
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

姓名: 班别:
A. Do you go to work early everyday? B.I walk to People’s Park.
C.When do you usually get up? D.I work in People’s Park.
E.Where is your wife(妻子)? F.What does your wife do?
G.How do you do?

r He is a cleaner.The reporeter is asking hi soe questions.
Reporter: Good orning,r He! I’ a reporter fro DongGuan Daily,
.y nae is ary,
r He:_______________________________________________
ary:How do you do?Csn I ask you soe questions?
r He:Of course…
r He:Yes,I work so early.
r He:I usually get up at 5 o’clock,and then I work fro 6 a.. to 6p..
ary:Where do you work?
r He:_________________________________________________
ary:How do you usually go to work?
r He: I go on foot.
r He:She is a cleaner,too.
ary: Oh,You’re hardworking!
r He:Thank you!
(teaches, bike, copany, old, subway, English, student, singer, salesperson, school, likes, usic)
Linda is a ______.She is eleven years ______. She ______singing very uch. She wants to be a ______one day. Her other is a ______ teacher. She works in Linda’s school, and she ______Linda usic. Every orning, Linda and her other go to ______ together. They go by ______because the school is far ______ their hoe. Linda’s father is a ______.He sells cars. He works in a big________.
1.A:___________________________ B:r a is a cleaner.
2.A:___________________________ B:They work in a factory.
3.A:___________________________ B:iss Li is going to work by taxi toorro
4.A:___________________________ B:No, John isn’t a baseball player.
5.A:____________________________ B:Yes, r a works in a hospital.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/47402.html
