.At that tie,soe parents provided their children with religious(宗教的)education at hoe.Today,soe parents still choose hoe schooling because they believe schools don’t do a very good job of teaching,and are soeties dangerous places.But can parents really do a better job?The answer in any cases is yes.ore iportantly,these students are often ore self?directed(自主的)and have a greater and wider knowledge.One such student,Jane Fist,began hoe schooling at the age of 11.“I was learning soething all the tie,”says Fist.Now she’s a first?year student at a college in New Jersey.Robert Conrad,now a college student too,says he really learned how to study and schedule his tie during hoe schooling.Still,not every student is as successful as Robert.The nuber of failure stories is the sae as the nuber of the success ones.
“There are just so any probles,”states Henry Lipscob,an educational researcher.For exaple,they don’t spend enough tie with others of their age,so they don’t know the usual social skills.“No atter what,though,”says Lipscob,“hoe schooling is a growing trend.I think we’ll be seeing ore and ore of this.”
【解题导语】 本介绍了一种教育趋势——家庭教育。
64.Rowena and Billy are different fro ost students in that    .
A.they receive religious education
B.they are taught at hoe
C.they have gotten the best education
D.they are going to universities
解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段Unlike ost students,they’ve never been to school及being taught at hoe可知,他们不同于其他学生,他们接受的是家庭教育。
65.Parents chose hoe schooling in the 1980s because    .
A.they wanted to give their children religious education
B.children wanted to be different fro other students
C.schools were dangerous places soeties
D.teachers in schools were not good enough
解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段At that tie,soe parents provided their children with religious education at hoe.可知,答案选A项。
66.The author develops the second paragraph ainly by    .
A.cause and effect B.order in space
C.exaples D.order in tie
解析:选C。写作手法题。第二段后半部分以Jane Fist与Robert Conrad作为例子进行论述,故采用了举例子的写作手法,C正确。
67.According to the passage,which of the following stateents is TRUE?
A.Parents do better jobs than teachers in education.
B.Children taught at hoe can go to university at an early age.
C.Hoe schooling will not be popular in the future.
D.There are as any failures as successes in hoe schooling.
解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句The nuber of failure stories is the sae as the nuber of the success ones.可知D项正确。从家庭教育既有成功也有失败可知,家长并不是就比老师教得好,排除A;中援引大学生的事例只是为了说明家庭教育的成功,并没有说他们年纪小小就可以上大学,排除B;根据最后一段hoe schooling is a growing trend,排除C。
What does it take to be a good neighbor?Over the years I have had all kinds of neighbors,ones that were enjoyable and others that were to be avoided at all costs.
One of the ost iportant things in being a good neighbor is to respect a person’s privacy(隐私).When soeone new oves into the neighborhood it is a good idea to watch the to see how friendly you should be.If you go rushing over as soon as they ove in they ay think you are going to be one of those neighbors that coe over at all ties of the day,not respecting their privacy.
It is a good idea always to be friendly to everyone in the neighborhood.This can not only put you on good ters with the,but will also be a for of protection for your faily and hoe.If you wave as they drive by or offer a friendly hello while they are out in their yard this shows that you respect the.If you are friendly to the they are uch ore likely to watch out for any wrong doings going on around your hoe while you are out and let you know if anything happens.
Another way of being a good neighbor is to be helpful in ties of need.If you see that they are in need of a helping hand doing soething or in ties of a disaster(灾难),it is good to offer your help.Even though you have never really talked to the people down the street,they are willing to take the tie to help out a neighbor in need.
In conclusion,if you respect a person’s privacy,treat the kindly and be helpful when you see they are in need,you will be a great neighbor and anyone would be happy to have you next door!
【解题导语】 处理好邻里关系对我们说很重要。那么到底如何能够做到这一点呢?首先要尊重他人,其次是友好待人,再次是要乐于助人。
68.When soeone oves into your neighborhood you should    .
A.visit the as often as possible
B.show respect for the
C.learn about soe of their privacy
D.avoid eeting the
解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的One of the ost iportant things in being a good neighbor is to respect a person’s privacy.可知,对于新搬的邻居,最重要的是要尊重他们的隐私,不要过多拜访他们。
69.If you are getting along well with your neighbors you can    .
