人教版高一英语必修1 Unit 1 Section Ⅱ训练题(附答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points 精品练习1(人教版必修1)

答案:1.upset;upset 2.ignore;ignorance;ignorant 3.cal;cal 4.concern;concerned 5.Geran;Gerany;Gerans
6.ou tdoors;indoors 7.entire;entirely 8.dusk 9.power;powerful 10.dusty;dust
1.add________     合计
2.cal(...)________ (使)平静下;(使)镇定下
3.have got ________ 不得不;必须
4.be concerned ________ 关心;挂念
5.________the dog 遛狗
6.go________ 经历;经受
7.set________ 记下;放下;登记
8.a ________of 一连串的;一系列;一套
9.________purpose 故意
10.________order to 为了……
11.________dusk 在黄昏时刻
12.face________face 面对面地
13.________longer/not...any longer不再……
答案:1.up 2.down 3.to 4.about 5.walk 6.through
7.down 8.series 9.on 10.in 11.at 12.to 13.no
1.Your friend c oes to school_________________________________________________.
答案:very upset
2.________________________,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.
答案:While walking the dog
3.She and her faily hid away for nearly twenty?five onths__________________________.
答案:before they were discovered
4.I wonder if______________I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long____________I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.
答案:it’s because;that
5.I can well reeber that__________________________a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,oonlight and flowers could never have kept e spellbound.
答案:there was a tie when
6.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held e entirely in their power;________________in a year and a half that I’d____________the night face to face...
答案:it was the first tie;seen
7.____________________________these any longer because nature is one thing that really ust be experienced.
答案:It’s no pleasure look ing through

