
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网



absence[5AbsEns] n.1. [C,U]缺席;不在场:I soon noticed his absence from the lecture. 我很快便察觉到他缺课。2.[U]缺乏;没有:the absence of definite proof 缺乏确凿的证据

【用法】1.通常为不可数名词,但表示缺席或离开的次数或时间时,为可数名词:after an absence of three months 在离开3个月后 2.表示做某事缺席,其后通常接介词 from:His absence from school was caused by illness. 他缺课是因为生病。3.比较后接介词from和in的区别:Nothing happened during his absence from America. 在他离开美国期间,没有发生什么。/ Nothing happened during his absence in America. 当他不在此地而在美国的期间,没有发生什么。

absent[5AbsEnt] adj.1.缺席的;不在场的:How many students are absent (from class) today? 今天有多少学生缺席? 2.漫不经心的;心不在焉的;茫然的:an absent stare 心不在焉的呆视

【用法】1. 用作形容词,可表示“缺席的”;要表示“做某事缺席”,其后常接介词 from:Several students were absent from class today. 今天有几个学生上课缺席。有时根据不同的语境,也可能使用不同的介词:He’s absent in Beijing. 他外出了,现在北京。2. 用作形容词,有时表示“心不在焉,茫然的”等,通常只用作定语:She had an absent look on her face. 她脸上露出茫然的神色。

【考点】So many directors ______, the board meeting had to be put off.

A. were absent B. been absent C. had been absent D. being absent

答案为 D。句意为:因为有许多董事缺席,董事会议只好推迟。填空处为独立主格结构。全句谓语为had to be put off,由于逗号前后两部分之间没有连接词,所以逗号前面的结构不能用完整谓语,而要用非谓语形式。

abuse[E5bju:z] vt.1.滥用:It’s important not to abuse your position. 重要的是不要滥用你的地位。2. 虐待:to abuse a horse 虐待一匹马 n. [C,U]滥用:an abuse of authority 职权的滥用

【考点】It has been revealed that some government leaders _____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook

答案为C。句意为:据透露,一些政府领导滥用职权,非法谋利。比较:employ 雇用;take 拿,带;abuse 滥用;overlook 俯瞰,远眺。

accommodation[[7kCm[5deIFn] n.1.[U]住处,办公处,停留处,招待设备:The price of your holiday includes your hotel accommodation. 你度假的价格包括了你的旅馆住宿费用。2.[C, pl.]住处,膳宿:He has several overnight accommodations. 他有好几处过夜的住处。


ache[eIk] vi.1.疼痛:His legs ached after playing football for two hours. 踢了两个小时足球后,他感到腿痛。2. 渴望:She is aching to go abroad. 她一直渴望到各国外去。n.[C,U]痛,疼痛:He has an ache in the back. 他的背痛。

【辨析】ache与pain:1. ache 主要指肉体局部持续的疼痛或隐痛:My back aches terribly. 我背痛得厉害。而 pain 是一般用语,可指轻微的痛或剧烈的痛,可指局部的痛或全身的痛,可指持续的痛或突发的痛等:The death of his father gave him much pain. 他父亲的死使他很悲痛。2. 由于 ache 常用于指局部的持续性疼痛,所以它常与某些表示身体部位的词构成合成词,表示身体的某处疼痛(此时通常不用 pain):headache(头痛),toothache(牙痛)等。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/156733.html