A.have your own privacy
B.often visit their yard
C.ake close friends with the
D.keep your faily ebers safe
解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的This can not only put you on good ters with the,but will also be a for of protection for your faily and hoe可知,邻里关系融洽可以保护你的家和家人的安全。
70.What’s the ain idea of the fourth paragraph?
A.Neighbors should help each other.
B.Everybody probably gets into trouble.
C.Neighbors should respect each other.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
71.In the opinion of the author,neighbors should always be    .
A.helpful,strong and kind
B.honest,active an d friendly
C.respectful,friendly and helpful
D.polite,honest and kind
Traveling is a very good activity.When you are_fed_up_with your work and when you can get a holiday,you can go to the beautiful spots to enjoy the beauty of nature and the special character of other cities.You can breathe fresh air,visit soe places of interest,eet different people and ake friends with the.If you do so,you will forget your tiredness and troubles and build up your health.As a result,you will feel fully relaxed and you will have the energy to undertake the new tasks waiting for you.
But soeties,traveling is not an enjoyable thing.For exaple,when the bus or car you take has a bad accident,you just sit in and waste your tie.What’s ore,the weather can be changeable.If you are clibing a ountain,it ay rain suddenly.You ay be caught in the rain and ay catch a cold.The worst thing is that you ay have your oney stolen and you ay have an injury.All these are terrible things that can happen to a tourist.
Therefore,when you are going on a trip,you ust prepare yourself carefully.Firstly,you ust have clear inforation about the weather.Secondly,you should choose a good copanion so that you can help each other.Thirdly,you ust be careful everywhere and try to avoid accidents.If you do this,you’ll surely enjoy your travels and avoid any unnecessary trouble.
72.In the passage,the author suggests that you should      for a holiday.
A.go to the country
B.go to different cities
C.go nowhere
D.both A and B
解析:选D。细节理解题,根据第一段“When you are fed up...,you can go to the beautiful spots to enjoy the beauty of nature and the special character of other cities.”可知答案。
73.In the first paragraph,the underlined words “are fed up with” eans     .
A.finish doing B.can’t do
C.are tired of D.are interested in
解析:选C。词义理解题。be fed up with 表示“厌倦,厌烦”。
74.What is NOT entioned in the passage?
A.You ay eet with unexpected troubles on a trip.
B.You ay get ill on a trip.
C.You will have to spend a lot of oney on a bus or in a car.
D.It’s necessary for you to know about the weather before you travel.
75.In order to have a good holiday,you should     .
A.be careful enough
B.have a holiday with a good friend
C.take an ubrella with you
D.be well prepared for your trip
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Dear Li Lei,
I’ sorry to hear that you are having trouble in coping with the
new college life.Here I would like to give you soe a    .76.      
First of all,you should s     no efforts to work hard at all77.      
your lessons and develop your different a    .Only in78.      
this way are you l     to get an ideal job for a better79.      
future.Secondly,counication skills are also r    if you80.      
want to get along well with your friends      college capus.81.      
Last but not least,living      (独立) is of great significance82.      
to you,     eans you should learn to face all challenges by83.      
yourself,and this will surely b    you a lot when you step into84.      
    (社会).I’ll be glad if you find y advice practical.85.      
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
答案:76.advice 77.spare 78.abilities 79.likely
80.required 81.on 82.independently 83.which
84.benefit 85.society
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
3.参考词汇:义工volunteer 青年旅舍youth hostel
_______________________________________ _________________________________
One possible version:
Volunteer Travel has becoe ore and ore popular in recent years.Young travellers volunteer to work for youth h ostels so that they can eat and live there for free.At the sae tie,they can enjoy the local scenery in their spare tie.
Volunteer Travel offers soe advantages and benefit you a lot.Firstly,you can change your way of life and enjoy a new life.At the sae tie,you can experience different cultures and the cultures will attract you.Secondly,you can save oney.Besides,you can ake any new friends and talk with the and play for fun with the.Your experiences will be wonderful eories in life.You didn’t forget the Volunteer Travel.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoyi/43205.html

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