双语阅读 里奥纳度宣扬环保

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Leonardo Advocates Environmental Protection

At the invitation of HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,汇丰银行) , the international superstar Leonardo DiCaprio(里奥纳度) went to Hong Kong to promote public environmental awareness. He appeared in the first release (首演) of The 11th Hour(《危机时刻》), an environmental documentary(环保纪录片) supervised and narrated by him. He emphasized the urgency of environmental protection, calling for immediate actions to protect the Earth which is in crisis.

Leonardo has set a good example by taking such actions himself, such as eating organic food, using environment-friendly products and solar energy, and driving eco-friendly cars. When asked about how to protect environment, Leonardo points out emphatically that it must be based in everyday life. “Twelve years ago,” he says, “I talked with former US Vice President Al Gore(美国前副总统戈尔) in the White House about the global warming issue (地球暖化问题) . From then on, I have realized the seriousness of environmental damage and had the idea of advocating environmental protection through films.”

During the visit, smiling Leonardo left a good impression on his fans by satisfying their demands for taking photos and shaking hands with him.



里奥纳度应汇丰银行之邀,到香港宣扬环保。他出席了其监制及参与解说的环保纪录片《危机时刻》(The 11th Hour) 首映礼,并力陈环保的迫切性,指地球已进入危急状态,采取行动刻不容缓。



本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/214612.html

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