.Unit4 Review and Check教案

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Unit4 Review and Check教案
Ⅰ.Teaching Ais
1.Ss can understand, read, say and write the neords in unit1-3
2.Ss review the adjectives and adverbs and their coparative fors.
3.Ss review asking the way.
4.Ss can understand read say and write the new sentences in unit1-3.
Ⅱ.Teaching focus and difficulties
1.Ss can aster the neords in unit1-3
2.Ss can use the new sentences in unit1-3
Ⅲ.Teaching Aids
Copy bwk
Dictation bwk
Ⅳ.Teaching ties two

Period One
Ⅰ.Teaching Content
Part A.B
Ⅱ.Teaching Ais:
1.Ss review the ain drills of unit1-3
2.Ss review the adjectives and adverbs and their coparative fors.
Ⅲ.Teaching focus and difficulties
1.Ss can aster the neords in unit1-3
2.Ss can use the new sentences in unit1-3
Ⅳ.Teaching Aids
Copy bwk
Dictating bwk
Ⅴ.Teaching steps
Step 1:pre-task preparation
1.sing a song
I wish I was taller
2.review the adjectives and adverbs in the free talk
3.have a dictation of the adverbs and adjectives
Step2:while-task procedures:
1.Ss look at the picture an give the correct order
2.Ss read the dialogues in roles
3.invite several pairs to look at the picture and say
4.7 gives an exaple
5.Ss look at the pictures and work in pairs
6.several pairs to say
7.Ss choose four dialogues and write on the copy bwk
Step3:post-task production
1.Ss review the words
I y ine you your yours
He his hi she her hers they their theirs
2.Ask and answer with the drills
Who is……than…..?
Whose ……is……,yours or ine?
3.Ss do soe exercise to consolidate
Step4: hoework
2.recite part A.B
Step5: writing

Unit 4 Review and Check
As……as /than
How far……?
Period two
Ⅰ.teaching content
Part C.D
Ⅱ.teaching ais
1.Ss review the adjectives and adverbs and coparative fors
2.Ss review asking and answer the way
Ⅲ.teaching focus and difficulties
1.Ss aster the way to ask and answer the way
2.Ss aster the use of the verb phrases with adverbs
Ⅳ.teaching aids
Dictation book
Ⅴ.teaching steps:
Step1:pre-task preparation
1.ask and answer
who is…than…?
Whose…is…,yours or ine?
2. ask and answer
Who jups farther, you or she?
Does …jup higher than…?
2.have a dictation of the words
Step2:while-task procedures
1.Ss look at the pictures, read an fill in blanks
2.Check and correct
3.7 asks Ss the way to…(a real place near the school)
Ss work in groups, try to tell the way.
4.Ss ask and answer the way (real place)
Step3:post-task production
1.learn the reports
a.Ss read the reports theselves
b.7 asks soe questions, Ss answer
c.Ss learn the asking and answering in the bwk
d.Ss ask and answer according to the reports
2plete the letter
a.Ss coplete the letter according the reports
b.7 checks then Ss read it
Step4 hoework
1.Ss read and say part D x k b1
2.Ss recite part A.B
Step5 writing
Unit 4 review and check
The way to……
Turn right/left at……
Get off at……
Go along……

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/36315.html
