
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

学校: 班级: 学号: 姓名:

( )1. A、 cat B、bag C、read
( )2. A、 flag B、may C、map
( )3. A、 bad B、hat C、make
( )1. rubber boots A、雨衣 B、雨靴
( )2. windy A、风 B、刮风的
( )3.weather A、天气 B、秋天
( )4. make a snowman A、打雪仗 B、堆雪人
( )5. weather report A、天气 B、天气预报
( )6. 寒冷的 A、cool B、cold
( )7.雨伞 A、raincoat B、umbrella
( )8. 雪 A、snow B、snowy
( )9. 去划船 A、go boating B、go climbing
( )10.刮风 A、blow B. skate
三、根据汉语提示,在横线上填上单词所缺字母。( 8分)
1. ___mbrella ( 雨衣 ) 2. rain___( 下雨的 ) 3.___ine ( 我的 )
4. ___loudy (多云的 ) 5.s___ate ( 滑冰 ) 6. s___owy ( 下雪的 )
7. coo___ ( 凉爽的 ) 8. w__rm(温暖的 )
四、选词填空。( 12分 )
1._______ up!
A. Get B. get C. look
2.Look out ______ the window!
A. of B. at C. /
3.I’m _____ the weather report.
A. watch B. watching C. watched
4.How’s the _________.
A. weather B. like C.winter
5.What’s the weather like _______ xi‘an today .
A. in B.on C.\
6. Good ______!
A. / B. idea C.look
五、连词成句。 (10分)
1. home / go / Let’s ( . )
2. what / is / weather/the/in Beijing/like (? )
3. weather / how’s / the / ( ? )
4. we/in / go boating / shall / xinqing park( ? )
5. haven’t / I / an / umbrella / got / ( . )
六、连线题。( 10分)
1.What’s the weather like in xi’an today? a. You may use mine.
2.It’s snowing. b. We can make a snowman.
3.I haven’t got an umbrella. c. Let’s go home.
4.School is over. d. It’s raining.
5.Look out of the window! e. It’s sunny. It’s hot,too.
七、情景选择。( 24分)
1.放学了,该回家了,你会对你的同学说: ( )
A.School is over. B.Let’s go home.
C.Look out of the window!
2. 当你需要某件东西,却发现自己没带,你如何说: ( )
A.Don’t worry. B.I’m sorry.
C.Oh, too bad! I haven’t got …
3.别人给你提供帮助后,你会如何说: ( )
A.Thanks a lot. B.Don’t worry.
C.You’re welcome.
4. 当你看到下雨而没带雨具时,你会说: ( )
A.I’m sorry. B.Wonderful!
C.Oh, too bad!
5. 当别人给你一个很好的建议时,你会说: ( )
A.Thank you. B.Good idea!
C. How are you?
6. 当你想知道朋友的名字时,你该如何说: ( )
A.What’ your name? B. When is your birthday?
C. Happy birthday!
7. 当你想给别人一个好的建议时,你该说: ( )
A.May I help you? B. You should …
C. What are you doing?
8. 当你想约好朋友一起出去玩时,你该说: ( )
A.I want to go out to play.
B.Shall we go out to play?
C. Thanks a lot.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/82156.html
