
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
?I'd like to hear the story.我很想听听那件事。小对话:Did you hear about my trip?你听说我旅行的事了吗?Not yet. I'd like to hear the story.没呢。我很想知道。其他表达:I'd like to know the story.I'd like to hear about it.?We had small talk.我们只是闲聊一会儿。small talk “闲话,不着边际的话”。?How was the movie?电影怎么样?小对话:How was the movie?电影怎么样?I really enjoyed it.我觉得很有意思。?Did you enjoy the play?那部戏有意思吗?小对话:Did you enjoy the play?那部戏有意思吗?No, it was dull.真没劲。?I want to talk about it now.我想现在就谈谈那件事。小对话:Let's talk about it later.那事我们以后再谈吧。I want to talk about it now.我想现在谈。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/1318931.html
