
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

1. Taking linear notes 无结构笔记
Linear notes are lecture notes that students take when they attempt to write down every word of a lecture. Linear notes occur when a student tries to write every word a lecturer says in sequence, like writing a rambling essay with no paragraphs. 无结构的笔记是指学生在听讲座的时候试图记下授课者说的每个字。这样的笔记非常散乱,就像写文章没有段落一样。 You must revisit your linear notes and make relationships from one section to another. You should draw arrows from one related word or concept to another, and make a lot of notes and examples in the margins. 你必须重新阅读笔记,并且找到各部分之间的关系。可以在相关的概念之间画箭头连接,或者在笔记本边缘做适当的标注。 Solution: To reinforce information and to make it sink in, you must also recreate all your class notes in another form. You have to revisit the information and put it all into a chart or shrinking outline.
解决方法:为了牢固记忆知识,你需要用另外的方式重新构建你的课堂笔记。你必须重新梳理信息整理成表格或者框架的形式。[/cn] Right before every new lecture, you should review your notes from days past and predict the next day’s material. You should reflect and make relationships between key concepts before you sit down for a new lecture. [cn]在每堂课开始前,你可以回顾上堂课的笔记,回忆重点的概念和概念之间的联系,并且预测下一天的内容。
2. Highlighting the book 标记书本
Reckless highlighting is the root cause for many bad test grades! 鲁莽的标记书本可能是取得不满意成绩的根源。 Highlighting does make important information stand out on a page, but that doesn’t do you much good if you don’t follow up with some meaningful active with that information. Reading highlighted words again and again is not active enough. 标记确实可以突出部分信息。但对于这些信息,只是一遍遍地阅读是不够的。需要进行更深入的学习。 Solution: Use the information you highlight to create a practice exam. Put highlighted words onto flashcards and practice until you know every term and concept. 解决方法:将标记的词语组成练习测试。将标记的词汇写在抽认卡上做练习,直到你记住每个词语和术语的含义。 You should also develop a color-coded highlighting strategy. Highlight new words in one color and new concepts in another, for example. You could also highlight separate topics according to a color code for more impact. 你应该形成一套标记使用的颜色排序。比如:新词使用一种颜色,新的概念使用一种颜色。你可以根据颜色的编码来判断词语的归类。 3. Rewriting notes 重写笔记
Students rewrite notes under the assumption that repetition is good for memorization. Repetition is valuable as a first step, but it’s not that effective all alone. 一些学生认为重写笔记有利于记忆。重写笔记作为第一步是有效的,但是仅仅这样是不够的。 You should rewrite your notes in the shrinking outline method, but follow up with self-testing methods. 你可以采用框架的形式重写笔记,并在重写之后进行自我测试。 Solution: Switch class notes with a classmate and create a practice exam from his/her notes. Exchange practice exams to test each other. Repeat this process a few times until you are comfortable with the material. 解决方法:与同学交换课堂笔记,并且通过笔记设计测试题目。互相交换设计的试题来进行测试。重复这个过程直到你掌握知识。 4. Rereading the chapter 重新阅读章节
Students are often encouraged to re-read a chapter on the night before an exam to reinforce what they’ve learned. Rereading is a good tactic as a last step. 学生经常被鼓励在考试前重新阅读章节的内容来巩固所学的知识。但重新阅读章节作为最后一个步骤可能更为有效。 Solution: Make sure to use active steps like charts, shrinking outlines, and practice tests and follow up with rereading your chapter. 解决方法:你可以在重新阅读章节之前采取其他的学习方式:例如图表学习、框架学习和测试训练等。 5. Memorizing definitions 记忆定义
Students spend a lot of time using flashcards to memorize definitions. This is a good study method, as long as it’s a first step in the process of learning. As students progress through the grade levels, they are expected to progress in cognitive skills. 很多学生常常花费很多时间来使用抽认卡记忆定义。这是个不错的学习方法,但更适合作为学习的第一步,随着对知识的深入理解。学生更希望提高认知技能而不仅仅停留在定义的理解上。 Solution: Once you have memorized the definitions of your terms, give yourself a short essay practice test. Make sure you are able to define a term and explain why it is significant. Be able to compare and contrast your term to something or someone of similar significance. 解决方法:一旦你记住了术语的定义,给自己做一个测试。确定你可以解释术语的定义和术语的定义并且对相近的术语(某事或某人)做出对比比较。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/787038.html

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