
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

姓名: 分数:
部分 (40分)
( ) 1.A. BDG B.GBD C.DBG ( ) 2. A.QLS B.OSP C. LSZ
1、pen pencil 2、head hand 3、yellow purple
4、monkey elephant 5、two cake 6、eight plane
7、arm body 8、finger panda 9、pig pink
10、water kite
( ) Good morning .
( ) Bye .
( ) Good morning , Mike .
( ) How are you ?
( ) Fine , thank you .
(  ) Goodbye .
1、How old are you ? I ’m _______.
2、How old are you ? I ’m _______.
3、How old are you ? I ’m _______.
4、How old are you ? I ’m _______ .
1、( ) A、I ’m 10 . ( ) B、 One candle .
2、( ) A、 I ’m 9 . ( ) B、 9 .
3、( ) A、 Thank you . ( ) B、 I ’ m 3 .
4、( ) A、 This is Sarah . ( ) B、 This is Mike .
5、( ) A、 This is Mike . ( ) B、 This is for you .
1.________________ . 2. __________________ .
3._______________ . 4.__________________.
5. _______________.
( ) 1. A. feel B. warm C. cold D. cool
( )2. A. laugh B. cry C. sing D. hurts
( )3. A. leg B. ear C. mouth D. nose
( )4. A. father B. mother C. name D. daughter
( )5. A. seven B. nine C. under D. eight
⑴.pencil ⑵.hand ⑶.purple ⑷.duck ⑸.blue ⑹.Squirrel ⑺.eraser ⑻.nose ⑼.sharpener ⑽.rabbit ⑾yellow ⑿.mouth ⒀.pig ⒁.monkey ⒂.arm ⒃.head ⒄.ruler ⒅.finger ⒆.red ⒇.leg 新课 标第 一 网

Fly like a bird . 我有只狗熊
Climb like a monkey . 给你
May I have a look ? 像鸟一样地飞。
Here you are . 我可以看一看吗?
I have a bear . 像猴子一样地爬。
Nice to meet you . 这是怀特小姐。
How are you ? 你身体好吗?
I ’m fine . Thank you . 认识你,我很高兴。
This is Miss White . 好极了!
Great ! 我身体很好,谢谢你。
( )1.当别人向你说“Thank you!”时,你应说:
A.Nice to meet you! B.Good morning! C.You’re welcome.
( )2.当你想询问对方多大年龄时,你应说:
A.What’s your name? B.Who are you? C.How old are you?
( )3.当别人称赞你的衣服时,你应说:
A.Thank you. B.not at all. C.You are welcome.
( )4.当你请对方吃苹果时,你应说:
A.Have an apple,please. B.Can I have an apple?
C.The apple is red.
( )5.在下午向人问好时,你应说:
A.Good morning ! B.Good afternoon. C.Where are you?
( )6.朋友过生日,你应该送出的祝福语为:
A. Happy Birthday! B. Happy New Year. C. Merry Chrismas.
( )7.假如你你到医院看病,医生该如何用英语来询问你的病情呢?
A. How are you? B. What’s the matter? C. How do you feel?
( )8.当你问别人,你最喜欢的食物是什么时,应该说__________
A.What’s your favourite food? B.I don’t like meat.
C.I like noodles.
( )9.当问别人你想要点儿什么时,应该说__________
A. How much is it? B. What would you like,please? C. How are you?
( )10.当你向别人借铅笔时,你应该说__________
A. May I borrow your pen,please?
B. How many pens do you have? C. How much is it?
( )11.你想说“我最喜欢的食物是饺子”,应该说__________
A. My favourite food is dumplings. B. I like rice. C. I like meat.
( )12.当你想问“多少钱”时,应该说__________
A. How much is it? B. How old are you? C. How are you?
( )13.当你饿了,你想吃时,应该说__________
A. I’m Li Ming. B. I want to eat. C. I want to drink.
( )14.当别人说“May I borrow your pencil,please?”时,你应该说
A. Sure! B. Yes. C. No.
( )15.当你询问对方什么时候写作业时说:
   A. What are you doing ? B. When do you do homework ?
   C. Who are you ?
( )1. I’m hungry? I want to __________.
A. eat B.drink C.meat
( )2. I’m thirsty! I want to __________.
A.food B.drink C.eat
( )3. Would you like some soup,Jenny?
A. Yes,please! B. Thank you. C. You’re welcome.
( )4. What’s your favourite food? __________
A. Meat B. Pen C. Pencil
( )5. I get up in the __________.
A. afternoon B. evening C. morning
( )6. I go to bed in the __________.
A. morning B. evening C. afternoon
( )7. How many __________ on the desk?
A. pens B. pen C. pencil
( )8. Thanks! __________.
A. You’re welcome. B.Thank you C. Yes.
( )9. How much for one donut? __________.
A.One yuan B. Ten C. Thanks.
( )10. May I borrow your pencil, Jenny? __________.
A. Eleven B. Sure C. Thanks
1.How old are you ?
___________________________________________ .
2.How many pens do you have ?
3.Do you like English ?
4.Is your school beautiful ?
5.What colour do you like best ?

This is Nancy’s pencil box. It’s new. What’s in it?
Let’s open it and have a look. Oh,a ruler,a pen and a key.
( )1.The pencil box is new.
( )2.There is a ruler in the pencil box.
( )3.There is a ball pen in the pencil box.
( )4.The key is Helen’s key.
( )5.There is a pencil in the pencil box.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/56930.html

相关阅读:三年级下册英语Book2 Unit13 Dialogue 课堂练习