1.You should not i__________your istakes if you want to ake greater progress.
2.Life is ade up of a s__________of choices.When you choose a different choice,you will have a different way.
3.Children should spend ore tie taking exercise o__________ and less tie watching TV at hoe.
4.What__________(使心烦) e was not what he said but the way he said it.
5.When he travels with his friends,his other is always__________(关心的)about his safety.
6.Try not to begin judging anything about the idea until you have understood it__________(完全地).
cal(...)down;have got to;be concerned about;go through;laugh at;set down;a series of;walk the dog
1.I________________go-I h ave a bus to catch.
答案:have got to
2.I’ afraid the other kids will________________e because I don’t understand.
答案:laugh at
3 .When he was really angry,only his wife could________________hi________________.
4.Nowadays ore and ore people,whether they are young or old,________________their health.
答案:are concerned about
5.He wanted to________________all those iportant thoughts in his diary.
答案:set down
6.Peter has lost his job,and the faily is________________a very difficult tie.
答案:going through
7.It is necessary to________________in the park every day if you want it to be healthy enough.
答案:walk the dog
8.Rowling has written________________books about Harry Potter.
答案:a series of
1.In order to solve the proble as soon as possible,they had a________discussion.
A.face to face        B.face?to?face
C.faces to faces D.faces?to?faces
解析:选B。face to face面对面地,在句中多作状语;face?to?face面对面的,在句中多作定语。由句子结构知,此处缺少定语。
2.John thinks it won’t be long________he is ready for his neork.
A.when B.after
C.before D.since
解析:选C。本题考查固定结构:“ It +be否定形式+long+before从句”意为“……不久就……”。句意:John认为不久之后他就会为他的新工作做好准备。
3.After the long journey,the three of the went back hoe,________.
A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired
C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired
解析:选B。考查形容词短语在句中作状语的用法。句意为:经过长途旅行之后,他们三人回到了家,又饿又累。B项中的hungry and tired用说明主语所处的状态,作伴随状语。在其他三项中出现的tiredly和hungrily是用修饰动词的,强调动作是如何发生的,显然与句意不符。
4.I arrived half an hour earlier ________ I had tie to talk with hi before the eeting.
A.as soon as B.as a result
C.in order to D.so that
解析:选D。句意为:我早到了半小时,以便在开会前有时间与他谈话。as soon as一……就……;as a result因此;in order to为了……,后接不定式;so that以便……,后加从句。
5.—I was really anxious about you.
—I’ terribly sorry.I ________ hoe without a word.
A.ustn’t leave B.shouldn’t have left
C.could have left D.need have left
解析:选B。shouldn’t have done意为“本不应该做而事实上做了”。
6.The old farer’s face looks brown because he works ________ all day.
A.indoors B.outdoors
C.indoor D.outdoor
7.She’s all alone here,and it sees ra ther unkind to ________her.
A.iss B.tip
C.ignore D.swapwwxkb1.co
解析:选C。考查动词辨析 。句意为:她在这儿举目无亲,咱们不理她 就显得太不厚道了。i gnore不理睬,忽视。
8.—What’s the atter with Rod?
—I think he’s still________that we forgot his birthday.
A.excited B.loose
C.upset D.glad
9.While________in Scotland,he ade friends with the natives there.
A.working B.worked
C.he works D.he is working
解析:选A。考查句子结构。从结构上分析,while为连词,可以引导时间状语从句,C、D两项虽可以构成从句,但时态与主句不一致;主语he与work之间是主动关系,故选A项,可以看作working前省去了he was。
10.It is the third tie that China________people into space.
A.has sent B.sends
C.will send D.had sent
解析:选A。考查时态。It is the first/second...tie that...结构中的从句常用现在完成时,故选A项。
There are three different kinds of friends in our life.I classify (分类) the according to hoell I know the and hoell they know e.
The first type of friend is just an acquaintance (熟人).This eans that you only know their nae.You ight not even reeber what they look like if you go away for a short vacation.You don’t iss the when they are elsewhere.It is also this type of friend who gives you the ost aount of aggravation (恼怒).Since ost of the tie you are placed in a position where you have to act friendly.You would not norally tell an acquaintance when he or she is doing soething that akes you feel angry,such as tapping the fingers on a table or shouting loudly.I call the “pest friends”.
The second kind of friend is a “guest friend”.They are just social partners.You eet the at a certain location and at the end of the eeting you go your separate way and they go theirs.You don’t talk too often with this sort of friend,and you don’t share each other’s secrets.
Lastly,we have “best friends”.This sort of friend is there when you need the.They know you as a person and they are there through thick and thin.Best friends are the ones that you can lean and depend on no atter what happens.If you need a listening ear,they will be the one to lend support.
Friends coe in all different shapes and sizes.Every friend has an ipact on our life....
1.What is this passage ainly about?
A.What a true friend is like.
B.Three kinds of friends in our life.
C.The role that friends play in our life.
D.Why there are different kinds of friends.
2.According to the writer,when a friend of the first type acts in an annoying way,you ________.
A.can tell hi/her about it directly
B.should stay away fro hi/her
C.should advise hi/her to correct his/her behavior
D.ay find it hard to tell hi/her not to do so
解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段的You would not norally tell an acquaintance when he or she is doing soething that akes you feel angry,...可知在作者看,当第一种朋友有恼人的行为时,你可能并不好意思直接跟他/她说,故选D。
3.Which of the following stateents is WRONG about the second type of friend?
A.They are only social partners.
B.You don’t talk very often with the.
C.You don’t share your secrets with the.
D.They are called “pest friends” by the writer.
解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知“pest friends”是作者用形容第一种朋友的,故选D。
4.If soeone is with you through thic k and thin,it eans ________.
A.he/she is your best friend for sure
B.he/she agrees with whatever you say
C.you spend ost of your tie together
D.he/she is with you even when there are difficulties
解析:选D。推理。第四段主要是讲最好的朋友。根据Best friends are the ones that you can lean and depend on no atter what happens的语境可推断D正确,即不管是平时或是有困难时,最好的朋友都会在你的身边。
y first custoer was a pretty girl wearing a red dress.
B________her was a young an of about 25. The girl asked about1.____________
opening a bank account.I gave her the necessary________(信息)and2.____________
she walked out. Then, I noticed a tall an by the door, c________3.____________
soething covered________brown paper. Turning to y next custoer,4.____________
I was f________to see a gun stuck out of his coat. The next oent 5.____________
a loud noise________(充满)y ears. Everything went black. I was falling...6.____________
After________seeed a very long tie, I opened y eyes and found7.____________
________-in bed! Still shaking fro the eory of this terrible drea, 8.____________
I got________(穿衣)and ran out of the house. As usual, the bus wasn’t9.____________
________tie, and I got to the bank at 9∶25.10.____________
答案:1.Behind 2.inforation 3.carrying 4.with
5.frightened 6.filled 7.what 8.yself 9.dressed 10.on

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaoyi/49152.html

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