双语阅读 贝克汉姆“强迫行为”严重

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Beckham Suffers from Severe Compulsive Behavior

As a promoter of the world tour concert (全球巡回演唱会) of Spice Girls(辣妹合唱团), Victoria(维多莉亚) said to a TV station in USA, “David Beckham(贝克汉姆), who is fond of being clean very much, is quite different from me. He even groups the food in our fridge in terms of color. But I like to be casual, leaving my clothes everywhere. When he cleans the house, he will wear an apron and clean the dust in a straight line. He will become very angry if somebody walks where he has cleaned.”

according to Daily Post, a British newspaper, such remarks which may embarrass Beckham show the truth of the saying that he is suffering from compulsive disorder(强迫症) .

Beckham has admitted that he must arrange everything in a straight line or in pairs. For example, when he puts tins of Coke in a fridge, he will take away the tin which prevents him from doing so. He counts the number of tins of Coke again and again, and always puts magazines in order.



为“辣妹合唱团”全球巡回演唱会宣传的维多莉亚,曾告诉美国一家电台:“大卫(贝克汉姆) 非常、非常爱整洁,我就不一样。他连我们冰箱里的东西都用不同颜色分类。而我属于创意型的人,我的衣服会四散各处。若他打扫家里,他会穿围裙,走直线吸尘。任何人在他吸尘过的地方走动,他都会抓狂。”



本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/112681.html
