
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

2013年高考将于6月7日、8日举行,高考频道编辑为广大考生整理了2013高考英语复习核心考点解析,帮助大家备考 高中英语


to one’s surprise表示“令人吃惊的是”,是介词短语。作结果状语或插入语,位于句首,其中one’s 指形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,surprise前也可用形容词修饰。例如:

To my great surprise, he passed the English examination.令我大为吃惊的是,他的英语考试极格了。

To Mr Lin’s surprise, Miss Li alone got three gold medals.使林先生吃惊的是,李小姐一人得三块金牌。

(2)in surprise表示“吃惊地、惊奇地”,是介词短语,作程度状语,常位于谓语之后。例如:

“How do you come to know it ?”Mr Zhao asked in surprise.赵先生惊奇地问:“你怎么知道的?”

He shouted to us in surprise.他吃惊地向我们呼喊。

(3)by surprise表示“出其不意、趁……不防、突然”,是介词短语,作方式状语。例如:

He took the dog by surprise. 他趁那条狗不防突然进行袭击。

His visit took me by surprise.他的突然来访使我感到意外

surprised adj.感到惊奇

①be surprised to do ②be surprised at

③be surprised that从句

They were surprised to hear the news.


He was surprised at their visit.


We are surprised that she can finish all these things in such a short

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/85789.html
