
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

一.听录音,标出朗读的顺序8% P34

二.听问句选出最佳答语5% P71
( ) 1. A. America.B. England.C. Canada.
( ) 2. A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, she does.C. Yes, I do.
( ) 3. A. She’s from Beijing.B. I’m from Tianjin.C. He’s from Shanghai.
( ) 4. A. At nine in the morning.B. At four in the afternoon.
C. At nine at night.
( ) 5. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he can.
三. 听录音,根据听到的内容填空7% P29
Gao Wei and _______ are looking at today’s newspaper. Gao Wei’s _______ is a fireman. He often helps people _______ his work. ____ is a brave man. His _______ is a ________. Peter wants to be a _______, too.
一. 语音
A. 找出画线部分发音不同的单词5%
( ) 1. A. cameraB. thatC. MaryD. thank
( ) 2. A. elevenB. EnglishC. jacketD. desk
( ) 3. A. fiveB. milk C. big D. this
( ) 4. A. BobB. cokeC. homeD. tomato
( ) 5. A. futureB. mumC. studentD. computer
B. 判断画线部分发音是否相同,相同的画“√”,不同的画“?”5%
1. seatplease( )2. goodschool ( )
3. countwould( )4. daughteraunt ( )
5. abouthouse ( )
二. 词汇
A. 按要求填写单词5%
1.make (过去式) _________ 2. zoo (复数) __________
3.shoes(单数) __________4. that’s (完整形式) __________
5. dictionary(复数)__________
Class: Name:
B. 用所给词的适当形式填空5%
1. She can’t ____________(sing) American songs.
2. What would you like? I’d like some _________. (knife)
3. You must say a sentence ___________ (use) the pictures there.
4. The Spring Festival ___________ (come). Let’s clean our house.
5. She looks at ________ (she) in the mirror.
C. 根据所给中文完成句子5%
1. My mother and aunt are ________(警察).
2. She likes ________ (写作).
3. My grandmother______(看上去) young.
4. ________(怎样)is your grandfather?
5 Ann is pretty and ________(安静的).
( ) 1. __________ your mother an actress?
A. AreB. IsC. DoesD. Do
( ) 2. What __________ your brother do?
A. isB. doC. areD. does
( ) 3. Is the girl your daughter? Yes, __________ is.
A. heB. sheC. itD. it’s
( ) 4. My father is __________ animal doctor.
A. aB. anC. theD. ?
( ) 5. What __________ you do?
A. areB. doC. isD. does
( ) 6. Let me tell you something __________ our school.
A. ofB. aboutC. toD. ?
( ) 7. There are six __________ in his family.
A. peopleB. peoplesC. ?D. are
( ) 8. Please write __________ your mother.
A. inB. onC. atD. to
( ) 9. Thank you __________ your e-mail.
A. toB. ofC. onD. for
( ) 10. Welcome __________ China.
A. inB. toC. aboutD. from
( ) 11. __________ does your uncle do?
A. WhereB. WhoC. WhatD. Which
( ) 12. Where __________ your aunt work?
A. isB. doesC. areD. do
( ) 13. __________ is he? He’s my uncle.
A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. ?

( ) 14. Where does your mother work? She _____ in the hospital.
A. isB. workC. worksD. to
( ) 15.Let__________ help you.
A. meB. myC. ID. mine
( ) 16. Westerners eating “family style” usually put the food on the table ___.
A. at all onceB. at once allC. all at onceD. all once at
( ) 17. If you cannot say ______ , go back to start.
A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. things
( ) 18. Violet is playing _______ for me.
A. violinB. a violinC. the violinD. an violin
( ) 19. Children’s day in Japan is on ________.
A. June 1stB. October 1stC. November 23rdD. May 5th
( ) 20. Let me tell _______ friend something ______ our school.
A. you, aboutB. you, ofC. you, aboutD. your about
四. 句型转换5%
1. He’s a fireman.________ his job?
2. Those dolls are Li Fang’s. (提问)________ are those dolls?
3. Are these new mirrors hers? (肯定句) These _______ mirrors ________hers.
4. These are their spoons. (一般疑问句?)________ these their spoons?
五. 补全对话10%
A: Hello, Li Lei.
B: Hi, Jim. Can you come and play football ________ us on Sunday?
A: Sorry, I can't. Dad is taking us ________ in the car.
B: Do you like going in the ________?
A: Yes, I do. We sometimes go out in the car ________ Sunday. Sometimes we go swimming. I like _______. Can you swim?
B: Oh, we usually go and see my uncle on Sunday. I like doing that. We sometimes go fishing.
A: Do you like fishing?
B: Yes, I do. My uncle is very good ________ fishing. He ________ a lot of fish. Then we take them ________ for supper.
A: Who cooks ________?
B: My dad. I help ________.We like cooking fish!
六. 完形填空10%
Miss Yang works in the library of No. 14 Middle School. She loves her work because she 1 books. In the library she has got many books 2 different subjects. She is very helpful and 3 the books very carefully. She is very strict. Everybody 4 return the books on time.
One day Meimei goes to the 5 . She said she could not 6 her
library book. Miss Yang ask her to pay for it. At that moment, Lucy comes and shows 7 book to Miss Yang. It is just 8 library book! Meimei is very
Class: Name:
9 . She thanks Lucy. Miss Yang tells 10 to be more careful from then on.
( ) 1.A.returnsB.lovesC.borrowsD.buys
( ) 2.A.for B.onC.inD.of
( ) 3.A.looks for B.looks likeC.looks afterD.looks at
( ) 4.A.mustB.mayC.canD.could
( ) 5.A.schoolB.shopC.cinemaD.library
( ) 6.A.seeB.thinkC.findD.lose
( ) 7.A.a B.anC.anyD.some
( ) 8.A.Meimei’ sB.Miss Yang’sC.MeimeiD.Miss Yang
( ) 9.A.angryB.sorryC.afraidD.pleased
( ) 10.A.sheB.herC.hersD.herself
七. 阅读理解10%
A. (A) Mary is five years old. She likes asking questions. Some of her questions are funny. Everybody says she will do very well at school.
One day Mary goes with her father to see her uncle. Her uncle lives in another city. He is very happy to see them.
The next morning Mary's uncle takes her and her father out and shows them around.
"Look at that church(教堂)," says her uncle. "It is the oldest building in the city."
"How old is it?" her father asked.
"It is build 2,000 years ago," her uncle says.
But Mary suddenly laughs. "How could that be?" she says, "It's only 1998 this year!"
1. Mary and ________ go to see her uncle
2. She asks some ________ questions.
3. Her uncle ________ live in the same city.
4. Her uncle shows them around the ________.
5. The church is the ________ building in the city
B. It is fine today. The sun is in the sky. Mr. Green and his family are in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Green are standing under the trees and looking at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. He is reading a book. Ann’s younger brother is too young. He can’t walk and run. He is drinking milk. Ann’s sister is not in the park. She is at school.
( ) 1. There are five people in Ann’s family.
( ) 2. Ann’s brother is flying a kite.
( ) 3. Ann is a girl.
( ) 4. Ann’s sister is a student.
( ) 5. Ann has two brothers

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/50853.html
