还在很土的用I think表达“我认为”?这些才是老外常用的高级说

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  大部分人只会回答:I think — —


  所以今天,我们来学习一些表达“I think”更高招的说法。

  『 I maintain/suppose/presume that 』

  除了think这种老旧的说法,我们可以用 maintain/suppose/presume 这几个词来替换。

  这些词都比think、believe 要高大上、听上去有质感,比如。

  I presume the director has already heard the news.


  I maintain that all workers should be treated eqaully.


  I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together , rather like a wine.


  『 I would say 』

  当然啦,口语中,还可以更轻松些,直接说成“I would say”,意思是“我认为……”

  I would say it's almost time to hold him to that promise.


  『 If you ask me 』

  另外一种比较口语的说法,就是“if you ask me”,翻译成中文,约等于“要我说”。

  If you ask me, there's something a bit queer going on.


  『 In my humble opinion』


  这个短语有点故作低调,欲说还休的感觉,虽然是humble opinion,其实一般用这个短语时,说话的人对自己观点其实是相当自信的。


  In my humble opinion, he will win the election.

  依我拙见, 他将在选举中获胜。

  『 In my own conceit 』



  In my own conceit, the best practice is to maintain silent at the moment.


  『 from the way I see things 』



  Well, the way I see it, when you're in a place you forget what it looks like from the outside.


  『From where I am sitting/standing 』


  简单来说,这个短语直译起来是“从我站着、坐着的角度来看”的意思,但这和from my perspective有异曲同工之妙,而且更生动、活泼。

  From where I was sitting, it seemed that Mr Smith had broken the rule.


  『 It sounds to me like 』

  这个短语也很地道,意思是“在我听来”,其实就是 I think的另一种说法。

  It sounds to me like they are passing the buck.


  『 In my book 』


  In my book, this is not the way to handle it.


  『 For my part 』

  For my part意思是“就我而言”。

  For my part, I apologise for any offence caused by my actions yesterday.


  『 By my reckoning 』

  By my reckoning的意思是“据我估计”。

  By my reckoning, it must be 60 kilometres from here to the coast.




本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/1248674.html

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