
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

题Unit 4 Where is my car时第四时跟踪领导
( ) 1. my cap A. 我的尺子
( ) 2. my ruler B. 我的帽子
( ) 3. toy box C. 玩开心点儿
( ) 4. in your bag D. 玩具盒
( ) 5. have a good time E. 在你的书包里
A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.
( )1. ---Is it in the box?
--- .
( )2. ---Is it on the box?

( )3. ---Is it under the box?

得分: 卷面整洁: 日期:
题Unit 4 Where is my car时第三时跟踪领导
fog hop hot lot mop
not cot god ox pot
1、That is a (狗).
2、This is my (橙子).
3、The pen is in the (盒子).
4、This is his (身体).
(hand, red, cat, box, leg, big, six, doll)
(1)bag, dad, panda, _______,________
(2)pen, ten, seven, _______,________
(3)milk, pig, gift, _______,________
(4)orange, dog, body, _______,________

题Unit 4 Where is my car时第五时跟踪领导
ball 小汽车
cap 帽子
car 地图
boat 球
map 小船
( )1.---Where is my boat?
---_________in your toy box.
A.It`s B. It
( )2. ---Is it in your toy box?
---No, __________
A. it is. B. it isn`t.
( )3.当你找不到你的玩具小船,着急地问妈妈:
A. Mum, is it in the boat? B.Mum,where is my boat?
( )4. 你猜测:“它在你的玩具盒里吗?“你会说:
A. It’s in your toy box? B. Is it in your toy box?
( )5. 你回答:“不,它不在。”你会说:
A. No, it isn’t. B. No, it is.

题Unit 4 Where is my car时第六时跟踪领导
( )1.A.desk B. in C. chair
( )2.A.car B. ball C. under
( )3.A.boat B. on C. under
( )4.A.cap B. in C. on
on under in
1.The pencil box is____the desk.
2.The ruler is ____the book.
3.The bag is ___the desk.

A.--where is my cap? ---it’s under the desk.
B.--Where is my boat? --it’s on the chair.
C.--Where is my ball --it’s in the box.
D.--Where is my ruler? --it’s under the toy car.

题Unit 4 Where is my car时第一时跟踪领导

where desk in ruler under chair on

在...里 书桌 哪里 在...上 尺子 在...下 椅子

( )1. 放学了,你想对同学说“我们回家吧!”你应该说:
A. Let’s go to school. B. Let’s play! C. Let’s go home.
( )2. 你想询问“我的铅笔在哪儿?”时,你应该说
A. Where is your pencil?
B. Where is my pen?
C. Where is my pencil?
( )3. 你想说“它在你的书下面。”你应该说: 。
A.It’s under your desk.
B. It’s under your desk.
C. it’s in your desk.

得分: 卷面整洁: 日期:
题Unit 4 Where is my car时第二时跟踪领导

desk chair
( )1.A.under B. in C. desk
( )2.A.chair B. desk C. on
( )3.A.on B. man C. under
( )4.A.in B. chair C. on
三.看图,选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在( )内。

( ) ( ) ( )
A. The car is on the box.
B. Look, the bus is in my bag.
C. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, It's under the chair.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/140915.html
