
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
Footfall 人气,客流量The newly set-up Starbucks in the neighborhood enjoys a huge footfall. It's a full house every time I go there.我们街区新开张的星巴克人气很旺,我每次去都是客满。释义:直译为落下的脚步。以前商场做市场调查,请专人统计进出商场的顾客的脚步,以此作为景气指数的重要参考。后演变为人气、客流量。链接:football:足球,橄榄球Forward ①前卫的,开放的;②有野心的,进取的① Jenny is a forward girl to shack up with a guy since junior high.詹妮是很前卫、很开放的女孩子,从初中开始就和人同居了。② You are so forward to wear that low-cut dress to a party.你可真前卫呀!穿那种低胸裙参加晚会。释义:forward girl:很前卫、很开放的女孩子另外,forward也可以形容很积极、很有野心的人。例如有人一心一意想要当上总裁,你就可以说:“He is a forward person.”Foul one's own nest 自毁家门,自取其辱Your bad behavior will foul your own nest.你的恶行会使你自取其辱。释义:直译是弄脏了自己的巢穴,比喻给自己的家庭、家人等带来耻辱;就如同一个足球运动员自摆乌龙,自取其辱。Freak out ①生气;②激动① Ed freaked out when we told him we crashed his car.听说我们撞坏了他的车,艾德很生气。② Dude, don't freak out. We can handle it.哥们儿,别急,能摆平。Freeble 免费品This bedding sheet is on sale and we also throw in the pillow as a freebie.床单打折而且还免费赠送一个枕头。释义:free:免费的freebie:免费品
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/1135613.html

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