
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络


( ) 1. 他是我的爷爷。
( ) 2. 你是迈克吗?
( ) 3. 晚上好,我的朋友们。
( ) 4. 这是我的家人。
( ) 5. 这张光盘给迈克。
( ) 6. 看我的新小汽车。
( ) 1. Good afternoon, class.
( ) 2. This is y father,
( ) 3. Hello, she’s y sister.
( ) 4. Are you Su Hai?
( ) 5. Good orning, iss Li.
( ) 6. Goodbye , iss Li.

( )1. A yes,please B.yes,I a
( )2. A yes,please B.thank you
( )3. A Good afternoon B.Good evening
( )4. A it’s red B.it’s a robot
( )5. A it’s great B.thank you
( ) 1. A. orning B. afternoon C. hello
( ) 2. A. yes B. no C. good
( ) 3. A. cap B. skirt C. Yang Ling
( ) 4. A. are B. a C. yes
( ) 5. A,green B.blue C. Liu Tao
( ) 6. A,uncle B.father C. friend
1. what colour is your T-shirt? 2. Hi, Su Hai.
3. would you like a cake? 4. Are you Wang Bing?
5. This doll is for you! 6. No, I’ not.
7.see you 8. Hi, I’ Su Hai.
9. iss Li’s robot 10. Good orning, class.
( ) 1、would you like a sweet?
A. Yes,please B.No, C. I’d like
( ) 2、See you, iss Li.
A. Goodbye B. Hello C. See you.
( ) 3、Ti is y .
A. sister B. brother C.father
( ) 4、Hello, I Alice.
A. a B. is C. are
( ) 5、Happy Birthday!
A.thank you B.yes
( ) 1. look at y skirt
( ) 2. Good orning.
( ) 3. it’s nice.
( ) 4. thank you!
( ) 5. Good orning, Yang Ling.
1. ike想介绍Liu Tao给爸爸认识, 他怎么说 ( )
A. He’s Liu Tao. He’s y good friend.
B. She’s Liu Tao. She’s y good friend.
2. 傍晚放学了,刘涛和李老师告别,他可以说 ( )
A. Good afternoon,iss Li. B. Goodbye, iss Li.
3. ike想告诉妈妈Yang Ling和Liu Tao都是他的朋友,可以说: ( )
A. Yang Ling and Liu Tao are y friend.
B. Yang Ling and Liu Tao are y friends.
4. 询问远处的东西,应该说: ( )
A. what’s this? B.what’s that?
5. 苹果是什么颜色,会说: ( )
A. what colour is apple? B. would you like an apple?
6. 你想问对方是不是Su Hai, 可以问: ( )
A. Are you Su Hai? B. Hello, Su Hai.
7. 向同学介绍自己,应该说:( )
A. Hello, I’ ike. B. Hello, ike.
8. 放学时应该和老师说:( )
A. Hello, iss… B. Good bye, iss…

Vv Ff Ii

( ) 1. would you like a pie? A. Good orning.
( ) 2. Hello. I’ Su Hai. B. Hello, Yang Ling.
( ) 3. Hi, Sa. C. No, thank you.
( ) 4. This CD is for you! D. Good orning , Ti
( ) 5. This is y brother, Ti. E. Hi, Bobby.
( ) 6. She is y sister, Yang Ling. F. Yes, I a.
( ) 7. Are you Su Hai? G. Hello, Su Hai.
( ) 8. Good orning, Helen. H. Thank you!
1、Are, Su Yang, you(?)
2、iss, Goodbye, Li , (.)
3、y, is, She, friend , (.)

4、I’, Su, Hi, Hai, (.)
5、What, like, you ,would(?)

1.This is y sister.
2. Goodbye Su Hai. Bye.
3. I’ ike. He’s y brother, Ti.
4. Good orning, I’ Bobby.
5. Are you ike? No, I’ Liu Tao.
6. He’s y grandfather.
7. This is y faily.
8.hello,sa hello,bobby
9.what’s your nae? I’ lan yang yang
10.this doll is for you!
11.what’s this ?it’s a ball
12.would you like a pie?
二、听录音,判断所听句子与所给中意思是否相符,相符的的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。1. She’s y grandother.
2. Are you ike?
3. Good orning, y friends.
4. This is y faily.
5. this CD is for you!
6.look at y nice car.
1. This is y father,
2. Hello, she’s y sister.
3. Goodbye , iss Li.
4. Are you Su Hai?
5. Good orning, iss Li.
6. Good afternoon, class.
1. Hi, I’ Bobby. This is y other.
2. Are you Yang Ling? Yes I a, He’s y friend , Wang Bing.
3. Good orning. I’ Helen. She’s y friend, SuHai.
4. Are you Liu Tao? No, I’ ike.
5. Good afternoon, I’ Ti. He’s y grandfather.
1.would you like a sweet?
2.happy birthday!
3.Good evening!
4.what colour is it?
5.look at y nice skirt!

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/47948.html
