双语阅读 赵薇扮演“孙尚香”被批造型太丑

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Zhao Wei is Criticized for her Role of Sun Shangxiang

The first part of The War of the Red Cliff (《赤壁》) directed by Wu Yusen (吴宇森) will be shown throughout the country for the first time in July. The audience will be able to see all of the major images, including Zhu Ge Liang (诸葛亮) played by Jin Chenwu (金城武), Zhou Yu (周瑜) by Liang Chaowei (梁朝伟), little Qiao (小乔) by Lin Zhiling (林志玲), Sun Quan (孙权) by Sun Zhen (张震), Cao Chao (曹操) by Zhang Fengyi (张丰毅), Zhao Yun (赵云) by Hu Jun (胡军) and Sun Shangxiang (孙尚香) by Zhao Wei (赵薇) .

In a film advertisement appears Sun Shangxiang played by Zhao Wei in red and with an old-fashioned yellow cloak wrapped around her shoulders (披着土黄色披风), folding her arms and grinning. Some netizens (网民) believe that such a style is too rustic (土气) . “The cloth looks gray and coarse-textured (质地粗糙) . After all, Mrs. Sun was born in a noble family. How can she look so rustic? Why is such a bad-looking picture used in an advertisement?” Others think that Zhao’s forehead is too big, “looking like a traveler from outer space”(外星人) . And she looks “too old and sophisticated”. A radical netizen even says, “Sun Quan played by Zhang Zhen looks very handsome, while Sun Shangxiang looks old and exhausted. Does the film intend to distort the history by letting Sun be the mother of Sun Quan?” Another netizen describes Zhao’s role as an innocent-looking aunt.




在电影海报上,赵薇扮演的孙尚香穿红色衣服,披着土黄色披风,双手环抱,露齿大笑。在网上,有网民看到后觉得这个造型太土,“衣服颜色灰灰的,质地看上去也不好。怎么说,孙尚香都是个大家闺秀,怎么这么土。为什么会选这张这么难看的图做海报。”还有人觉得,海报中赵薇额头大得吓人,“有点像大头外星人”,且 “满脸沧桑,特别显老”。一名言辞激烈的网友发帖说:“张震扮演的孙权看起来很英气,孙尚香却一脸疲惫的老态,难道说《赤壁》颠覆历史,让孙尚香演孙权他妈妈吗?”还有网友用“大婶装天真”来形容赵薇的角色。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/218576.html
