
大班英语:Put on

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 幼儿园英语教案 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

大班英语:Put on


1 Continue to study phrase “put the red hat on”.继续学习put the red hat


2 Using other words to form such as “put the red coat/the blue trousers

on”.应用其他词替换put the red coat/the blue trousers on

3 Be interested in English by studying in the game.通过在游戏中学习对英语


4 Go over numbers and colors.复习数字和颜色。


1 object of clothes 实物衣服

2 TV电视

3 children’s works of clothes 儿童的衣服作品

4 teddy bear 玩具熊

5 drum 鼓

6 a schoolbag 书包

7 Experience: children have known the word “put on” in the story “The

wooly hat”.经验:通过故事毛线帽孩子已经知道put on


Part 1


Dialogue: Good morning.对话:早上好。

What day is today?

What is weather like today?

What breakfast do you have today?

Who is your friend?

Game: Touch the red coat.碰一碰红外套

??? Teacher says:“Touch your blue sweather/yellow trousers/pink

coat/black shoes.”so on.?

Part 2

Game: guess猜一猜

??? 老师扮演魔术师用魔术师的头饰挡住被请上来的小魔术师的眼睛。让小魔术师摸

一摸,猜一猜What’s in the schoolbag? ( teddy bear/ tiger /line /elephent/


Studying put the hat on.继续学习put the hat on.

Teacher puts the hat on head and says “put the hat on”.

Teacher asks: “ What color is the hat?” Then says: “ Put the red hat


老师继续扮演魔术师从布下变出各种服装如:jeans, coat, T-shirt,dress.老师通

过由浅入深的提问方式引导孩子说出:“put the blue jeans on/ put the orange

coat on/ put the grey T-shirt on/ put the pink dress on.”

For example: teacher acts magician and says: “Abrakadabra, one two three

” teacher takes out sth. under the clothes and asks:

Studying put the coat/trousers on so on.学习put the coat/trousers on等等

Help bear to put clothes on帮小熊穿衣服.

Game: Passing bear.游戏:传小熊

?Part 3

Game “hopping the number bridge”.游戏:跳过数字桥

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/youer/1145203.html

大班英语教案 Unit 2 Animals第1课时