双语阅读 张一山觉得当明星真挺累

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Zhang Yishan is Tired of Being a Star

Liu Xing(刘星) played by Zhang Yishan(张一山) is now quite familiar to many people. But he still considers himself an ordinary child and goes to school by bike every day. When he is free, he plays with his friends.

Zhang needs to study at school and act in a play at the same time. So he often feels tired both physically and mentally. “To tell the truth, I liked such a life at first, because I wanted to become a hero when I was very young. As a star, you will become the favorite of thousands of people. It is quite a fresh experience to be loved by so many people who wish to get to know you. But gradually you will find that it is no longer exciting. Sometimes after a whole day’s study, I become confused, only to find that there are a lot of people waiting for my signature at the school gate. I want to escape, but then I realize that people wait for me just because they like me. I have no other choice. So I sometimes feel really tired…”

Zhang dreams of becoming an actor, but he does not like study. “I am not good at school subjects. Except Chinese, I don’t like other ones. But, after all, I have to go to college.” In order to prepare for the college entrance examination, his parents often force him to make up for his missed lessons in Chinese, math and English. Zhang understands his parents and accepts such arrangement without complaint, saying, “My goal is to be admitted into the Central Academy of Drama or a film academy. For this, I must be good at the school subjects. Then I’ll have no difficulty in passing the entrance examination.”






本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/107985.html
